Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

New wave kite time for On/CrossOn waves

Created by zarb > 9 months ago, 14 Oct 2017
4862 posts
21 Oct 2017 1:58AM
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SonnyRider said..

Plummet said..

SonnyRider said..

Plummet said..
I personally like no pullies because I thrash my kites for years and years! Pullies wear out bridles shrink and break a lot sooner with pullies.

If you plan to upgrade every couple of years then pully wear won't be an issue. If you want to flog a kite for years then no pullies is winner winner chicken dinner.

Don't listen to the hype about pulleys wearing out bridles. Sure they'll be shrinkage, but that'll be the same for non-pulley kites too.

My 2013 Wave has had a lot of use, I've been fortunate to be able to kite alot. I normally get around 80+ sessions a year, probably more. I keep a diary (sad, but true)
Anyway, the 2013 Wave has not worn any part of the bridle, I'm sure it's shrunk, but no wear...

It'll be 5yrs old this December, without any pulley wear... just probable shrinkage.

And at 97 - 100 kgs, I need a lot more wind than some of you guys, so wear on the bridle/pulleys would be more apparent. Wouldn't it?

That sorta proves my point earlier. Some people prefer pullies and some don't.

So... Like pullies buy the airush.
Don't like pullies buy the ozone.
Don't care either way. Test both and buy the one that makes you grin the most.

Both kites will be awesome. So you'll be grinning no matter what your decision.

It doesn't really Plum, you said "Pullies wear out bridles shrink and break a lot sooner with pullies. "

I was saying, nope. not in my experience of Airush

The rest we agree

Sounds like you are getting good wear out of your pullies. But you may not realise how much the bridles have shrunk and put the kite out of whack over the years.

Its physics. I surface that is subject to rubbing and abrasion will wear out sooner than one that doesn't have any rubbing.

Does airush publish bridle lengths?
If so go and measure. See how much the pully bridles have shrunk compared to others.

I have one kite with pullies. That's my ozone Chrono foil kite. Because ozone publish bridle lengths you can track the bridle shrinkage. Bridles with pullies shrink and wear many times faster than those that don't have pullies.

NSW, 624 posts
21 Oct 2017 11:06AM
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Certainly given me a lot to think about. I'm just going to demo as much as I can, and shop around for some good deals.

Thanks everyone.

NSW, 1261 posts
21 Oct 2017 11:08AM
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Plummet All Manufactures publish bridle diagrams

All bridle kites need to be maintained
while pulley systems may wear more
They do not shock load as bad when kite flex and turn

The kites that need the least mantance are 5 line C's
My 2012 Razor is still going strong only had the 5th pop once while looping flew back to the beach
And do an annual back/front adjust
But hey they take more skill to fly

Try them all
Fly what you like

PS Are you part of the Ozone Pimp Team now

QLD, 187 posts
21 Oct 2017 1:50PM
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IanR said..
All Manufactures publish bridle diagrams

Is this true ?

does anyone know where i could find the bridle diagram for an OZONE 2012 model 8m REO?

4862 posts
21 Oct 2017 12:02PM
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IanR said..

PS Are you part of the Ozone Pimp Team now

When did I suggest ozone over airush in this thread? I simply said go ozone if you don't want pullies. if you like pullies go airush.

Both kites will be awesome.

My personal preference is no pullies. Though I have to withstand pullies on my foil kite. If there was a way to have a no pulley depower foil I would go for that.

NSW, 1261 posts
21 Oct 2017 5:15PM
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Plummet said..

IanR said..

PS Are you part of the Ozone Pimp Team now

When did I suggest ozone over airush in this thread? I simply said go ozone if you don't want pullies. if you like pullies go airush.

Both kites will be awesome.

My personal preference is no pullies. Though I have to withstand pullies on my foil kite. If there was a way to have a no pulley depower foil I would go for that.


Impling another manufacture does not publish bridle diagrams
Rather Terry Mc Tool school of Pimping
Cheap pulleys snag and jam causing wear
Quality pulleys spread the load evenly
Maybe try the Airush pulleys on your kite
My preference is no bridle

NSW, 624 posts
21 Oct 2017 6:02PM
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Ok everyone let's settle down... I've gotten the message that people feel very strongly about their respective chosen brands of choice. It's a shame because it makes it all the more difficult to make an informed decision. Like I said, I'm gonna demo and decide.

NSW, 331 posts
21 Oct 2017 8:25PM
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SonnyRider said..

Plummet said..
I personally like no pullies because I thrash my kites for years and years! Pullies wear out bridles shrink and break a lot sooner with pullies.

If you plan to upgrade every couple of years then pully wear won't be an issue. If you want to flog a kite for years then no pullies is winner winner chicken dinner.

Don't listen to the hype about pulleys wearing out bridles. Sure they'll be shrinkage, but that'll be the same for non-pulley kites too.

My 2013 Wave has had a lot of use, I've been fortunate to be able to kite alot. I normally get around 80+ sessions a year, probably more. I keep a diary (sad, but true)
Anyway, the 2013 Wave has not worn any part of the bridle, I'm sure it's shrunk, but no wear...

It'll be 5yrs old this December, without any pulley wear... just probable shrinkage.

And at 97 - 100 kgs, I need a lot more wind than some of you guys, so wear on the bridle/pulleys would be more apparent. Wouldn't it?

I wont weigh into the pulley vs no pulley too much as its a preference thing, I prefer a non pulley kite. As far as pulley wear goes, There is no brand of pulley kite that I have not needed to replace a warn bridle on. Take that as you will. I would say Iv done less bridle replacements on Airrush Kites then other brands but There are not alot of airrush kites in my buisness area. If there is a moving part, it will wear. Id say 5 years of heavey use and no wear is either very good luck or a well looked after kite. congratulations!

92 posts
21 Oct 2017 5:37PM
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PLuumet said

Its physics. I surface that is subject to rubbing and abrasion will wear out sooner than one that doesn't have any rubbing.

Does airush publish bridle lengths?
If so go and measure. See how much the pully bridles have shrunk compared to others.

Yup, I agree, if the 'pulley' is a solid block, you would get friction. Didn't they use them on Slingshot?

The pulleys on Airush are like sailing blocks, where the internal wheel actually turns, so meaning less friction on the bridle. Only if the pulley seizes will it cause it to rub, then friction, etc. etc.

I kite at a mixture of beaches so experience all types of sand, from fine to chunky sands. I've yet to have a pulley jam.
The LF ones on my Havoc & Envy's used to have to blasted with water every couple weeks to clear them and get them free again.

Yes, Airush do give bridle lengths, as posted above. Like I said I'm sure the 2013 Wave I have probably does have some shrinkage and I will be investigating that soon. But I reiterate (again) no pulley seizing or wear on the bridles from using a pulley, on that kite in 5 years.
Shrinkage and wear are two different things.

Try and get a demo, only you know what you'll like. Enjoy the time on each :

92 posts
21 Oct 2017 5:42PM
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Adam'KiteRepair said..

I wont weigh into the pulley vs no pulley too much as its a preference thing, I prefer a non pulley kite. As far as pulley wear goes, There is no brand of pulley kite that I have not needed to replace a warn bridle on. Take that as you will. I would say Iv done less bridle replacements on Airrush Kites then other brands but There are not alot of airrush kites in my buisness area. If there is a moving part, it will wear. Id say 5 years of heavey use and no wear is either very good luck or a well looked after kite. congratulations!

Pure luck or testament to a good pulley system?
I wouldn't say my 9 was a well looked after kite

NSW, 352 posts
22 Oct 2017 11:16AM
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In my opinion pulleys are better helps on the gusty winds keep the kite more stable and better driffiting .

NSW, 1261 posts
22 Oct 2017 12:32PM
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zarb said..
Ok everyone let's settle down... I've gotten the message that people feel very strongly about their respective chosen brands of choice. It's a shame because it makes it all the more difficult to make an informed decision. Like I said, I'm gonna demo and decide.

Yea Zarb.
It is difficult, particularly when brand managers way in with there spin
But you have the right Idea Demo as much as you can
Consider All Factors Like Price, Warranty, and Maintance.

NSW, 385 posts
Site Sponsor
22 Oct 2017 1:36PM
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max_ob said..

IanR said..
All Manufactures publish bridle diagrams

Is this true ?

does anyone know where i could find the bridle diagram for an OZONE 2012 model 8m REO?

Here you go :)

Cut sheet

REO2012 8m production lines

6/2/11 LIN-10-300-GREY

A2-----------2-------- 440mm
A3---------- 2-------- 470
AL2-------- 2-------- 600
AL1---------2-------- 790
A1----------2-------- 1027


KL---------- 1-------- 530


KL ----------1--------- 530

Sorry for the shoddy formatting, this forum doesn't recognise "spaces"

QLD, 295 posts
22 Oct 2017 12:57PM
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Go and try the new RRD Religon , been a pure wave kite longer than any of the others , the 2017 model is the best yet ,on shore and cross shore settings , bullet proof construction and drifts like a old homeless person.

NSW, 624 posts
22 Oct 2017 4:16PM
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bearbusa said..
Go and try the new RRD Religon , been a pure wave kite longer than any of the others , the 2017 model is the best yet ,on shore and cross shore settings , bullet proof construction and drifts like a old homeless person.

I have to admit, I'm very drawn to the pink and purple color of the Religions...

92 posts
22 Oct 2017 3:30PM
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A kite 'friend' of mine uses Religions, he gets on well with them. He rides mostly strapped. He's similar weight to me as well (95+kgs) I've not tried them, but have been interested tho'

The trouble with too much deliberation is you spend too long at it

QLD, 187 posts
22 Oct 2017 8:21PM
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KPSS Used said . . .

Here you go :)

Sorry for the shoddy formatting, this forum doesn't recognise "spaces"

Thanks heaps for your reply.

pro merc
NSW, 300 posts
23 Oct 2017 10:32AM
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I think you would be happy with either kite as they are both good!

Having spent a little time on the Wave I can tell you it feels a little underpowered compared to an all-round version of kite. It does everything as advertised and flies very well. I think Airush has the edge (no pun intended) over Ozone with their load frame tech. this reduces stretch of the canopy by a lot and keeps the kite flying like new longer.

Control system wise both are nice and simple. Airush loop is a more compact product.

178 posts
23 Oct 2017 1:24PM
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Plummet said..

IanR said..

PS Are you part of the Ozone Pimp Team now

When did I suggest ozone over airush in this thread? I simply said go ozone if you don't want pullies. if you like pullies go airush.

Both kites will be awesome.

My personal preference is no pullies. Though I have to withstand pullies on my foil kite. If there was a way to have a no pulley depower foil I would go for that.

Both great kites. But why would I choose a long bridle and pullies when I can have the same performance with a short bridle and no pullies. KISS.

4862 posts
25 Oct 2017 3:15PM
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So what do we learn from this thread.

Both kites are good.

Some people like pullies, some don't, some prefer no bridles at all

Moving components wear faster than static components.

NSW, 1261 posts
26 Oct 2017 8:43AM
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BigZ said..

Both great kites. But why would I choose a long bridle and pullies when I can have the same performance with a short bridle and no pullies. KISS.

While both kites do the same job they do not have the same performance.
They feel very different to fly. One has a very on/off feel when sheeting. The other has a more progressive feel and a more constant turn feel

If you looking for kites with the similar preformance as the Ozone look at brands like Switch and Buzz ( short bridle no pulleys)
And for similar performance to the Airush try North, Naish or RRD (longer bridle with pulleys/slider)

178 posts
26 Oct 2017 10:34AM
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IanR said..

BigZ said..

Both great kites. But why would I choose a long bridle and pullies when I can have the same performance with a short bridle and no pullies. KISS.

Ahh another Ozone pimp bot that has not flown both kites.
While both kites do the same job they do not have the same performance.
They feel very different to fly. One has a very on/off feel when sheeting. The other has a more progressive feel and a more constant turn feel

If you looking for kites with the similar preformance as the Ozone look at brands like Switch and Buzz ( short bridle no pulleys)
And for similar performance to the Airush try North, Naish or RRD (longer bridle with pulleys/slider)

Whatever dude ..

4862 posts
26 Oct 2017 2:18PM
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BigZ said..

IanR said..

BigZ said..

Both great kites. But why would I choose a long bridle and pullies when I can have the same performance with a short bridle and no pullies. KISS.

Ahh another Ozone pimp bot that has not flown both kites.
While both kites do the same job they do not have the same performance.
They feel very different to fly. One has a very on/off feel when sheeting. The other has a more progressive feel and a more constant turn feel

If you looking for kites with the similar preformance as the Ozone look at brands like Switch and Buzz ( short bridle no pulleys)
And for similar performance to the Airush try North, Naish or RRD (longer bridle with pulleys/slider)

Whatever dude ..

Yeah. its quite funny. If you have an opinion that's different to IanR's you must be a pimp.

NSW, 1261 posts
26 Oct 2017 9:30PM
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I obviously hit a nerve there Plummet. Bah ahah ahah
I didn't disagree with your opinion I challenged you implying that Airush didn't provided bridle diagrams. And that Ozone are a Better company because they do.

What does annoy me is people making up lies to push one brand.
Even Steve (Ozone Kites Aus) High lighted the difference between long pulley bridles and the one on Ozone kites.
And only a moron or pimp would say that they have the same preformance
Niether kite is wrong or right.
Just fly what feels good for you

178 posts
26 Oct 2017 11:41PM
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IanR said..
I obviously hit a nerve there Plummet. Bah ahah ahah
I didn't disagree with your opinion I challenged you implying that Airush didn't provided bridle diagrams. And that Ozone are a Better company because they do.

What does annoy me is people making up lies to push one brand.
Even Steve (Ozone Kites Aus) High lighted the difference between long pulley bridles and the one on Ozone kites.
And only a moron or pimp would say that they have the same preformance
Niether kite is wrong or right.
Just fly what feels good for you

Instead of calling people morons go and kite some serious waves - if you can -and you will appreciate simplicity and reliability.

NSW, 1261 posts
27 Oct 2017 11:15AM
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BigZ said..
Instead of calling people morons go and kite some serious waves - if you can -and you will appreciate simplicity and reliability.

So where is your home break BigZ.
What do you consider serious waves.
Id be happy to swap kites and you can experience the simplicity and reliability of a C kite with no bridle - If you can handle it.
I'll be in La Morne in just over a week although a bit late in the season hope things line up.

178 posts
27 Oct 2017 8:54AM
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IanR said..

BigZ said..
Instead of calling people morons go and kite some serious waves - if you can -and you will appreciate simplicity and reliability.

So where is your home break BigZ.
What do you consider serious waves.
Id be happy to swap kites and you can experience the simplicity and reliability of a C kite with no bridle - If you can handle it.
I'll be in La Morne in just over a week although a bit late in the season hope things line up.

Sorry dude. The other side of the globe. But if you have guts to kite in NorCal winter waves we will give you a tour.

178 posts
27 Oct 2017 9:02AM
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BigZ said..

IanR said..

BigZ said..
Instead of calling people morons go and kite some serious waves - if you can -and you will appreciate simplicity and reliability.

So where is your home break BigZ.
What do you consider serious waves.
Id be happy to swap kites and you can experience the simplicity and reliability of a C kite with no bridle - If you can handle it.
I'll be in La Morne in just over a week although a bit late in the season hope things line up.

Sorry dude. The other side of the globe. But if you have guts to kite in NorCal winter waves we will give you a tour.

By the way, you just spent the week arguing benefits of multiple pulleys and now 180 degree twist...


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"New wave kite time for On/CrossOn waves" started by zarb