Cameron, read this link carefully as it has all the stuff you need to do your sail....
Print out the diagrams and work from them...
i did and tryed but not me or my dad could work it out im just going to cut 72* to the boom and cut just under the hole at end of the boom on the sail i need to get it done quickly if its wrong i dont mind the markers wont no that ill get it cut tomorrow.
Was there a specific point in the sail cutting thread you didn't understand?
I know that I didn't understand bits a pieces because I wasn't familiar with the proper sailing terminology used.
Heres a sail with the carboard luff template laid on, and the foot drawn on . foot length is drawn at 1700mm which is longer than I would have on one of my racing minis, but good for a first yacht the curve on the foot is 50mm
the curve of that template is the one discussed in the "how recut windsurfer sails for landyachts "thread
ohkkk thankyou landyacht yes that helped a great deal i didnt get the curve on the boom thanks for that alot , Cameron
Cameronc, hows it all going, here's some stats, 218 posts, that's a hell of a lot of advise , so it should be built with the knowledge of a 40 hecktear college
, 7'108 have read the tabloid, this project must be govmant run, to do it all justice, you ,have to score 10/10, we all hope you do.......
A quick check thru the forums puts you in the top ten,,,congratulations
haha thanks jmurry , one thing with the 50mm curve in the boom , i was going to use a pvc pipe or conduit for boom how will that go with the bend?
The boom isn't supposed to bend noticably, the curve in the sail cut serves a different function (one that I can't remember right now, hopefully someone will write back with the answer).
PVC pipe should work, its all about the diameter and thickness. I'd venture a comment and say try some class 12 40mm PVC. Home hardware stores sell it in about 1200mm lengths I think. If its not long enough just buy some solvent (PVC glue) and a socket to join smaller pieces. I haven't tried this though yet, I would if I had a LLmini though
Droped the sail off to a sail maker that has made landyachts before so he said hell fix it up for me .
just a couple of things : what did u mean by im in the top 10 ?
also how much ground clearance is recommended for on a beach?
Just another thing at the bearing supplyer i bought 6 nylon bushes for the wheels apparently better for on the beach just because easy to clean out and there only 5 dollars so not expensive to replace .
Bearing supplyer also doesnt think the fallshaw wheels will be able to go faster then 20kmh?
I get my cheap chinese bearings from a discount hardware store for less than $5 each (last time i bought them)......but you can pay lots more if for high speed sealed, or stainless steel or even ceramic ones.
I brought my 2" OD x 1" ID bearings from Bendigo Bearings, Im almost sure they are a SKF dealer. They set me back $6.50 each.
What you all think?
2 things
yes the seat is about 20 centermetres off the back x member not sure if thats a sin or not , sail wasnt cut perfect so only using 3 pulleys on the whole thing , tested it and works well and easy
Looks great to me. I especially like the colour coordination between the seat/sail Hope to see some action shots soon. Haven't by any chance got a mast thats 300mm longer in your back pocket?
Also, the angle of your boom may mean you need to use a 'downhaul' (
) setup to get your sail nice and flat, only means one more pulley though. Wait for someone more informed about sails than me to confirm that.
Well Done!!
Must get off my backside and finish mine
Cameron, you have displayed great determination and perseverance with this project but it is not quite complete yet.
You need to get some downhaul into the luff (leading edge) of that sail. I will not say more than that as I am sure you are able to discover it for yourself.
Excellent effort and execution for a young guy like yourself still at school.
You are not quite there yet, but please keep going to the end as you will be more than gratified by the result. Cheers Cisco
ohk thanks heaps , hope you liked it,due on Monday so ill have to do those things after marking im doubting that they will know the difference :P
Good work Cameron!
If you need a bit of extra length for the mast, its acceptable practice to "borrow" a vacuum cleaner tube (preferably when your mum isnt looking) and push it onto the top of the mast for that extra length.
I had better clarify- its only acceptable if mum/wife doesnt know
tube internal diameters can vary- but the chances are good that you will have one that fits.
Well done Cameron, almost there.
I really like your front axle mounting method, it gives a great way to fine tune the spindle alignment.
Before you sail, turn the R clips on your back axle round so the open end faces backwards. Reason is that they have been known to catch on thngs. It either hurts, stops you quick or pulls them out and the next corner you go round the wheel falls off!
Again well done.
your getting there cam . the front forks are to long for the wheel. you will need to shorten them till the tyre has bout 1.5-2cm clearance at the back of the fork.
well done on getting the sailmaker to do your sail so quick, sadly what he/she"s done to the sail just isnt going to work.. Im guessing the sailmaker ddnt have the neccesary measurements to recut the sail to fit your yacht
your boom that you made is just the right length, and the sailmaker needs to flatten out the angle of the foot so your sail will fit the yacht and mast .
when sheeted it the boom needs to be parallel with the ground.
is it possible to take the yacht to the sailmaker and show him , or even take the sail to him and log onto the website whilst at the loft and show him the photo I posted , or even the sail cutting thread?
Does it really matter about the forks being that little bit longer because i would have to re cut them grind and weld them and i dont have any paint , grinder , or welder at home + its being marked at the moment.
Landyacht it cost me like 130 dollars for the sail to be re cut and im not going back to that guy , would if be possible if i could take you up on your earlyer offer and as i would send my sail + pulleys and you could do it for me and ill pay you for your efforts?
Look forward to sailing with you guys !!!!!!
after marking, you will need to alter those forks. the yacht will b e almost unsteerable.
I have a very similar sail pulled apart at the moment , I will finish it in the near future, so let me know a mailing address in a PM
Just waiting for landy to come on the forum and reply to my comments im not sure what he meany by his last reply
have a look at the way this boom is almost parallel to the ground, thats about the angle you need, not the original angle that was on the sail
this photo also shows how close the front wheel needs to be to the steering
Yeah i see the steering what im going to do it when i have finished marking etc get the angle grinder out at school cut it grind it and weld it , might be a little crude but will work :P
could you post a pic of those 2 sails you were talking about in pm?