Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Just working out a build

Created by Nikrum > 9 months ago, 26 Aug 2010
Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
16 Feb 2011 11:10AM
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Depending on the shape of your seat when turning into the wind it can actually lift the front of your yacht up, working like a wing. It has happened a few times to me with my mini in a strong breeze. It also happened on the beach in Argentina and that was with a clas5/Promo in strong wind.
You just have to remeber to shift your body weight forward if that ever starts to happen. It takes you by surprise when it does happen.

TAS, 1972 posts
16 Feb 2011 5:16PM
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TP1, You should read that post again.. I will take note of your experience but for me it was the moving train, visual phenomenon. It only appeared to be that way, is all.

I felt a bit of a Goose when I realizes what was happening. Nothing like flying along standing still:-) and There is no need to agree with me about the Goose thing..

1262 posts
16 Feb 2011 4:23PM
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....and here I was thinking it was the effect of too much building fluid......

TAS, 1972 posts
16 Feb 2011 11:09PM
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Sorry DY, we don't get Mescalin Buttons over here. Dang! and we do have some real deserts over here as well. Them Dang! Injuns got a lot to answer for. They should have been here before us whites and introduced their favored plants as well I guess I will have to go back to the shed and Glue some more planks together

WA, 5921 posts
16 Feb 2011 8:47PM
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Ron , is that a bike speedo, or a GPS, cos them bike speedos are way off after 50kph , due to being designed for much bigger wheels

TAS, 1972 posts
17 Feb 2011 8:18AM
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Help me understand this..
After all it is only a Calculator counting numbers of wheel turns regardless of size at a given distance per turn. I have measured actual wheel circumference @ 35psi and entered that rather than suggested wheel size.

PS. I've not ignored your suggestion about the Sheet position on the Boom.

WA, 6277 posts
17 Feb 2011 7:30AM
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I think it's to do with the frequency of the pulses -- a normal bike wheel doing normal bike speeds will have a pulse that is a lot slower than a small landyacht wheel doing insane speeds.

I'm not sure how inaccurate it would be though, at least with a GPS you know you're actually doing the speed that it says you are.

My car GPS can be disconnected from the car and you can stick it in your pocket, it will give you current speed and max speed, just like my dedicated windsurfing GPS.

Be interesting to compare the speed readout of a bike speedo to a GPS anyway.

TAS, 1972 posts
17 Feb 2011 12:14PM
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Thanks Neb's
That would seem to make sense.., Would you care to ride Occum's Razor while I tow you down the Highway at 100kmph??

I have a Navman so I guess I will have to learn to use it properly, though I can set an alarm to go off at various speeds..
I thought you needed a specialized GPS.

WA, 5921 posts
17 Feb 2011 9:49AM
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Vindicator has a bike speedo as well a Garmin72 and the Gt31. the bike speedo was fitted in the days beforecheap gps, the lesson we have learnt is that on small wheels, after 50kph the readings really start to vary.
the garmin can do dummy spits too over 120, but the GT31 is simply rock steady.
shouldnt you lot be at work or something at least its busy raining here,
I put in an order for 200mm last night and laurie sent the first 20 overnight.hows that for service

TAS, 1972 posts
17 Feb 2011 2:14PM
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Get your hands off of it Landyacht[}:)]..
Work?? Me!! You gotta be kidding, I've was retired out on a pension at 55. I'm not complaining cos now I have to do the stuff I want to.. They busted it now they have to pay for it.

I will have a look at those GPS units.. Mind you the Speedo did give me an idea and 95.7 whether it was or not it was bloody fast, could have even bee the ton but we will never know.

WA, 5921 posts
17 Feb 2011 1:51PM
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sorry to ruin it for you, you may yet join the 100 club

WA, 6277 posts
17 Feb 2011 9:57PM
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Hey Ron,

As the speed bug has bitten hard might I respectfully suggest that you get yourself a GT-31 GPS? They are super accurate, easy to use (once they're set up), and you can download your tracks back at home to analyse your machine.

In speedsailing especially, good conditions come along very rarely so when you're in the right place at the right time, you want to KNOW that your recording equipment is up to the job. There's nothing worse than having that nagging doubt in the back of your mind "did I, didn't I, I think I did, but did I really just crack the big one?"

This is the chicken you're looking for:

Once you've got it sorted out and recording your sessions to a card, then you can do things like change tyres, sails, setup and see what sort of a difference it makes to your top speed. As a tuning tool it's invaluable.

A good start would be to try your navman, see if it can show you your top speed, if so then that would be a lot more accurate than the bike speedo. My garmin Nuvi has a screen that shows that sort of info so your navman should be able to do it. But a GT-31 would be better again if you get keen.

TAS, 1972 posts
19 Feb 2011 10:49PM
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Thanks for that Nebo,however I would suggest that if you have a spare 300 to throw about you can buy me one. Oh! Ok? There is no need to be rude about though. I guess I wil have to see what the NavMan can do--------that is if someone can tell me.. I know how to set the Speed Alarm though.

SA, 2865 posts
19 Feb 2011 10:49PM
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In the "maps" mode, this is the one you use most of the time that shows the moving map, there is a blue square button in the top right corner of the screen press that button. This will change to a blue strip and one of those numbers will say "speed" or something like that in Km/h...
Unfortunatly the navman model I have (s50) doesn't record the speed, it just shows the actual speed at that time.

TAS, 1972 posts
20 Feb 2011 2:54PM
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Thanks bazl, I was referencing Neb's offering but that is more like it. I may well have found the likes myself IF I got around to it........ Anybody out there got a spare "Roundtoit".
I have the NAVMAN S100 and I guess ifI had bothered to navigate the thing I would have found the Average Speed Max Speed etc very locally at hand.. GeeS! I hope I didn't hear you guys think that!!!! It was not nice...

WA, 5921 posts
20 Feb 2011 10:17PM
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gotta love that ebay. free shipping worldwide, as long as its in the US, $33 to ship to Aus. at $ 169 maybe , pay the extra to buy in aus and pay $10 for postage, thereby supporting your local windsurfing shop

WA, 6277 posts
21 Feb 2011 7:14AM
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This may help:

TAS, 1972 posts
21 Feb 2011 12:58PM
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Sorry Paul,
I don't care a Shiite for any Business, all they care about is bleeding as much as they can for minimal effort, Yanks are good to deal with Asians are Asians and do the best as cheaply as possible then Bleed you for your bucks in shipping i.e. Same Seller 6 different names six different prices, the cheaper the more the expensive the shipping costs. If you are buying you search for the best prices shipping included. Since I have aged and learned what Assie business is about, especially the Multi Nationals, I have lost all semblance of Loyalty and patriotism. If you can't beat the Bastards, Join EM. I take it all the way, Mock Loyalty is a Mortal Hypocrisy in my Book.

Up your's Jack, I'm Ok become my way. Terrible I know and I am shamed by it but.
The forces also taught me though your mate was at your back you couldn't trust him totally. Hence a Military Career fell by the wayside.

GPS Data Loggers. Hmm? If you take the time to look there are a lot available out there, price range from around $40 upwards of a Grand. All I want is just speed related at a price I can afford. Ha! That is like asking for a Mobile Phone that is only a Phone Ain't No Sech Beast. They do Blue Tooth and a lot of other crap that I gotta pay for and do not require. See Multi Nationals and Businessmen again ripping you off as usual. Damn! When are you humans gunna "Wake Up" Don't you know when you are being shafted Start Shafting Back, using the "Rough End of the Pineapple".
Having upset enough people I guess I should sign off,

1229 posts
21 Feb 2011 12:40PM
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Had experience with the dodgy shipping prices tacked on to the cheap product price
from Asia Got to agree with you on that You have to look at the whole package
thats for sure

SA, 2865 posts
21 Feb 2011 4:00PM
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While on the subject of eBay... just bought this book from some one in Canada, it arrived in Oz within 6 days

TAS, 1972 posts
21 Feb 2011 5:34PM
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That Mag' looks like it could be a collectors piece, given it's apparent age.
You don't see cover girls of that age any more not to mention Hair Styles and the Cloths


WA, 5921 posts
21 Feb 2011 8:58PM
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Thats the book were always looking out for, quite an early bible that one.
can i borrow it
Ps heading to SA tommorow early , see ya next week , have mini for goolwa beach

TAS, 1972 posts
22 Feb 2011 11:56AM
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Well if Gizmo is half the bloke he appears to be he would Scan it up on the sight for us all to read[}:)] Gawd! I have a book a bit more expensive than $288 but pound for pound that is Bloody expensive.

Anyway, I have noted that most new LY's do not have the Flared Mast Step these days.. Does that mean that there is a set best formula for all LY's???
I would have thought that Mast Angle would depend on best for conditions available Punch a bit more info my way on this one please.

SA, 2865 posts
22 Feb 2011 4:30PM
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Nikrum said...

Well if Gizmo is half the bloke he appears to be he would Scan it up on the sight for us all to read[}:)]

What all 192 pages !!! what about the copyright? I work in an industry where copyright piracy is a problem, I'm not going to add to it.

Landsailing: From Rc Models to the Big Ones, by George Siposs
There are still copies available through various book stores on the net priced from $35 - $110 Aust$

TAS, 1972 posts
22 Feb 2011 8:29PM
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TAS, 1972 posts
23 Feb 2011 12:45PM
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Nikrum said...

Well if Gizmo is half the bloke he appears to be he would Scan it up on the sight for us all to read[}:)] Gawd! I have a book a bit more expensive than $288 but pound for pound that is Bloody expensive.

Anyway, I have noted that most new LY's do not have the Flared Mast Step these days.. Does that mean that there is a set best formula for all LY's???
I would have thought that Mast Angle would depend on best for conditions available Punch a bit more info my way on this one please.

When I mentioned that price ($288) it was from The copy I managed to get was from Oregon US $20 + Shipping= $35.50 Prioritymail


TAS, 1972 posts
26 Feb 2011 9:33AM
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Well Lads,
I managed to purchase a Data Logger GM 600. Out of Melbourne as I also purchased 3 Rib Pattern Tires from Mullins Wheels. They were most helpful and @ $39 for the 3 I was not complaining. They will be fine on the beach but I imagine the Strip will chew them up. I have yet to pick up my sail from the sail makers. A copy of the above book is on it's way. Dang! I gotsta give the Bank Manager a rest. At the moment I am doing time in Goulburn hard as I am suffering LY Deprivation and need to get out in the Wind badly, however I am getting just a little satisfaction out of my Granddaughters.

TAS, 1972 posts
2 Mar 2011 5:36PM
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Now Lads this is OR's New Sail or The King's New Clothes

What are the thoughts that go on behind those vacant Eyes??
I am about to cut a New Mast that will suit better I think, about 6" shorter

430 posts
2 Mar 2011 3:14PM
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Nice yacht Ron. Dont cut the mast. Just un-pick the to top of the luff so you can slide the sail down the mast a bit and hang it from a crane. You will have to punch an eye (or sew in a ring like I have) into the top of the sail to tie it to. You will need that extra length for other sails.

TAS, 1972 posts
3 Mar 2011 1:11PM
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Thanks for that Clemco,
"Too Late, too late" She cried and waved her wooden leg.
Any way it was a full 5.5 mtr mast and way too long. At 4.5 it is a little long for the sail but take a look at the Occum's Razor with the original sail. The extra length was already catered for.

The new sail has to have a specific length sail as it has a positive attachment device incorporated in the head on the Luff pocket.. 3 Sails 3 Masts.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Just working out a build" started by Nikrum