Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

New Creative DIY MIA Trike-A-Sail (TM) Prototype using Steel Telescopic Square Tubing and Tyvek

Created by TrikeASailor > 9 months ago, 21 Mar 2018
28 posts
27 May 2018 11:44AM
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Somehow I unintentionally ended up double posting my previous post. How do I remove the double post? Thanks.

WA, 1244 posts
27 May 2018 6:55PM
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I found this really interesting.
Lots of time and effort gone into your design. Well done.

I spend a lot of time and many many kilometers using race foil kites to power me in my kite buggy. The advantage of a soft wing is the ability to compress it to pack up. Not so important on a model. The current model single skin power kites pack away to a tiny package considering the over all square meterage of the kite.

I totally agree about the bridle tangles when they go wrong. This one took me 1.5 hours to undo and also a few beers.

A bit of fun on a very light wind day. Wind was measured at 3 knots and I was buggying with my ELF 18 m2 kite. Top speed was 46kmh.

WA, 2775 posts
28 May 2018 10:16PM
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Hey Chook - that flyboy needs to be taught a lesson.
It must be about time to dust off the pulse jet again


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"New Creative DIY MIA Trike-A-Sail (TM) Prototype using Steel Telescopic Square Tubing and Tyvek" started by TrikeASailor