Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

The Pond needs action

Created by Ezybouy > 9 months ago, 30 Jun 2018
35 posts
17 Sep 2018 9:55PM
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Residents are rallying at the bent street boat ramp 4th October 4pm. Councillors, WA Water corp, WA Health dept , DPAW and local gov member all invited to discuss withresidents and users of thd area, I would encourage all locals to attend and have your say.

WA, 6 posts
18 Sep 2018 11:02AM
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I got a response from Sam at the Council:

In reviewing the commentary on, I note a number of matters to which the City can comment.

Of particular note, is the post from SurfDog on Friday 14th, with four aerial photo's from 1953, 1981, 2011 and 2015.

This series of photo's demonstrates that Tern Island and the pond are relatively new features of the coastline, appearing in 2005 and 2010 respectively.

Ocean process has been accreting (depositing) sand along the foreshore opposite Waimea Road since 1985, with Tern Island clearly visible by 2005. These processes are currently accreting sand at the end of Tern Island, and infilling the pond.

If this were to continue without intervention, it is reasonable to assume that the pond would eventually form part of the mainland, and the Bent Street boat ramp would be a significant distance from the foreshore.

In order to maintain the boat ramp as a viable asset to the community and slow the rate of pond infill, the City undertakes maintenance dredging of the channel to remove sand that is accreting along the end of Tern Island.

This work is only undertaken within a defined channel as determined by the permit from Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA).In the past, the dredge material was used to nourish various foreshore areas, however after the last dredging program in 2016, community feedback was that this should cease.

For this reason, the dredge material will be transported to Millar Road landfill and used as capping material. The City is proposing to undertake the next round of dredging however I have insufficient information to provide as details are yet to be finalised.

This maintenance dredging has little or no impact on water quality within the pond.In relation to the stormwater outlets which have been mentioned in a number of posts, it is noted that these were in place many years.

Records indicate that at the time of installation, the outlets were located in an open area of foreshore, similar to outlets to the north and south of the pond. Two of these outlets drain stormwater from Safety Bay Road only, whilst the last extends to Janet Road.

The total catchment that relates to these three drains is relatively small and therefore it is unrealistic to claim that these outlets contribute significantly to nutrient loads.This is corroborated by the evidence of water quality assessments which have found that water quality, algae, sea grass condition and wrack are due to natural processes.

Further, any concept of opening up a channel to the north of Tern Island, is a significant undertaking, both in terms of the initial work and the maintenance required to keep that channel open. It is unknown whether this would improve the pond condition or if this would be supported by DBCA who would need to approve any such proposal.As the posts cover a number of matters,

I have attempted to cover the key themes, however I am happy to respond to any specific questions that I may have missed.

35 posts
19 Sep 2018 8:15PM
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Some good information. I spent some time looking at the landgate photos on line with a focus on where the sand was moving from an where to. It was quite obvious that the sand was moving along from Mersey Point. Did Sam mention how much sand the council dumped at Mersey Point? Did Sam mention anything about Friends of Shoalwater adding shell grit to the sand bar (prior to it being named Tern Island) all of this in the time frame mentioned in the developing of Tern Island. I think we al new the drains have been there prior to tern island but that was at a time when currents flushec the area. So i am interested in his response to what is causing the algae other than nutrients. Really getting down to 2 options maintain it for public use iir fill it in. Should be an interesting meeting.

WA, 1 posts
20 Sep 2018 7:04AM
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There is a meeting in the car park with the council either next wed or the one after for people to give an opinion

WA, 1395 posts
20 Sep 2018 7:44AM
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Clean it up after this season. Let the Teuros come. Once a few get serious infections, dysentery or similar the news will spread and next season (once it's cleaned up), the locals can have it all to themselves.

35 posts
20 Sep 2018 8:55AM
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Meeting is on 4th October 4pm at Bent Street boat ramp.

1196 posts
20 Sep 2018 11:01AM
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Ezybouy said..
Some good information. I spent some time looking at the landgate photos on line with a focus on where the sand was moving from an where to. It was quite obvious that the sand was moving along from Mersey Point. Did Sam mention how much sand the council dumped at Mersey Point? Did Sam mention anything about Friends of Shoalwater adding shell grit to the sand bar (prior to it being named Tern Island) all of this in the time frame mentioned in the developing of Tern Island. I think we al new the drains have been there prior to tern island but that was at a time when currents flushec the area. So i am interested in his response to what is causing the algae other than nutrients. Really getting down to 2 options maintain it for public use iir fill it in. Should be an interesting meeting.

hi Ezybouy

there has been some data collected and studies done indicating that the majority of sand over at secret harbour that is pushed north in prevailing summer conditions (and not just trapped at the ever widening point) actually goes ofshore along the reef line, and then travels back in shore once past the warnbro basin by a couple of feeds, most notably:
- penguin island to mersey point
- the sand bar shown in transformative phase on the aerial photos slightly to the south (which would now be a fully submerged feed, but could change (increase / decrease) depending on sand and oceanoggraphic conditions in a given season)

similar process happens in cockburn sound, with the feed coming onto the shore near Catherine Point groyne.

there are some documents around sediment cells in WA, but might not have the level of detail you want for this location eg:

Peruse some of the references for specific studies on Mersey Point and Warnbro Sound if you want more detail on the sand transport pathways - there is just a bit more to it than "the sand is coming from Mersey Point", though that is certainly a component based on the info available. Don't discount the second feed as unsubstantial, just cause it's not visual for now...

Good luck with your meeting - hope you all get an outcome that is agreeable.

35 posts
20 Sep 2018 7:15PM
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Thanks for the feedback, it all helps. Also noticed on landgate photos the impact on sand movement either side of the causeway from when the wall was installed. Would hate to see the impact if the outer harbour is built in Cockburn Sound.

35 posts
1 Oct 2018 8:02AM
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Just a reminder to all that would like to attend foreshore rally at Bent Street boat ramp cor a Q & A on all things around the pond and local beach. This Thursday 4th October at 4 pm. Many locals are attending over health concerns and interested in future plans for the pond.

35 posts
6 Oct 2018 7:37AM
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The foreshore meeting went ahead and 1 guest speaker from WAKSA gave an amazing account of the condition of the pond and impact on future international events if council do nothing. The mayor was taken by surprise with that comment.
The key points of the meeting identified
The mayor, deputy mayor and other councillors attended.
No government departments attended, DPAW, WA HEALTH DEPT, WA WATER CORP, DER or local member Madeline King.
There are several storm drains discharging into the marine park (3 of these directly into the pond) they are the responsibility of WA Water but no requirement to test quality.
There are no drains discharging into the ocean on Palm Beach side of Rockingham (mayors property & premiers property on this stretch)
The Dept of Parks & Wildlife have failed in their duty of care to maintain the marine park as per THEIR vision statement developed when park was declared.
1 kitesurfer presented a bag full of slime to the councillors that he got wading out into the pond.
H2S is being produced from rotting seaweed, the impact on residents vary from nausea to headaches to just plain nuisance.
The boat channel will be dredged Oct/Nov consideration to using backhoe , sand will be taken to landfill
Councillors have a better understanding of the concerns of residents and facility users of the area and will need to determine whether they keep the pond area healthy or close it up.
Attempts are now being made to get the premier involved and his accountable departments to resolve.
More info on FB Clean up our Coast

35 posts
26 Oct 2018 2:47PM
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The premier Mr Mcgowan has agreed to a meeti g to discuss the condition of the foreshore. Nov 16th. Lets see how committted the premier is to tourism in particular international kitesurfing events and the environment in his backyard.

35 posts
26 Oct 2018 2:47PM
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The premier Mr Mcgowan has agreed to a meeti g to discuss the condition of the foreshore. Nov 16th. Lets see how committted the premier is to tourism in particular international kitesurfing events and the environment in his backyard.

WA, 9502 posts
27 Oct 2018 12:13PM
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Nice work ezybouy

WA, 9502 posts
28 Oct 2018 5:50PM
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Hey guys I'm not sure if this will help but just saw this in the weekend courier where safety bay students to celebrate 40 yrs anniversary painted the maths block this ....

So you can clearly see the identity of the place has kiting well and truly in people's minds ... no pond and ....

might help ya cause anyhow

WA, 8407 posts
28 Oct 2018 6:45PM
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Ezybouy said..
The premier Mr Mcgowan has agreed to a meeti g to discuss the condition of the foreshore. Nov 16th. Lets see how committted the premier is to tourism in particular international kitesurfing events and the environment in his backyard.

If any top riders are present get them to attend, crew travel from all corners of the world to Kite that spot, has significant importance imo

35 posts
29 Oct 2018 4:55PM
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Kitesurfing is high in local councillors thoughts as if they have had some contribution to the success of attracting the best locals and overseas competitors. That said if you had seen the Mayors jaw drop at the residents foreshore meeting when WA Kitesurfing spokesperson indicated that these world championship events were in doubt given the condition of the pond and that on the back of the Premier being blamed for the loss of Margaret river surf championships well we will see how committed they all are. I have also requested the chairman of the WA Kitesurfing assoc be invited to meet with the Premier in a couple of weeks. As for 1 councillor Matt Whitfield he commented on FB today when residents had again photographed more dead birds on the pond near the main drain that he would not allow his kids near the area.

WA, 129 posts
30 Oct 2018 10:43AM
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I was at the pond yesterday morning super low tide and noticed a heap of guys with fluro vests on at the boatramp for about an hour. They walked out to the point where all the stinky seaweed is....

Maybe the local council is looking at dredging the channel again

35 posts
31 Oct 2018 3:56PM
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announced today that dredging is about to happen, sand to be trucked away to landfill.

WA, 692 posts
31 Oct 2018 5:25PM
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Well that hasnt worked before or did i miss something

WA, 203 posts
31 Oct 2018 6:38PM
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Foghorn said..
Well that hasnt worked before or did i miss something

Nope your correct.. but it is probably considered to be the lesser of two evils.

City dredges a channel and promotes their involvement and parks it for 12 months.

Or they ask the hard questions of DBCA and rip into the island etc.. no doubt pissing off the fairy tern lovers, who will no doubt hold another protest..

35 posts
1 Nov 2018 12:16PM
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If you can get a copy of this weeks Sound Telegraph there are 2 excellent letters submitted in the opinion section on page 9. One letter gives account to the history of Tern Island by Wendy Durant a member of the Friends of Shoalwater and the 2nd is from a local resident and I think ex councillor with some history on the bent street ramp.

WA, 203 posts
1 Nov 2018 12:33PM
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Ezybouy said..
If you can get a copy of this weeks Sound Telegraph there are 2 excellent letters submitted in the opinion section on page 9. One letter gives account to the history of Tern Island by Wendy Durant a member of the Friends of Shoalwater and the 2nd is from a local resident and I think ex councillor with some history on the bent street ramp.

Who called into 882 this morning? Baz and milsys rumour mill.

They said that international kiting events at the pond were going to be cancelled because of dead animals and seaweed..

I nearly had a car accident

35 posts
1 Nov 2018 3:26PM
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Was raised at the foreshore meeting a few weeks ago and the chairman for WA Kitesurfing will along with local kitesurfing rep and residents will meet the Premier on the 16th Nov to discuss the health and safety issues of the pond and surrounding areas.

Mat Black
WA, 58 posts
2 Nov 2018 2:53PM
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Australian Freestyle Kiteboarding Nationals will be back in 2019.

Mat Black
WA, 58 posts
2 Nov 2018 3:24PM
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Sauce said..

Ezybouy said..
If you can get a copy of this weeks Sound Telegraph there are 2 excellent letters submitted in the opinion section on page 9. One letter gives account to the history of Tern Island by Wendy Durant a member of the Friends of Shoalwater and the 2nd is from a local resident and I think ex councillor with some history on the bent street ramp.

Who called into 882 this morning? Baz and milsys rumour mill.

They said that international kiting events at the pond were going to be cancelled because of dead animals and seaweed..

I nearly had a car accident

An awful lot of BS being floated around with no evidence whatsover

WA, 8407 posts
2 Nov 2018 7:30PM
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Ezybouy said..
Was raised at the foreshore meeting a few weeks ago and the chairman for WA Kitesurfing will along with local kitesurfing rep and residents will meet the Premier on the 16th Nov to discuss the health and safety issues of the pond and surrounding areas.

take him down on a busy day at the pond, the importance will be on full display, you can talk for hrs on the importance of the venue, but showing them has a better impact,

35 posts
4 Nov 2018 6:26AM
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He actually opened the last world champs there so he does realise the popularity. I would think he relied on council local government to manage. Council and DPAW and Water corp have failed in their duty of care

WA, 4 posts
4 Nov 2018 10:07AM
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Augusta isn't looking good either. Dead water is nearly closed up completely. Tones of weed build up already. No signs of any fish or other life for that matter. Its getting swallowed up by sand too, southern dune is growing wider. This pictures not completely current as I kited it last week and was slightly different but not majorly. Ive contacted the shire to express my concerns but as discussed here I wonder if they understand the value that comes with kiters,windsurfers,SUPs and fishos alike that come down to use this strip of water?
Hope not to see an epic spot die a slow death..

35 posts
18 Nov 2018 7:49AM
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An update after meeting with premier. Well he was an apology, disapointing, BUT he did organise and get all the government departments into the meeting and he was represented. Attendees included several WA Water corp, Dept Parks and Wildlife, Dept of Bio Diversity and local government local kitesurfing and chairman for kitesurfing WA. I tabled concerns on the condition of the foreshore and pond area and the impact on the quality of life to residents and users of the area and the potential impact to future kitesurfing events. The city tabled an initial water test result taken from in front of the main storm drain, which was no surprise that it was high in nutrients. They will take more samples of a broader area of the pond. The city council showed their support to retain kitesurfing in the pond area and have committed to work with Water corp and Boi diversity to investigate options to bring it back to life. The city has committed to cleaning up seaweed when it impacts on residents health and safety and usability of the foreshore. The Water corp have some options to improve the quality of water discharging into the pond directly and review some models they have to change discharge method. The city is committed to investigate their drainage systems and improve where possible like on Rocky foreshore, fyi there are no drains into that foreshore along Esplanade. The good news was that they want to retain the area and restore the quality of water and seagrass growth, we have managed to get the interest. All that said current condition is very poor water quality I have been contacted by 1 kitesurfer earlier this week with a staph infection and a 2nd on Friday same condition, would keep to the open end if i was going to use. Happy to answer any questions.

Mat Black
WA, 58 posts
19 Nov 2018 12:40PM
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Ezybouy said..
An update after meeting with premier. Well he was an apology, disapointing, BUT he did organise and get all the government departments into the meeting and he was represented. Attendees included several WA Water corp, Dept Parks and Wildlife, Dept of Bio Diversity and local government local kitesurfing and chairman for kitesurfing WA. I tabled concerns on the condition of the foreshore and pond area and the impact on the quality of life to residents and users of the area and the potential impact to future kitesurfing events. The city tabled an initial water test result taken from in front of the main storm drain, which was no surprise that it was high in nutrients. They will take more samples of a broader area of the pond. The city council showed their support to retain kitesurfing in the pond area and have committed to work with Water corp and Boi diversity to investigate options to bring it back to life. The city has committed to cleaning up seaweed when it impacts on residents health and safety and usability of the foreshore. The Water corp have some options to improve the quality of water discharging into the pond directly and review some models they have to change discharge method. The city is committed to investigate their drainage systems and improve where possible like on Rocky foreshore, fyi there are no drains into that foreshore along Esplanade. The good news was that they want to retain the area and restore the quality of water and seagrass growth, we have managed to get the interest. All that said current condition is very poor water quality I have been contacted by 1 kitesurfer earlier this week with a staph infection and a 2nd on Friday same condition, would keep to the open end if i was going to use. Happy to answer any questions.

Is there any evidence that either of these 'staph infections' were caused from using the pond?


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"The Pond needs action" started by Ezybouy