Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2009 North Rebel

Created by tino > 9 months ago, 19 Jun 2008
443 posts
19 Jun 2008 6:32PM
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No centre strut!!!

Thought I'd share some pics....

443 posts
19 Jun 2008 7:56PM
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So because I ride for JN I can't share info about other brands.....???

NEW JN kites come out in August in time for the new season, I'm sure I'll have pics of those too

NSW, 1000 posts
19 Jun 2008 11:05PM
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I've already got a few inflatable (and ram air) car covers in the shed, but how much are you asking for the bucket of vomit?

Just making the point that no centre strut isn't news. Anyone rushing out to buy an old Monkey? No centre strut folks! It's the latest innovation, like no pulleys on the bar!

I spent last weekend on a kite with 3 struts, a 9m Ozone Light, very nice in the surf, so I'm sure the 4 strut Rebel could a winner too. Maybe it's 33 1/3% better?

443 posts
19 Jun 2008 9:56PM
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Maybe with only 4 struts it turns quick, less weight and easy water relaunch. It looks very delta looking too like the EVO

QLD, 1011 posts
20 Jun 2008 12:29PM
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tobes said...

I've already got a few inflatable (and ram air) car covers in the shed, but how much are you asking for the bucket of vomit?

Just making the point that no centre strut isn't news. Anyone rushing out to buy an old Monkey? No centre strut folks! It's the latest innovation, like no pulleys on the bar!

I spent last weekend on a kite with 3 struts, a 9m Ozone Light, very nice in the surf, so I'm sure the 4 strut Rebel could a winner too. Maybe it's 33 1/3% better?

I find it completely bizarre why you would want to be negative about a new kite before you have tried it, let alone even seen it in the flesh or maybe even read what North will have to say for themselves about it either? Maybe they have a new bridal or line set up, that combined with no centre strut has an amazing innovation?

I take it you are linked to other brands in some way?

NSW, 1000 posts
20 Jun 2008 4:00PM
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Paul1 said...
I find it completely bizarre why you would want to be negative about a new kite before you have tried it, let alone even seen it in the flesh or maybe even read what North will have to say for themselves about it either? Maybe they have a new bridal or line set up, that combined with no centre strut has an amazing innovation?

I take it you are linked to other brands in some way?

I don't think I've been negative about the Rebel at all....perhaps you can point out first post was intended as a parody of Tino's post, he has just taken a few photo's from a thread on kiteforum....

I'm not linked to any brands, just a normal kiter, I buy my own secondhand kites, have a North harness and Rocketfish. I quite like Rebels actually, owned a 12m 2007 briefly, flown the 10m 2008 a bit, I like the simplicity of the design, direct connection, no pulleys on the kite or bar.....just happier with the build quality and performance of the kites I fly. Always happy to find something better though.....

Someone on the kiteforum thread has actually flown a Rebel 09, here's what he had to say -
"i was trying the 10 mts for 1 hr... really nice compact kite... works like the 2008 , fast, smooth, easy....great in gusty wind...huge jumps and good hang time.... i found a bit more bar pressure, but still ligther than evo 08...."

QLD, 1011 posts
20 Jun 2008 5:23PM
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Saying that you have seen it all before and comparing it to a monkey kite is very positive, sorry for my misinterpretation of your up beat comments.

NSW, 1000 posts
20 Jun 2008 6:33PM
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I like to think I contrasted it to the Monkey kite.

So, who knows something about the 09 Rebel that they didn't read on kiteforum?

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
25 Jun 2008 9:32AM
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North Rebel 2009.

I have seen and inflated one in the Flesh, but I have not had the oppitunity to fly one yet. However, I have spoken with Drew Beavis about it. I will post more once I have actually flown it myself but....

The bigger sizes are more "C" shaped than previous years, meaning they turn faster. From what Drew has said, they are substantially faster. The smaller sizes are a similar span to previous years, kind of open hybrid. They kites have been really focussed on stability and consistancy in flying. They 09 REBEL is a little more unhooked friendly, being ale to over sheet and drift better than last years. No more stalling. Jumping is more powerful, and the kite in general is able to sit deeper and ride more powered up. Relaunch is much easier. The reason for going 4 strut, is North have developed a way of stablizing the canopy with materials in stead of struts. By adding more dacron and heavier Nylons to the load areas of the kite, they have been able to do away with the center strut, lowering drag, but keeping optimum performance.

Anyway, enough PDF testing. I will post more once I get a chance to fly it.



QLD, 108 posts
30 Jun 2008 10:23AM
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Hey JB are they available in Aus.

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
16 Jul 2008 8:43AM
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Come check out the new REBEL 2009 at SALT on lights landings at the Onboard product night. Call Onboard for more info.


cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
28 Jul 2008 6:53PM
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JB What's the story with the inflation system? I heard they where going to put a one pump on it, is there a reason their trying to ruin a good kite or have they pony'd up for the Slingshot system? What's the story.

29 Jul 2008 9:38AM
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cRAZY Canuk said...

JB What's the story with the inflation system? I heard they where going to put a one pump on it, is there a reason their trying to ruin a good kite or have they pony'd up for the Slingshot system? What's the story.

Everything we have been told is that it is one pump, and capable of 3 types of set-up.
More details here.

Rebel stuff

We will have demos soon, approx 3 weeks.

Cya and



WA, 679 posts
29 Jul 2008 8:27AM
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Change your mind about North gear then Steve?
Quality was cited previously as to why you weren't going to stock them. Must have improved a bit hey?

Give me individual inflation anyday. Why take something so simple and try to complicate it purely for the sake of doing 1-2 minutes extra set-up. I had a heap of issues with the slingshot system...all the time spent replacing cable ties etc. meant that the time saved with pumping was gone when I couldn't even pump the thing up.

QLD, 23 posts
29 Jul 2008 10:57AM
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here's some detailed picts of north's new construction on this site (copy/paste full link):[showUid]=1139&tx_podgallery_pi1[pointer]=0&tx_podgallery_pi1[mode]=1

SA, 601 posts
29 Jul 2008 11:24AM
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What the F? You had to replace cable ties all the time??

Yep those cable ties can get pretty complicated. Better stay clear from all external onepump systems just to be safe eh

Seriously, how hard is it to cut a cable tie and pull a tube off. Then once your done to put a new cable tie back on. It doesnt take a Rocket Scientist to work it out.

BTW, Your only supposed to tighten the cable tie slightly. Your not supposed to get your pliers out and tighten it until it snaps.

And in my opinion it is more reliable because you dont have 6 valves that stretch over time and then stop sealing.

WA, 679 posts
29 Jul 2008 12:28PM
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I'm quite aware of how to fix a tube mate. The point is, if it wasn't there, it wouldn't have been an issue. All original cable ties bar one came off on different occassions. One connecting tube split (and not from over-tightening it).

Just not a fan of anything thatt has been added on unneccesarily...i.e. it doesn't make you a better kiter, adds money onto the retails price and means more things can go wrong (something you don't want when you're 1.5km offshore at a break).

Convince me that it's more reliable than single inflation and i'll eat my hat.

Each to their own.

VIC, 4501 posts
29 Jul 2008 3:31PM
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kiterdan said...

I'm quite aware of how to fix a tube mate. The point is, if it wasn't there, it wouldn't have been an issue. All original cable ties bar one came off on different occassions. One connecting tube split (and not from over-tightening it).

Just not a fan of anything thatt has been added on unneccesarily...i.e. it doesn't make you a better kiter, adds money onto the retails price and means more things can go wrong (something you don't want when you're 1.5km offshore at a break).

Convince me that it's more reliable than single inflation and i'll eat my hat.

Each to their own.

I've had 3 single inflation kites and have yet to have a single issue on any of them. (two separate brands). I think you may have got a dud kite rather than a dud concept. I won't buy a kite that doesn't come with single inflation. Would you not fly LEI's simply because you got a dud set of bladders that blew on one kite? (a couple of brands have had this happen including North)

If you add an electric pump, it cuts the entire pumping time out because you can let your kite pump on its own while you're setting up the lines.

WA, 679 posts
29 Jul 2008 3:28PM
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Pretty extreme hypothesis isn't it Saffer? Taking that further, I probably wouldn't be flying kites because the material will eventually tear!

All I'm asking is, have there been more inflation issues because of One-pump - a simple yes/no question. If you are honest with your response, answer the follow-on question - what is the single parameter??

As I said, each to their own. I like my kit simple because of my preferred kiting style/locations. You like yours easier (because you're lazy?!)

Not too keen to get into a debate. It's an opinion...get over it.

Someone tell us how this rebel is better than it's predecesor? Apart from single inflation of course!

VIC, 4501 posts
29 Jul 2008 7:06PM
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kiterdan said...

Pretty extreme hypothesis isn't it Saffer? Taking that further, I probably wouldn't be flying kites because the material will eventually tear!

All I'm asking is, have there been more inflation issues because of One-pump - a simple yes/no question. If you are honest with your response, answer the follow-on question - what is the single parameter??

As I said, each to their own. I like my kit simple because of my preferred kiting style/locations. You like yours easier (because you're lazy?!)

Not too keen to get into a debate. It's an opinion...get over it.

Someone tell us how this rebel is better than it's precedent? Apart from single inflation of course!

You call me lazy and then tell me to get over it? Does your TV have a remote? Do you class yourself as lazy for using the remote or are simply for taking advantage of the technology for being there? Would you buy a TV that didn't have a remote, or would you class someone as lazy for making this decision? It doesn't make the quality of the TV any better either, but its a feature nevertheless.

The hypothesis may be extreme but you are basing your argument based on your own experiences and assuming those experiences are the same as others. You class it as unnecessary and assume that because you don't have the requirement for it, no one else does.

WA, 679 posts
29 Jul 2008 6:39PM
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Don't get too excited my firey forum-tragic friend. It IS a forum. You have a little cross at the top right that you may use (although entirely unneccessary) to close the window if you wish.

Now tell me, how is the new rebel is better than the 08...

WA, 4263 posts
29 Jul 2008 6:59PM
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Right-on Dan.
Screw one-pump.

The evil kiting Industry wants consumers to re-new their kites every season at the least.
Single-point inflation system is just another gimmick to help make this happen.
Kites have become more disposable and junky with one-pump.

WA, 66 posts
29 Jul 2008 8:39PM
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Review from a trusted friend in South Africa:

Other good news is that Olaf has sent us a 09 Rebel 12m. I picked it up on Thursday and drove straight to Alkant for a test drive. Flew it again today, after making a few tuning adjustments. Still early days but can report the following:

1. Have a 08 12m so can compare 09 to 08 in same size:
2. Very mellow kite. Direct opposite to the "let me moer you" 08 Rhino we tested.
3. Turns faster than 08
4. Less prone to backstall when fully sheeted in.
5. Weighs less than 08. Can feel when picking up.
6. I can't feel any noticible difference in jump & float, very similar to 08
7. Bar pressure a lot less - especially when steering lines on back attachments.
8. Power application smoother when sheeting in (more linear?)
9. Lots of depower. Stand on beach - pull in & go up, sheet out & come down.
10. Very stable in the air - sits nicely with no flutter if pumped.

Summary: It is a kite that I like, responsive and powerfull but very manageble. Light bar pressure and mellow. maybe an old mans performance kite? If you like hooligan kites, this one might not be for you. I do think that if the flying characteristics are the same throughout the sizes, that this might be an exceptional high wind (35 - 40knt) machine in the smaller sizes.

VIC, 4501 posts
30 Jul 2008 9:10AM
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kiterdan said...

Someone tell us how this rebel is better than it's precedent? Apart from single inflation of course!

It has no middle strut, two struts off center like the Nova 3. More bottom end.

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
30 Jul 2008 9:00PM
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I am going to be on the goldy this weekend, and I believe ROAR are putting on a bit of a BBQ/Beers meet at Currumbin park. The winds look like it's going to be a dud, but I'll inflate all the kites and have all the boards there to show. If the wind turns good, I'll leave a note somewhere to tell you where we have gone. Stay tuned for more info.


WA, 1194 posts
30 Jul 2008 9:11PM
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so does the larger sizes have more power in the turns or does it fly like last years - more of the " pull bar in" type of power?

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
3 Aug 2008 8:16AM
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Finally got to fly the Rebel, and WOW.

It amazes me how North keep making such a good kite better each year, and not just by a little bit, but heaps better.

I flew the 12m Rebel 09 on Friday at Kirra, and the wind was probably ranging from about 12 - 18 knots from the NW-N.

There were quite a few crew at the beach that got to have a try, and hopefully they will post their opinions.

Most noticable things I found were the smoothness of sheeting, and the turning speed. Jumping was awesome, much better than 08, and power felt much smoother than 08 from window edge to edge.

Relaunch is rediculous, I couldn't get it to stay in the water. This kite is nearly too easy to relaunch.

All up, the whole kite has lifted in performance in every aspect. A Very impressive ride.

I will be at Currumbin today with the North rebel and EVo, but I don't think there is going to be any wind, but feel free to come by and check it out.


cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
4 Aug 2008 10:09AM
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Can any one that's seen the kites at one of JB's road show's comment on the "Lazy Pump" system? Is it decent or is it going to be another lemon like the 2 pump system?

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
4 Aug 2008 10:44AM
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The Lazy pump that is on the REBEL 09 is the same as the one on the RHINO 08, and there hasn't been any issue with that system, so I am confident that the 2009 Lazy pump system will be a winner.


VIC, 132 posts
4 Aug 2008 12:14PM
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I fly the 08 rhino with the lazy pump and it works well. No probs as yet. My last one pump was a torch and it sucked when i needed a new bladder.

QLD, 108 posts
4 Aug 2008 2:23PM
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Okay done sold whatever. Now when can I get one. Is there anything more definate than, "Sometime in August", cause it is sometime in August now.



Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2009 North Rebel" started by tino