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lake lefroy regatta.26,27,28th september 2015

Created by landyacht > 9 months ago, 20 Aug 2015
WA, 5921 posts
20 Aug 2015 7:07PM
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starting again !!!! couldnt stand the grumpy posts.
so september 26 ,27,28 , feel free to arrive early or stay late.
registration on the saturday 26th.
marathons for class 5 and mini class. ( a blowie is a mini)
Event is an open even . pilots need to be a paid up member of a club, or can take out temporary membership to lake lefroy LSC for the weekend.

If the lake is unusable this year we plan to take a trip to Menzies to trial a street circuit that weve spotted . the idea has the support of the local shire. it would involve paying for camping at the local caravan park ( next to the pub) we can rig and sail from the park onto the street network to the west of the goldfields highway. have a look on google at the town. its not that big. Its 131km from Kalgoorle which would add 70km one way if driving from perth or 230kms if driving from esperance

WA, 42 posts
20 Aug 2015 7:51PM
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Sounds pretty good Landyacht and Menzies is a great alternative to Lake Lefroy if good old mother nature doesn't play her part. How is the Lake looking at the moment? We have definitely had our fair share of inclement weather in the Rockingham/Safety Bay area over the last couple of weeks.

WA, 215 posts
21 Aug 2015 6:44AM
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Don't forget Kite Buggies!
Sounds like there might be enough this year for their own race/s.

If we do go to Menzies are the power lines still up I.E. how would it be for kites?

PS: For those who don't live here.
We had 60mm rain on Leffroy at the beginning of Aug and a couple more showers since then.
Last year we had a similar amount of rain late March and that was only just drying off by Sep.
So its not looking good, the lake will not be dry, but the question is will it be dry enough to sail on.
That depends entirely on how much wind we get and from what direction.

If we get strong steady westerlies it will blow the water across to the other side of he lake. This is why its so hard to give a definitive answer at this stage. If we get consistent westerlies we will probably be ok. But If the wind swings around to the east it will push all the water over towards where we sail.

We wont be able to give a definitive answer until about a week out when we have an accurate enough forecast to be shore of wind directions and strengths in the lead up to and through out the event.

Dont give up yet, as you can see from the rose below, westerlies in Sep not unreasonable just not guarantied.

WA, 10 posts
21 Aug 2015 12:27PM
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Too much water on Lake Lefroy does not sound good. Have you considered pumping out the pond the day before?
The alternative option of Menzies sounds interesting but looking on the street layout west of Menzies on google, makes it difficult to imagine how it might work. Streets are narrow and in a grid pattern.
Can you expand on what you propose and how it might work?

Andy B
WA, 130 posts
21 Aug 2015 10:23PM
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I would give Menzies a miss if we could not sail Lefroy

WA, 215 posts
22 Aug 2015 5:35PM
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Good News

While there is still a lot of water on the lake perhaps there is not as much as i feared.

We have had a good steady W to WNW wind here since early Thursday.

This is where I sailed Sat morning, the water was still out of sight on my most easterly leg.

PS: New wheels are feeling pretty good so hope I get to race them.

2 posts
22 Aug 2015 5:41PM
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That's good news indeed!

WA, 1244 posts
22 Aug 2015 6:53PM
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Awesome!!!! You got to the island?

It's still pouring rain here. Glad it is not making it that far north.

WA, 5921 posts
22 Aug 2015 7:57PM
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Coops77 said..
Too much water on Lake Lefroy does not sound good. Have you considered pumping out the pond the day before?
The alternative option of Menzies sounds interesting but looking on the street layout west of Menzies on google, makes it difficult to imagine how it might work. Streets are narrow and in a grid pattern.
Can you expand on what you propose and how it might work?

the big white blob is the caravan park with a clraeed block to the north then the pub. that gives 3 bitumen roads to the westand 3 EW cross roads to sail . only power is on the noerthern most EW road. there are no trees, just bare ground. very few kerbs. we shouldnt need to book at Caravan park , they dont get that busy. organisation would be 1 phone call to say we are coming.

WA, 5921 posts
22 Aug 2015 8:02PM
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Sylk said..
Good News

While there is still a lot of water on the lake perhaps there is not as much as i feared.

We have had a good steady W to WNW wind here since early Thursday.

This is where I sailed Sat morning, the water was still out of sight on my most easterly leg.

PS: New wheels are feeling pretty good so hope I get to race them.

bloomin awesome sylk . nothing like a bitterly cold howling southerly to clean up the lake . there must be some great sallt to the west if you got that far over. travis was out on the ponds and reckons its very shallow on the ponds. they are a good indication as the water level on them can only be direct rain fall as they have no run off getting in( closed system).
dont know how you'd drain a pond thts 20mm deep and laser flat with water moving all the time

WA, 10 posts
8 Sep 2015 10:35AM
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Any update on conditions at Lake Lefroy? We've had some decent rains lately.

WA, 121 posts
8 Sep 2015 6:10PM
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Was out there 31st Aug and the lake was covered with water as far as I could see.. Ponds to the right of the causeway had water too,3/4 covered with water. Sailed in the pond of desperation out at the end of the ponds, partly free of water but wet, took home a generous layer of salt. Wind was NW to N, moderate breeze. Blowies up to 40 kph.

18 days to go, my guess a bit soggy unless good winds push the water away to the side. Bring a change of clothes.

WA, 1659 posts
8 Sep 2015 8:09PM
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Yachts ready for the Lefroy regatta, both have been rebuilt over winter and a few modifications made ,looking forward to catching up with everyone

WA, 5921 posts
8 Sep 2015 9:49PM
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bryan said..
Was out there 31st Aug and the lake was covered with water as far as I could see.. Ponds to the right of the causeway had water too,3/4 covered with water. Sailed in the pond of desperation out at the end of the ponds, partly free of water but wet, took home a generous layer of salt. Wind was NW to N, moderate breeze. Blowies up to 40 kph.

18 days to go, my guess a bit soggy unless good winds push the water away to the side. Bring a change of clothes.

worth noting wind direction would flood clubhouse area. anything southerly will clear it. 29 degrees tommorrow should help. you actually need wind to dry the lake rather than still and hot. hot and still leaves the lake unsailable

WA, 215 posts
9 Sep 2015 7:03AM
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Because it is almost impossible to get a full overview of the lake without a plane it can be difficult to get a good idea of how much water is out there.

On the way over to work there a corner of lake about 1 sq km in size which is completely enclosed by causeways and mining. I find this corner is a very useful micro gauge macro conditions.

At the moment just over half surface area but less than 2/3 is covered in water.

WA, 5921 posts
9 Sep 2015 9:08PM
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keep in mind john that before the new causeway went in that pond was a deep point on the lake. a massive area drains into it from below the surface. i was once involved in rescuing a herd of goats that had got caught in deep water there and were drowning. we drove a drill rig to them and hauled them out
the memorial windvane for crockett rock is taking on its shape nicely

.Im working through lyndons yachts which are all being sold on behalf of the family.
first one Ive sorted through is his class 5. ive set it up with his VIC wheel 26"x100mm rims. tyres are brand new.2 piece alloy mast, fallshaw front wheel. the steering position can be adjusted by 250mm so 5' to6'+ pilots wlll fit . the fibreglass seat is my supercomfy fit ERGO shape,with cushion.

If your interested PM me . I will have pics of his mini"the Plank " up soon

WA, 101 posts
10 Sep 2015 8:59PM
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Bloody nora that's a big mini sail Vic.
Hope it doesn't mean Trav isn't sailing this year as it looks like his old Viking sail.
I just thought you were tanking in the mini earlier in the year to give the rest of us a bit of a chance to be honest, but
between You, Landy, Chook, Ben, Greg and all the cookie cutters we haven't a chance in hell.

WA, 1659 posts
11 Sep 2015 10:02AM
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Mark, I was not tanking, you were flogging me fair and square . There are still a couple of viking sails around, I hope crazey Trav will be sailing

WA, 5921 posts
12 Sep 2015 4:26PM
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dropped into crazy travs new mansion on the hill and didnt see any signs of landyacht preparation.
the lake situation isnt so good.
john went out to the club and main lake was proper flooded. ponds are relying on wind to give 2/3 of a dry pond. that should improve with some wind and heat. I went up read hill and can say that the wind only moves the water about 1km from the lake edge when its blowing. . we are relying on a southerly change just before the weekend to get main lake sailing, otherwise it will be pondlife

WA, 101 posts
12 Sep 2015 5:15PM
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I remember the far? pond having a great eroded causeway to add spice to the experience though.
Got the mini decked out in blue and yellow as well, in the hope it will help me fly.
Aquaplaning across that salt surface is pretty hairy, glad the kids have knobblies on the back of their minis

WA, 215 posts
13 Sep 2015 8:55AM
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WA, 5921 posts
14 Sep 2015 9:18PM
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had a chat to the Holcim manager today. they are cancelling all the roadtrains onaccess road for the long weekend to keep the dust down and make it safer for spectators

WA, 1 posts
16 Sep 2015 5:44PM
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How is the lake looking now.

WA, 5921 posts
16 Sep 2015 9:47PM
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sat , northerly fully sick flooded at the clubhouse, saturday night wind changed to a southerlyand there was 2.5km to the waters edge at 8,00 am which was dry enough to sail on by10.00. ponds are at half tide no rain expected.
im making a special storm sail for my class 5 if that gives you any hints as to my expectations

WA, 101 posts
17 Sep 2015 8:49PM
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Sounds promising.
Now I just need to decide whether to install lead weights on the outer ends of the axles (ala AUS 12)
or floaties and a paddle.
We will head off early Thursday , hope to get there around lunchish.

WA, 5921 posts
17 Sep 2015 9:50PM
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planning on having thursday lunch at the lake , maybe an early coldie if theres no wind

WA, 1244 posts
18 Sep 2015 7:30PM
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Thursday around lunchtime for me too.

WA, 5921 posts
29 Sep 2015 8:26PM
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sounds like we are all home safe. a few buggies on the beach at esperance still having a go.
weekend went well saturday and sunday saw races completed . the minis managed all races including the marathon class 5 had to make do with4 short course and 2 laps of the marathon. we postponed the cl5 marathon so the minis could complete thier series, but the monday was a fizzer. tuesday of course was a blowout!!!!!!!!!!!! special mentions from me are John Hawkins-Salt for taking the ferry across the lake to crockett Rock and getting us to the memorial service . Leah Hawkins-Salt for 2 amazing cooked breakfasts in a row.
big mention to this years only entrant yet incredibly deserving winner of the teapot and table trophy , Jenny Mason. her entry was sufficient to feed the whole camp and included the holy grail of cakes , the vanilla slice. Apologies for lack of pics as all my cameras are suffering from salt.
the Esperance Assassins dominated all the mini races . Seabreeze stuggles with tables so I will have to retype the results in the next day or two.
If anybody has pics to share nows the time

WA, 1659 posts
30 Sep 2015 8:09AM
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Had a great time,(except for the wind) It was nice to travel out to the island and place a memorial to Lyndon, the club commodore, who passed away just recently
A few pics

WA, 1659 posts
30 Sep 2015 8:45AM
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Some pics from my trip to Lefroy

WA, 5921 posts
30 Sep 2015 6:54PM
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Did anybody get any pics of the row of tornados that were trying to form up and touchdown , one thumped into Coolgardie whilst we were at the lake.
there was a row of about 15, but the winds below were too light to get em started


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

"lake lefroy regatta.26,27,28th september 2015" started by landyacht