Forums > Kitesurfing Queensland

who owns sandgate???

Created by chucky79a > 9 months ago, 28 Jan 2016
QLD, 13 posts
29 Jan 2016 12:04AM
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To the ... who rides the cabrinha at Sandgate.

Maybe you should get a woo, u will be extremely disappointed. I guess you think you are the best kitesurfer on show at Sandgate and I can see why as the majority of the kiters are from the kite school across the road. But can you at least grab the board when u jump in front of me and atleast look slightly stylish. More importantly stay .. away from me. Its a long beach front. I move out the crowd so I can push kiteboarding in Sandgate to a new level. So do you need to constantly FOLLOW ME and kite downwind of me, forcing myself to give way to your poxy jumps???
HINT!! Im not interested ...

QLD, 799 posts
29 Jan 2016 6:11AM
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Here ya go chucky.....

Grab yourself a couple of cans.....sounds like u may need it!

QLD, 147 posts
29 Jan 2016 9:15AM
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I assume this is the guy on the Crossbow/Velocity? Usually rocks a red cap?

QLD, 191 posts
29 Jan 2016 9:56AM
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There are a lot of people who do this sort of stuff at Sandgate and Brighton, Always the same people, always as frustrating as ever, always line themselves up downwind and short tack. A little bit of courtesy goes a long way. But not many have been doing the sport long enough to understand. Thats why i love 30+ knot days, only people who know what they are doing and everyone give each other room to do their tricks.

185 posts
29 Jan 2016 8:51AM
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chucky79a said..

To the old w##### who rides the cabrinha at Sandgate.

Say no more.

QLD, 1451 posts
29 Jan 2016 3:19PM
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can we get a photo?

QLD, 549 posts
30 Jan 2016 8:50PM
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Love the rant! I've kited Sandgate once when visiting, swore I'd never do it again. Sooo many people on kites and not many kiters. long timers won't be offended by that, and I don't care what inconsiderate kiters think.

Fly on da wall
SA, 725 posts
31 Jan 2016 7:18AM
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I have kited there... but never again unless I have a knife to
cut the lines of inconsiderate kiters who don't know any basic

Kinda excites me to kite there again!

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
1 Feb 2016 5:37AM
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If I had to kite from Sandgate I'd take a few tacks out and pass north of the pool if possible. Nice area there and generally lots of space.

Even better is to just pick a point 1/2 way up the bay, self launch & land. That's what i normally did. I lived on 16th so I'd go straight off there and have the whole beach to myself.

QLD, 191 posts
1 Feb 2016 10:30PM
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Shhhh Dave no telling!

QLD, 559 posts
2 Feb 2016 7:47AM
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We have a few good kiters that short tack and transition in front of you , I just do it back to them in the hope they get the hint.
On a better note , we had a rail set up on Sunday. There was 4 on it and we had a great loop happening!

QLD, 13 posts
2 Feb 2016 9:16AM
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Don't get me wrong - There are plenty of awesome dudes that kite in that area. Just a few who spoil it. But been no red cap last few days, kiting has been unreal... On my rant day he followed me to 12th ave back to 8th ave, back to 12th ave, I had to get out of the water before I lost it - my kite was brand new..

Fly on da wall
SA, 725 posts
4 Feb 2016 10:43AM
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chucky79a said...
Don't get me wrong - There are plenty of awesome dudes that kite in that area. Just a few who spoil it. But been no red cap last few days, kiting has been unreal... On my rant day he followed me to 12th ave back to 8th ave, back to 12th ave, I had to get out of the water before I lost it - my kite was brand new..

Yes, you're correct.. there a few like every short tacking liquid
force kook that mow that place only out as far as the low
tide watermark!

It's only a matter of time before there's another accident there..

It rates as the worst place to kite in Brisbane.. even with a warning rashie on, doesn't exclude people from polite kiting and basic rules of the sea...

QLD, 362 posts
5 Feb 2016 3:24PM
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Well it was owned by some local indigenous tribe but unfortunately the white folk totally killed them so now it's owned bye me

QLD, 191 posts
5 Feb 2016 4:55PM
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rhinoman said..
Well it was owned by some local indigenous tribe but unfortunately the white folk totally killed them so now it's owned bye me

One in every crowd

QLD, 555 posts
5 Feb 2016 7:13PM
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Good old Mudgate , it was great 30 years ago when I use to windsurf there before there were any knobs on kites . I stay right away from the place unless I'm real desperate , and I get the hell out the back as quick as possible .

ive stood there for 10 mins waiting to take off from the waters edge after launching whilst 4 fwits are doing lessons in the take off / landing zone and boot riding plebs are trying to impress everyone with their lameass twirly tricks in ankle deep water.Not saying this crap doesn't happen elsewhere , but Sandgate seems to attract some real kooks.

WA, 1549 posts
11 Feb 2016 4:17AM
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Fly on da wall said..

chucky79a said...
Don't get me wrong - There are plenty of awesome dudes that kite in that area. Just a few who spoil it. But been no red cap last few days, kiting has been unreal... On my rant day he followed me to 12th ave back to 8th ave, back to 12th ave, I had to get out of the water before I lost it - my kite was brand new..

Yes, you're correct.. there a few like every short tacking liquid
force kook that mow that place only out as far as the low
tide watermark!

It's only a matter of time before there's another accident there..

It rates as the worst place to kite in Brisbane.. even with a warning rashie on, doesn't exclude people from polite kiting and basic rules of the sea...

rings true??

QLD, 548 posts
11 Feb 2016 4:55PM
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OK I will say something good about Sandgate, its good I dont kite the place. So much space from Brighton to Nudgee to just spread out.

QLD, 13 posts
11 Feb 2016 8:44PM
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All true stories, Glad it's not just me. But at least no jelly fish this season. This happened the day after I brought a stinker suit! Never seen one since, rrhhh

NSW, 42 posts
12 Feb 2016 9:10PM
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Where did you get the STINKER suit ?
I know a bloke who could really use one of them

32 posts
15 Feb 2016 6:37PM
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Chucky have you ever thought that maybe just maybe your getting in his way ?

32 posts
15 Feb 2016 6:39PM
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I move out the crowd so I can push kiteboarding in Sandgate to a new level

^^^^^^ This bit was my favorite part

QLD, 2 posts
17 Feb 2016 8:50AM
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<div>Dear Chucky,

<div>Your thread/posts have been brought to my attention by some amused friends.

<div>I am most appreciative of the fact that there is actually someone out there who is looking out for me, observing what I do, and keeping track of my every move, especially as I have developed a tendency to wander a bit of late, so thank you for that.

<div>Unfortunately I was totally oblivious to your existence at that time so I must apologise for not being more observant and not doing the same for you.

<div>I was determined to make amends for this oversight, so I made some enquiries, and managed to track you down to see what you looked like so I could to watch you in action at Brighton last Friday.

<div>The wind was good, you were heading out and I was pumping up my kite on shore. I must admit to being a bit excited at the prospect of watching you hopefully to use your words "I move out the crowd so I can push kiteboarding in Sandgate to a new level". I saw you do a nice transition close to shore so things were looking promising.

<div>However, I had just finished pumping up my kite when I heard a loud ****f!!!! phisssssst!! I turned to witness a deflated crashed kite in the water. Oh No!!!! it was Chucky!! Well so much for that!!! but sorry to see you trudging back to shore with a sodden crumpled kite under your arm pit.

<div>At least you proved that you were perfectly capable of destroying your Kite without the help of anyone else. Luckily there was no other poor old sod close by at the time that you could blame for this.

<div>As for the rest of your thread/posts, It's not nice to pay out on the elderly, some day and way sooner than you think, you too will be old and wrinkly just like me.

<div>At my stage of life" to be the best kitesurfer" "a woo" "look slightly stylish" (what a joke). Believe me my greatest challenge is to constantly contort my body and make adjustments while kiting to accommodate that aching hip, sore back, or cramping bicep (leave it alone! not cab. or w##### induced) not to mention trying to get out of bed the next morning.

<div>I do plead guilty as charged to some short tacking in 6" of water or less at the shoreline at Sandgate, but that shallow area would be way too dangerous for your high level of tricks anyway.

<div>However, there is method to my madness, after constantly kiting almost every day there has been wind in the choppy water a Brighton for the last 16 years, my knees are feeling the pinch so I do seek out the flatter water near the shore line at times. It's sorta like Knee rehab for old Kiters.

<div>But all's good Chucky, because rest assured when on the water from now on, I will be looking out for you with my challenged eyesight and avoiding you like the plague.

<div>Kindest Regards

<div>The old w#####.

QLD, 2433 posts
17 Feb 2016 9:19AM
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oldw said..
Dear Chucky,Your thread/posts have been brought to my attention by some amused friends.

I am most appreciative of the fact that there is actually someone out there who is looking out for me, observing what I do, and keeping track of my every move, especially as I have developed a tendency to wander a bit of late, so thank you for that.

Unfortunately I was totally oblivious to your existence at that time so I must apologise for not being more observant and not doing the same for you.

I was determined to make amends for this oversight, so I made some enquiries, and managed to track you down to see what you looked like so I could to watch you in action at Brighton last Friday.

The wind was good, you were heading out and I was pumping up my kite on shore. I must admit to being a bit excited at the prospect of watching you hopefully to use your words "I move out the crowd so I can push kiteboarding in Sandgate to a new level". I saw you do a nice transition close to shore so things were looking promising.

However, I had just finished pumping up my kite when I heard a loud ****f!!!! phisssssst!! I turned to witness a deflated crashed kite in the water. Oh No!!!! it was Chucky!! Well so much for that!!! but sorry to see you trudging back to shore with a sodden crumpled kite under your arm pit.

At least you proved that you were perfectly capable of destroying your Kite without the help of anyone else. Luckily there was no other poor old sod close by at the time that you could blame for this.

As for the rest of your thread/posts, It's not nice to pay out on the elderly, some day and way sooner than you think, you too will be old and wrinkly just like me.

At my stage of life" to be the best kitesurfer" "a woo" "look slightly stylish" (what a joke). Believe me my greatest challenge is to constantly contort my body and make adjustments while kiting to accommodate that aching hip, sore back, or cramping bicep (leave it alone! not cab. or w##### induced) not to mention trying to get out of bed the next morning.

I do plead guilty as charged to some short tacking in 6" of water or less at the shoreline at Sandgate, but that shallow area would be way too dangerous for your high level of tricks anyway.

However, there is method to my madness, after constantly kiting almost every day there has been wind in the choppy water a Brighton for the last 16 years, my knees are feeling the pinch so I do seek out the flatter water near the shore line at times. It's sorta like Knee rehab for old Kiters.

But all's good Chucky, because rest assured when on the water from now on, I will be looking out for you with my challenged eyesight and avoiding you like the plague.

Kindest Regards

The old w#####

QLD, 555 posts
17 Feb 2016 9:28AM
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The "True Believer " has spoken....

QLD, 25 posts
17 Feb 2016 10:23AM
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Well said oldw. As another retiree with stuffed knees from a youth where there was only Rugby League and no kiting I pick my kiting by the tides not the wind. If I want to be able to walk the day after kiting I need relatively still water to babysit my knees. One of the beauties of kiting is that it accommodates all styles and used to promote a tolerance of others. We were all learners once, many of us from when kites were dangerous with no wind range and no safety systems. Unfortunately some of the relatively young think they own the beach. I got out of surfing many years ago because of surf rage at the coast incited by locals (go home Brisos painted on the headland at Greenmount) most of whom came from Brisbane anyway. Sailboarding and subsequently kitesurfing gave the opportunity to exercise and have fun away from the mayhem of angry, testosterone induced ???. It is a pity to see these attitudes infiltrating the kiting community.

QLD, 13 posts
17 Feb 2016 6:07PM
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I apologise if anyone was offended that I described a person as old. Its about common courtesy, not age. Also I suggest if your health deteriorates, such as challenging eyesight and you are unaware of your surroundings, you should consider another sport as it does become a serious risk to yourself and other people. I didn't name & shame anybody, I just wanted to let other inexperienced kiters in Sandgate know there is etiquette when in comes to kiting, particularly due the number of accidents at Sandgate.
But to add, It had been great winds for Brighton for the last 2 weeks (been kiting every day). Don't have problems with kiters there. Funny how oldw only realised who I am when I had some unfortunate luck with my kite and laughs. Really?? I guess you are the only person you care about on the water ,
Anyhow thank you oldw for promising to avoid me on the water. Safety is my #1priority.

32 posts
17 Feb 2016 4:15PM
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5 posts
17 Feb 2016 5:17PM
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Ive been following this thread for a while now.

the only argument I see is that some of the riders @ sandgate got no skills and are very inconsiderate to people who can actually kite (argument over) and are trying to push their personal level even higher. Sounds like chucky moved away from you kooks (oldw and freeride) and the learners at sandgate to have some space and you went there to purposefully block chucky from kiting and pushing their own level.

Go anywhere where plebs like you guys arent around (majority spots) and there will be a system between the riders giving each other a clear run to do their stuff.

Moral of the story behind chucky's post is if you see someone doing their stuff dont be a d**k and be considerate!
Give them the chance to do their stuff and come in after/before and do your stuff. Dont stick right in that zone that pi**es everyone off!

rant over!

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
17 Feb 2016 7:27PM
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In the nicest possible non-abusive way

32 posts
17 Feb 2016 5:51PM
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the only argument I see is that some of the riders @ sandgate got no skills. ..


Forums > Kitesurfing Queensland

"who owns sandgate???" started by chucky79a