i guess I am lucky that I am a member of probably the most successful land yacht club in Australia. What has made it that way.
My thoughts.
they have a ridged race program that is set and stuck to each year .(if it was not organised I would have lost interest)
They repurchase yachts from people who leave the sport and on sell them to new members.
There is a core group that have stayed with the club for many years.
Up to recently they had a building committee to build new yachts as required
It is hard to attract new members but manage to attract and maintain some each year, seem to have around 10-15 class5 turning up to race each week and last week we had 7, 5.6 mini racing with several more under construction or waiting for parts to complete. All the minies are enclosed and a fair bit of moderfication to get the best out of them taking place. All the class5 and minis are home built , as for me I love building and tinkering as much as sailing. I have never been taught anything I do, Use you tube a lot to learn and guess willing to give it a go.
At last years ALC event at Ivanpah they ran the American Mini class and International mini class. I am assuming the same will happen again.
Barney, what happens is there will be more minis in the original 5.6 mini class and fewer in the US mini class because the original mini class has less rules. The same thing will happen in class 2 this year for the same reason.
Well here goes nothin. Mini 5.6 another class, another set of rules, another pain in the butt for new people. Remember, to many cooks always spoil the soup. I first got interested in land sailing when I was about 10 yrs old. Took a bed sheet off the clothes line, put it on my push cart and had a hell of a good time for about 3 hrs. Caught holy hell when I got home but it was worth it. That was 57 years ago. 15 yrs ago I bought my 1st landsailer, sirooco sprint. It was a major purchase for me and my wife thought I was nuts. I haven't sailed any thing since I was ten years old. Went to the local high school parking lot and sailed (not well) till it got dark. I was now hooked. The person I bought the boat from said they had freindly get togethers at ivanpah twice a year and if we would like to join them we could. Since the year 2000 we have went to the dry lake twice a year for a freindly get together. Been over to nalsa event once and was not felt very welcome. I now own 3 sailers, 2 sprints, 1 twin and soon to have another midsize to my collection. My personal novice opinion of the 5.6 class it will end up like the rest. I think you need to put novice sailers in a class of their own and exsperiance sailers in a class by themselves. Anyhow, that's my 2 cents for what it's worth.
I recall that cockroach infested wardrobe in blackpool vividly , not fondly. the smell of my socks that had melted when the heater flared up filling the room with an aroma of burning nylon ,which helped as the CO had no odour. i also recall that the rent had been paid so it may appear the owner diddled an gullible aussie and a trusting kiwi