Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Making a Fiber Glass Seat

Created by Nikrum > 9 months ago, 4 Oct 2010
WA, 5921 posts
29 Oct 2010 4:50PM
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what i meant was that the pink car bog you had faired it with can be sanded back to the right finish, ready to wax and work on. also being waterproof you achieve that finish with wet and dry paper
what was the white layer we see in the photos now

TAS, 1972 posts
29 Oct 2010 8:41PM
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Thanks bud,
The white/Grey is Spraying Putty of which I put down 3 coats to help retrieve the Epoxy Stuff Up. That action seems to have worked adequately,.
The Polyester arrived today and I am satisfied with the Capsule so I would start the waxing, Flocoat and Glassing on the weekend-------that is if thejavascript:insertsmilie('') weather isn't wet.

PS. You did suggest that aus203 had spare 6"x^" Rims Didn't you

QLD, 243 posts
29 Oct 2010 8:33PM
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gel coat first not flow coat but I'll let your guru tell you

WA, 5921 posts
29 Oct 2010 7:57PM
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iand said...

gel coat first not flow coat but I'll let your guru tell you

Yup, flocoat is used like a layer of paint to coat the non smooth side of the seat. once the mold is ready and the pva has dried you put on the layer of gelcoat coloured to the colour you want, then as soon as that sets you lay in your resin and glass. Ive never used flocoat but i have been told it can go on straight after the resin/cloth goes off or later when it is out of the mold and cleaned up

TAS, 1972 posts
29 Oct 2010 11:52PM
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Oops! I got a problem.. From the descriptions my supplier gave I was under the impression that Gel coat were for the same purpose only the GC is unwaxed So . Yep! you guessed it.. I don't have any GC. Bugger! I hope the local Hardware has some..
So the Flowcoat is used to seal the finished product? I noted in some Film or document that the wax dissolved and came to the surface to seal and protect the product??

Strange thing is if I had made a female plug the rough surface would be inside to sit in so I made the plug a male so the rough surface would be on the under side. Now I find the decorative finish is not for the first part of the layup.

Everything seems back to front to me.[}:)] BUGGER!

1229 posts
30 Oct 2010 5:08AM
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You have made a male plug so the first layer you put on will be what you sit in
which will be the decorative side so that should be coloured gel coat of your choice and then your layup cloth, matt, or whatever and then your flowcoat on the rough underside to tidy that up is how I understand it
Flowcoat is just polyester paint I think
I dont think you have done the plug back to front at all or am I missing something ?

TAS, 1972 posts
30 Oct 2010 9:39AM
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I would suggest that we both may be missing something Me??? More than likely the plot, You?? Probably missing my interpretation of the Einstein Special Theory of Relativity. Which by the way I feel is very close to Murphy's Law[}:)]

It is just that during this topic I have managed to get the impression that Plugs are generally Female so I figured their was a little gender discrimination going on here and being one of the most discriminated against groups in Australia (White Aussie Males) Figured I,d "Make one for the Lads". Then again when I look at the odd photo I see that there are a few out there that would have to have been made on Male Molds or else there was one Hell of a Lot of sanding.
My intent is to lay down the 3oz Woven then at least 2 layers of heavy CSM. (Belt and Braces) I'm to old to be dropped out on the rocks at High Speed-----no make that at any speed What is more I have caught the edge of the Wife's Tongue for a lot of years so I reckoned that a soft smooth seating arrangement was well deserved No
I am building 2 machines at once "Occum's Razor" the bigger one and the and smaller Carbon one "Schrodinger's Cat"

SA, 2865 posts
30 Oct 2010 10:29AM
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I do sympathise with your frustration... the seat plug for the "Sandpiper" took 2 of us about 6 weekends to get sort of get right.

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
30 Oct 2010 9:22AM
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I agree plugs do take a fair amount of time but the good ones are well worth the effort

TAS, 1972 posts
30 Oct 2010 1:05PM
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Thanks for the Shot in the Arm, I needed it..I was beginning to think it was just me . Now I shall just go out and beat my head against the Bricks..... I'm a glutton for punishment[}:)]

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
30 Oct 2010 2:40PM
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The best thing about bashing ones head against said brick wall is when you stop [}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
30 Oct 2010 9:24PM
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You're Aloud to stop Why wasn't I told this 60 years ago.

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
30 Oct 2010 7:58PM
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When you stop your vision clears and you see things in a new light

SA, 2865 posts
30 Oct 2010 10:46PM
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Test pilot 1 said...

When you stop your vision clears and you see things in a new light

BUT that light comes from the on-coming train!!!

WA, 5921 posts
30 Oct 2010 8:39PM
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Hiko said...

You have made a male plug so the first layer you put on will be what you sit in
which will be the decorative side so that should be coloured gel coat of your choice and then your layup cloth, matt, or whatever and then your flowcoat on the rough underside to tidy that up is how I understand it
Flowcoat is just polyester paint I think
I dont think you have done the plug back to front at all or am I missing something ?

well summed up Hiko. bang on the money

TAS, 1972 posts
31 Oct 2010 9:00AM
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God Almighty!!! I got the order right for a change To quote an Old Favorite "Why is it so?"

I was just reading Beer5/Desertyank ( 'THE QUESTION' ; What angle should I make the seatback? From posts, and videos, it looks like 20-30 degrees is average. Is that about right? I want to be as comfortable, and laid flat as possible ( I think!?!?) but still need to see over my feet?"

Interesting Q. I never even gave that one a real thought. Just laying back in the Theater Recliners I was feeling comfy, warm, cozy and dozy and the thought came to me what a way to sail a land yacht, hence my capsule design. One big draw back though,as above "feeling comfy, warm, cozy and dozy" certain aspects of that statement to get a little dangerous. Is there a law about driving in ones sleep??
it has been noted that some designs are very coffin like. Hm! Interestingly "She whom must be obeyed" JJ noted that mine looks a little something they find Pharaohs Mummified in. AAWK! Is she having nasty ideas??[}:)][}:)]

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
1 Nov 2010 1:05AM
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Gizmo said...

Test pilot 1 said...

When you stop your vision clears and you see things in a new light

BUT that light comes from the on-coming train!!!

But is that train a new train of thought

TAS, 1972 posts
1 Nov 2010 11:27AM
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Awright! Awright!

Tell me test pilot. I have gotten really curious about your handle?? Are you a Test-Pilot for Jock Straps??[}:)][}:)]..

Ok So I started with the Polyester yesterday just a test run and created a 2 layer Spine Tunnel for the capsule. Very happy indeed. No yuz Mugs, not gay just very happy[}:)]

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
1 Nov 2010 11:12AM
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Test pilot for some of Landyachts "creations". Takes a lot to kill me! Apparently. [}:)] [}:)] [}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
1 Nov 2010 4:14PM
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Ah! So! Given that info I will call you Cymbidium for short.. Takes a lot of effort to kill them too[}:)].
There is something else you can tell me as well, Ah! ah! ah! Definitely not that!!!!
These WA made wheels the Black ones. Whom is the manufacturer?? and do they have a web page??

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
1 Nov 2010 5:56PM
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arks "Guru" Landyacht Apparently 'e knows all

WA, 5921 posts
1 Nov 2010 8:30PM
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The black wheels were no good the mold was to suit the shrinkage of polyethylene, no the ABS, we had 48 wheels , there are only 7 good ones left, 6 I dont know about. minimum order for the polethylene wheels( no good for the back of the yacht) is 98 wheels( 1 pallet). have you had any luck with the 6"x6" rims

TAS, 1972 posts
2 Nov 2010 7:46AM
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Heading back to the more expensive option?.. Not had a lot of luck and still looking about. I wont pay $4 or $5 hundred a throw. Buggered if I will.
I'm trying to find a dealer in Chinese wheels
I measured the inner dia of those tires and relaxed they are 4.5"" across so I think I'd be able to use 6 x 4 or 6x5 Rims.
Do you know of any dealers in this sort of thing??

488 posts
2 Nov 2010 8:49AM
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FWIW, the "normal" process is to make the plug" which is the same shape as your finished product. From this you take a mould, from which you take your product.
It does not matter whether it's male or female, just that the plug is how you want it to look.
If it's a "pod" type seat the outside is usually the side you want people to look at, for a "normal" you can mainly see the top, which is where you would sit, so the underside is the "non mould" side.
Flowcoat is heavy, I very rarely use it. Stick a bit of gelcoat in the resin when you do the last mix, this will give color. In the UK they seem to always add colour while laminating.
If you think of the term the ponms use, GRP which stands for glass re-inforced plastic, you get a better understanding of resin/glass.
Way back there was advice re PVA release agent. Most professionals don't use it AT ALL. Reason is that it leaves a surface which is not as good as polished wax. Make sure you are using PROPER MOULD RELEASE WAX, not anything with Carnauba .All the sanding and filling is worth it, Your final product will show it. If you don't, you will spend the same amount of time (or more) getting a finish you are happy with on your real seat.
I do not use any blow holes except on complex shapes, yours will jump off a treat!

TAS, 1972 posts
2 Nov 2010 2:10PM
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Thanks Kiwi 307,
Blow Holes? I guess you mean fittings to either use water or Air to strip the seat from the mold?? If so "Too Late, to late" She cried and waved her wooden leg

SA, 2865 posts
2 Nov 2010 3:31PM
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Nikrum said...

Thanks Kiwi 307,
Blow Holes? I guess you mean fittings to either use water or Air to strip the seat from the mold??

The "Sandpiper" mould had 2 snap on water fittings as a release assist these were put into the mould after it was made, just connect to the hose and turn it on, easy as.
And to make them look neat on the completed seat 1 stick on paper dot on each hole about 12mm were used. [get a box of 100 from the news agent for next to nothing]

TAS, 1972 posts
2 Nov 2010 9:09PM
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Ok Gizmo, you should have a look back page 2 about 3/4 way down. My seat is looking a bit like Neo (Matrix )After he followed the White Rabbit.

TAS, 1972 posts
4 Nov 2010 7:01PM
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Where the B---dy Hell are you Landyacht I want to Bitch Slap you around.[}:)] (Just kidding) What a mongrel of a job that Fiberglass is!!!
Never again I swear it.. I think I may have a $150 heap of rubbish on the plug. Next time I use that garbage it will only be to reinforce a wooden seat. 4hrs, me backs buggered and I have a few stuffed bits of equipment. Never Again I swear!!

WA, 6277 posts
4 Nov 2010 4:47PM
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It does take a bit of practice

I'm sure it's not as bad as you might first imagine...

Got any pics?

TAS, 1972 posts
4 Nov 2010 9:10PM
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Can't think of any Wise Arse to make at the moment.
Maybe when I get up on the morrow the sun will be shining a little brighter
No I haven't extracted the plug as yet tomorrow I think. Everything crossed at the moment. I will take a couple of pic's tomorrow. Why?? Are you looking for a laugh

I picked up the NP Sail today looks good.
Thanks neb's, for the moral boost, I sure hope you are right.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Making a Fiber Glass Seat" started by Nikrum