Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Kit Land Yachts...

Created by Gizmo > 9 months ago, 11 Jul 2009
WA, 5921 posts
16 Jul 2009 9:15PM
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if somebody can lay there hands on an old cat sail of say 15m2, something really high aspect and modern , but worn out and free, Im sure I could come up with little 6 seater

SA, 850 posts
17 Jul 2009 11:02PM
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available in kit form .enquiries included.

WA, 5921 posts
18 Jul 2009 10:05PM
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what did the dog do wrong?

QLD, 12320 posts
19 Jul 2009 12:42AM
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Grew a grey beard and didn't even think about chasing it's owner in his new contraption along the beach!! Naughty Dog!!

SA, 850 posts
19 Jul 2009 12:36AM
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Some specks might help.Answers to name Sox,bad breath, pi##es on anything and everythng,going blind,BUT very loyal[to its new owner]GUARRANTEED]

WA, 5921 posts
19 Jul 2009 5:46PM
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Had one like that, a border collie , Spot T. Dog. only went to the vet 3 time in his life. once for his bits, once to put his innards back in from a roo attack.
on the 3rd occasion I took him in for a check up , vet said he was blind ,deaf, but his heart, kidneys were all good and he was in good health for 15. Poor bugger was terrified the whole visit. vet charged $80 . the next day the dog ran off and was never seen again!

WA, 2775 posts
21 Jul 2009 7:52AM
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pirrad said...

Some specks might help, pi##es on anything and everythng, deaf, going blind, BUT very loyal]

jeez- for a moment there I thought someone was talking about me again

SA, 2865 posts
16 Aug 2009 10:47AM
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Recently on one of the threads it mentioned that the Club 88 yachts where built from steel exhaust tube...If so what size and thickness?
When visiting an exhaust place the other day following my tube bending questions I asked what the "standard exhaust" tube was and the comment was that there were so many variations these days.

WA, 700 posts
16 Aug 2009 7:16PM
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2 1/8 od in the old measure so that 50mm x 4mm aluminium can be used for the axles, thickness 1.6mm

Need to be choosy that the rear cross member piece to has a clean internal seam to slide the axle in.

488 posts
18 Aug 2009 6:26PM
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FWIW the Seagull had an internal seam, so a bigger size was used and the tubes going inside were wrapped with insulation tape to take up the difference. The tape is 50mm wide, known here as silage tape, sold at farm supply stores. That way you can make damned near anything a good fit!

WA, 5921 posts
18 Aug 2009 9:12PM
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or dip your axle in a 2 part polyeurathane mix . to give a cushioned fit


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Kit Land Yachts..." started by Gizmo