Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

Sandgropers Lake Walyungup events 2012-2013

Created by aus230 > 9 months ago, 30 Oct 2012
WA, 1659 posts
26 Mar 2013 1:15PM
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Another great days sailing, The numbers where down a bit from previous meeting with some sailors having other commitments on the day. The winds where fairly light but steady all day. The last two races on the day we tried a couple of handicap races and they turned out to be great fun, Maybe something we should think about including for a couple of races each class5 day. Dam the year has gone fast with only a few meetings to go to finish the season.

Top positions on the day.
1st Vic AUS230
2nd Merv AUS1
2rd Graeme AUS20

Score sheet


Start Line

Sail area in front of base

Handy cap race, great fun, make a mistake and they get you

WA, 5921 posts
2 Apr 2013 6:59PM
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I think somebody in a club 88 thought they would fit in the space you were sailing in there vic

WA, 1659 posts
2 Apr 2013 9:08PM
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I love the rough and tumble, you will never see a protest from me. Guess it a hangover from my speedway days(no quarter given)

WA, 5921 posts
3 Apr 2013 8:51PM
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aus230 said...
I love the rough and tumble, you will never see a protest from me. Guess it a hangover from my speedway days(no quarter given)

make sure you bring your yacht and new wheels for testing in may then.

WA, 1659 posts
8 Apr 2013 4:14PM
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7 April Club88 Handy cap

Quite day at the lake.
The first race was abandoned as the wind died and did return to around 3.30. A couple fun races where run but no results where recorded on the day.

WA, 1659 posts
15 Apr 2013 1:15AM
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14 April
Another quite day at the lake today not a breath of wind all day, We all stayed to the end of the day but no sailing. It was still a nice day sitting around spinning stories. Sandgropers are a great mob of guys and girls. Very happy to be part of it.

Megan -- Fearless fairy

WA, 700 posts
23 Apr 2013 8:52PM
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A bit damp on occasion last Sunday but of course that adds to the fun ..

This beast is going to be a force to be reckoned with next season, development going really well

WA, 5921 posts
24 Apr 2013 8:16PM
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a flying fauntleroy?

WA, 101 posts
26 Apr 2013 6:58PM
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da doo..ron ron ron da doo...ron ron

WA, 1659 posts
29 Apr 2013 7:27PM
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28 April Class5 scratch
Well that is the season over for 2013, its been a great years sailing and a lot of fun.
The wind was light and patchy and only three races where completed. A lot of us stalled while others went sailing by(very frustrating) but all adds to be fun.
The lake was cleared of all our sailing equipment and we settled into a quite barby. The AGM in June is the next time we all get together. Thanks for a great season everyone.

Top place on the day

1st Graeme aus20
2nd Barry M aus16
3rd Vic aus230


Score board

WA, 5921 posts
29 Apr 2013 8:48PM
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did you get a longer season this year i dont recall you guys and girls sailing till the rains came

WA, 700 posts
30 Apr 2013 9:10PM
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Week before Mothers day is usually the cutoff, wind is normally a lottery after Easter but we have been fortunate this year.

WA, 700 posts
30 Apr 2013 9:21PM
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Great turnout for the last day, especially since a couple of regulars were missing

After the racing was called off and most were packed up the wind came up. Hate it when that happens, but those of us still rigged up went out for a hoot. All went well until...


WA, 5921 posts
30 Apr 2013 9:41PM
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time for those 20mm axles Vic

WA, 1659 posts
30 Apr 2013 10:01PM
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First job to be done when it is stripped. That is the only one I broke this year.
Tell you what that 6mm wall legs I use take some bending(they haven't bent in 6 years and have taken some punishment with the amount of axle's that I have broke).

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
1 May 2013 10:08PM
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Ya wheelie know how to scrape the paint eh Vic[}:)]

WA, 1659 posts
30 May 2013 10:51PM
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Sandgropers AGM on the 9th June, old and new members welcome

WA, 1659 posts
10 Jun 2013 4:48PM
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The AGM was held yesterday and it was a great night, good atmosphere and plenty of friendly banta.

Seasons results.

Most Improved
Mark aus32.

1st Barry M aus16
2nd Merv aus1
3rd Greg aus42

Class5 Scratch
1st Vic aus230
2nd Graeme aus20
3rd Barry

Club Champion
Vic aus230

Pics not very good quality

WA, 1659 posts
11 Jun 2013 11:46PM
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Our next sailing event is Lake Lefroy Marathon Weekend.sept 28,29,30



Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

"Sandgropers Lake Walyungup events 2012-2013" started by aus230