Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

Wednesday Downwinders

Created by andycass > 9 months ago, 8 Oct 2008
QLD, 85 posts
8 Oct 2008 11:22AM
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Would anyone be interested in setting up weekly downwinders from Henley to Chicken shack, wind dependant now that the evenings are getting lighter. More people the merrier, maybe with a monthly barbie.

SA, 350 posts
8 Oct 2008 12:42PM
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andycass said...

Would anyone be interested in setting up weekly downwinders from Henley to Chicken shack,

hi Andy,

Great idea!!!
Were you thinking a casual Wednesday downwinder? or a more competitive evening?

Are you a SAKSA member? the reasons I ask are:

* The SAKSA events committee is always on the lookout for new ideas.

* If you organise a weekly event and those involved are SAKSA / AKSA members then you have insurance as well as organisational support.

* You could then develop a "Wednesday series competition". this may keep the "Wednesday" enthusiasm for the season (competitive lure).
Many other sports have a weekly comp .

If your idea was just to have a casual blast every Wednesday, more power to ya


SA, 137 posts
8 Oct 2008 4:07PM
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how about a best trick comp
every tuesday 6.30pm at henly

3 individual catergories

handle pass
and something elce

each rider gets 2 attempts (2nd olny if they stack)
may give everyone a bit of encouragement to keep improving over summer & its short sharp and shiny

Whats everyone think???

airush geoff
974 posts
8 Oct 2008 1:51PM
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Both have merit- I like the all inclusiveness of the downwinder, I like the idea of Jarrad coughing up blood cos he's throwing down hard too....

Good job Andy pumping up the weekly downwinder- good for the social side of the sport.

QLD, 85 posts
8 Oct 2008 3:59PM
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How about a rider judged best trick/best wipeout for the weekly downwinders then each month have a handlepass kiteloop comp with a barbie for the prize's. If we can get some cameras along as well as post some pictures/videos on the forum for judging.

SA, 222 posts
8 Oct 2008 4:44PM
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All this talk of Handlepass / Kiteloop / Competition / upside down and inside out! I'm just a beginner. Sounds a bit intimidating with all good experienced riders around me!!

I like the idea of a casual downwinder! Sound like fun!!

airush geoff
974 posts
8 Oct 2008 2:33PM
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All the crew who have posted up here will attest to the fact that the guy who comes off the water with the biggest smile wins !

Once again though the downwinder sounds like an awesome idea- nice that the kiteshop has now relocated to a more convenient spot so we have a fridge to keep some beers cold in for when we finish...

SA, 137 posts
8 Oct 2008 5:07PM
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saksa should invest in an old coaster bus to ferry everyone up wind for the downwinder each week

airush geoff
974 posts
8 Oct 2008 2:51PM
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No worries- maybe we could get an esplanade property to have showers at as well...

Hiring a bus once a month might be a viable option, anyone got any contacts ?

SA, 451 posts
8 Oct 2008 5:57PM
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Ummmm, Des' Mini Buses???

I like the idea of the house on the esplanade!! Lets say $1.2 million, with 12 shareholders= $100,000 each which is around $170 per week in repayments.

Even $1.6 million with 12 share holders is only $133,000 each or $220 per week!!


In fact, put me down for 2 shares.!!

Maybe Chappy could get us a better deal!!!

A couple of garden showers out the front and some towel racks would do just the job.

SA, 164 posts
8 Oct 2008 11:48PM
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Yes, I'll find you the best funds Jordy but your investors are a greater risk than the investment itself...

Always a fan of downwinders and expression sessions. Nice one Andy. We could mix it up with a cone race as well...

Dale Moeys
SA, 37 posts
9 Oct 2008 8:51PM
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SA, 69 posts
10 Oct 2008 11:05AM
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I'm definitely keen for downwinders. I should be able to fit a few people and kites in my wagon for the upwind parts.

I'll watch this space for more info as the seabreezes pick up...

QLD, 85 posts
13 Oct 2008 1:23PM
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Its not wednesday but there is a downwinder from henley to chicken shack today around 3pm. If anyone is around.

QLD, 213 posts
13 Oct 2008 3:01PM
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on the way, looks like a sunny 15 knot sw breeze. fun fun fun

QLD, 85 posts
14 Oct 2008 10:20AM
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We all had a ball and came of the water smiling. The wind was a gusty 15knt WSW with small chop and shore break to play in. Ended up leaving from Grange jetty. Nice range of kites outs fuel, revs and venoms 11m - 16m. Best wipeout goes to Craig it was a big hole he left in the water and an honarable mention to Gibbo for landing/crashing his kite in the shore break as he was coming in everyone loves packing up a dripping wet sandy kite (nice try at an unhooked railey though)

SA, 107 posts
14 Oct 2008 2:15PM
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I'm interested...but what time on Wednesday?

QLD, 85 posts
14 Oct 2008 3:05PM
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We would generally try to meet at 3pm and be on the water around 3.30pm, back at the chicken shack for 5pm. The sea breezes can start to die out after 6. The timing is generally based on who can make it and when. If we have wind and people can only make 4.30 we will wait, or more likely have a quick one first!

QLD, 85 posts
21 Oct 2008 8:49PM
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Well the seabreezes have been kicking in and been getting in several if not lots of downwinders. Due to confusion about where we are going from we have decided to name them like ski runs. So the 5 runs are;
1 henley by the river mouth to the chicken shack
2 just north of henley jetty to the chicken shack - at the moment called the 'Latte'
3 just north of grange jetty to the chicken shack
4 chicken shack to bower road - at the moment called 'The Last Hoot'
5 henley to largs bay
the names that stick we will use

will have to sort out a way of contacting everyone as well and what times people can usually make. maybe an early run for us slackers then a later one for the true blue workers out there.

QLD, 85 posts
21 Oct 2008 8:50PM
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Well the seabreezes have been kicking in and been getting in several if not lots of downwinders. Due to confusion about where we are going from we have decided to name them like ski runs. So the 5 runs are;
1 henley by the river mouth to the chicken shack
2 just north of henley jetty to the chicken shack - at the moment called the 'Latte'
3 just north of grange jetty to the chicken shack
4 chicken shack to bower road - at the moment called 'The Last Hoot'
5 henley to largs bay
the names that stick we will use

will have to sort out a way of contacting everyone as well and what times people can usually make. maybe an early run for us slackers then a later one for the true blue workers out there.

SA, 343 posts
22 Oct 2008 12:10PM
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We don't need to worry too much about the details in advance.

If the wind is blowing, be at Phil's Shop (AKA the Chicken Shop) between 3 and 3:30. Then we decide the vehicle and location logistics.

QLD, 213 posts
22 Oct 2008 12:06PM
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hopefully today will be a carbon copy of yesterday
if anyone is keen for the downwinder try to be at the kiteshop by 3 today and we will go from there.

SA, 343 posts
29 Oct 2008 1:38PM
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Here's a Kite Aerial Photo of the "Latte Run"


airush geoff
974 posts
29 Oct 2008 12:22PM
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Is there going to be wind this afternoon ?

How many people went last week ?

SA, 451 posts
29 Oct 2008 3:04PM
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Why don't you ask Raggles?? You and him are best mates and you should be cause you're as good at predicting the wind as he is!!! USELESS!!

SA, 164 posts
30 Oct 2008 11:16AM
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Great photo Mike. Hopefully I'll get a chance to get out for a Latte Wednesday before the end of summer...

SA, 213 posts
3 Nov 2008 12:25PM
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This Wednesday is looking like a 15knt southwester.
whats happening

QLD, 85 posts
3 Nov 2008 1:44PM
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Txts start flying around when there is wind and we all meet at the shop whenever is convienient for people usually 3pm to get the best of it. Then we drive down to grange/henley and kite back to the shop.
Its starting to pick up now so there will be a board meeting in progress shortly.

QLD, 213 posts
4 Nov 2008 6:35PM
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Forcast looks promising for tomorrow with a bit of WSW forcast during the mid afternoon. Probably plan on the 3pm shop meet, although if anyone is keen there may be an earlier session.

QLD, 85 posts
4 Nov 2008 8:33PM
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if we get the NW there may be a N haven morning boardmeeting.

QLD, 213 posts
5 Nov 2008 12:07AM
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morning board meetings sounds good
hope its windy


Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"Wednesday Downwinders" started by andycass