Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

checking out old haunts......

Created by VindisDad > 9 months ago, 14 Apr 2012
117 posts
14 Apr 2012 8:43PM
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last 2 days had a look at 2 sites I haven't seen for a while -

Lake Bumbunga, Lochiel (yesterday)

& Pt Germain, where I had a nice sail this morning

SA, 2865 posts
14 Apr 2012 10:26PM
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Salt looks nice

TAS, 1972 posts
14 Apr 2012 11:16PM
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Ain't Nostalgia wonderful. The Salt Lake looks like it could be a lot of fun..

WA, 1659 posts
15 Apr 2012 8:22AM
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Hi Bill
Lake Bumbunga looks great, How is the surface for sailing and can it be used.

I think Pt Germain is a great spot I spent a couple of days there last year. Did not get to have a sail as wind was not there. Pefect spot tho as the caravan park is right on the waters edge and the town was real friendly. Miles of sailing area when the tide was out. Looks like a good place to fish and catch crabs.

117 posts
15 Apr 2012 8:02PM
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Hi guys,
Salt at lake is spot on, but have to check permission first.
When I sailed there many years ago, it was very fast. Similar to Kambalda.
Looks as good now.

SA, 956 posts
16 Apr 2012 10:18AM
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So who is the contact for permission???

SA, 2865 posts
16 Apr 2012 11:23AM
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gibberjoe said...

So who is the contact for permission???

Those that need to know already know.. The last thing that needs to happen is for the lake to be abused by every man and his dog ringing the owner asking for access to the lake.

317 posts
16 Apr 2012 3:36PM
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Gizmo said...

gibberjoe said...

So who is the contact for permission???

Those that need to know already know.. The last thing that needs to happen is for the lake to be abused by every man and his dog ringing the owner asking for access to the lake.

So Joe...what breed of dog do you own

SA, 956 posts
16 Apr 2012 8:18PM
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looks like ice upset the Marfia dog could work that out in half a

dead dogs day, he's a mongrel and wont take no as an answer, good around the

BBQ, he becomes a sausage dog, colk....only jesting

SA, 538 posts
17 Apr 2012 9:16AM
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in 2010 there was going to be a combined kite festival and land sailing event at Pt Gremaine called blovember but it never can to pass (couldn't get any "club" members to travel that far) so it all went by the board but I think that the local tourist assoc, could be talked into putting some thing on again,, I had a number of conversations with them while trying to get land yachts up there, the beach isnt't bad as a sailing beach can be a bit "pot holey" but you get that, maybe a week sailing up there would be the go I'm sure we could do a deal with the caravan park for a cheaper rate for land sailors and at the right time of year if the wind isn't up there's alway good cradding from the jetty so there's plenty to do,,mmmm maybe i'll contact the assoc again and put it to them ,,, just a thought

WA, 5921 posts
17 Apr 2012 8:44PM
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The beach at Pt Germeine is as good as anything you'll find internationally, I'd call it world class.
the important thing if you wanted to organize an event there is to make sure you go at a time when the tide is perfect,and it co-incides with the best wind conditions of the year.
dont put effort into organizing an event when the winds will be iffy or the tides too early or too late, but fits in well with the tourist season or a public holiday.
thats been done time after time.
. count the Lake Lefroy Boys IN , if you can come up with something do-able at Pt Germeine
the crabs have more meat late to mid summer , rather than early in the season too
when is the best wind and tides?, a dodge tide would be great .
can I suggest one of the crow eaters ring up the man at the hardware,bait shop/post office and have a good long talk . he is an absolute expert on that beach

WA, 5921 posts
17 Apr 2012 9:00PM
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gibberjoe said...

So who is the contact for permission???

I would start by ringing the lochiel hotel 0888662208.
its more than likely the owner of the land drinks there.
if you sit around waiting for" those who know"
to get there ** together and welcome you into a great cuddly brotherhood youll have popped an artery by then
ring when its not happy hour, theyll be happy to chat

QLD, 12337 posts
17 Apr 2012 11:31PM
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landyacht said...

The beach at Pt Germeine is as good as anything you'll find internationally, I'd call it world class.
the important thing if you wanted to organize an event there is to make sure you go at a time when the tide is perfect,and it co-incides with the best wind conditions of the year.
dont put effort into organizing an event when the winds will be iffy or the tides too early or too late, but fits in well with the tourist season or a public holiday.
thats been done time after time.
. count the Lake Lefroy Boys IN , if you can come up with something do-able at Pt Germeine
the crabs have more meat late to mid summer , rather than early in the season too
when is the best wind and tides?, a dodge tide would be great .
can I suggest one of the crow eaters ring up the man at the hardware,bait shop/post office and have a good long talk . he is an absolute expert on that beach

Come on mate. Tides are predictable to the day. Winds are somewhat predictable by the season and you want to add crabs into the equation.

Whoarr!! What if we could pull it all off. Pardon me while I wipe the drool off my chin.

WA, 700 posts
17 Apr 2012 10:16PM
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November 22 any good?!/sa

SA, 538 posts
18 Apr 2012 9:17AM
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landyacht said...

The beach at Pt Germeine is as good as anything you'll find internationally, I'd call it world class.
the important thing if you wanted to organize an event there is to make sure you go at a time when the tide is perfect,and it co-incides with the best wind conditions of the year.
dont put effort into organizing an event when the winds will be iffy or the tides too early or too late, but fits in well with the tourist season or a public holiday.
thats been done time after time.
. count the Lake Lefroy Boys IN , if you can come up with something do-able at Pt Germeine
the crabs have more meat late to mid summer , rather than early in the season too
when is the best wind and tides?, a dodge tide would be great .
can I suggest one of the crow eaters ring up the man at the hardware,bait shop/post office and have a good long talk . he is an absolute expert on that beach

that is the guy i talked to last time when they were thinking about this blovember event and yes he was the "man to deal with" I go there a lot during the summer crabbing as it's only a few hours from adelaide but i mostly go "bush camping" down near the island but I'll contact the caravan park people and some others that i know there and see what i can work out and when would be the best time to put something on,, any prefences as to what time of year, what with everything thats going on it maybe early next year maybe but i'll speak to the people and see what they think...if it was to be this year it would have to be november or early december to get good crabbing in as well or if next year maybe january or feb, but i'll go up there and talk with then in person and see what i can find out,, i'd like to make it our beach for sailing and make it an annuall event, i still have a contact number for the guy in the local council that i can talk to also.. see what happens.

SA, 2865 posts
18 Apr 2012 9:24AM
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Paul.... re; Lake Bumbunga, sending people to the local pub to get the name of the rude and disrespectful to assume for the price of a beer people will get the name of the property owner from some bar fly!! Hope that same bar fly doesn't know your private home address.

The lake is PRIVATE property and the owner is known to the land sailing people that need to know.
Private property is EXACTLY that PRIVATE PROPERTY !!!!

As you are VERY well aware the lake has a VERY soft edge that is easily damaged at times even getting a Class5 onto the lake can be difficult let alone anything larger, trying to get a trailer on the lake will cause MASSIVE damage to the lake surface.
And as you are aware it takes many many years for lakes to recover from such damage like that, and farmers don't like damage occurring on their property.
The owner is very protective of the lake and wont appreciate any damage or constant requests for access.

The last thing the sport needs in South Australia is a whole lot of people contacting the owner wanting access to the lake, going there unprepared for the soft edges of the lake and doing damage.

Access has always previously been arranged as a group of land sailors going to the lake, and this is often needed to get the yachts to the sailing area.

So Paul please have some respect for the land owner and other land sailors in SA.... As you would appreciate on your local sailing area interstate interference is NOT warranted or welcome.

You think I'm upset and cranky?...... absolutely.. and not apologising for it either as the lack of respect and assumptions by some give me the irrrits!!!!

SA, 956 posts
18 Apr 2012 7:55PM
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get off your high horse...we are not all tarred with the same brush as you!!!!!

Mrs Duck
SA, 17 posts
18 Apr 2012 9:15PM
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gibberjoe said...

get off your high horse...we are not all tarred with the same brush as you!!!!!

Shame on you gibberjoe!

WA, 5921 posts
18 Apr 2012 8:16PM
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Gizmo said...

Paul.... re; Lake Bumbunga, sending people to the local pub to get the name of the rude and disrespectful to assume for the price of a beer people will get the name of the property owner from some bar fly!! Hope that same bar fly doesn't know your private home address.

The lake is PRIVATE property and the owner is known to the land sailing people that need to know.
Private property is EXACTLY that PRIVATE PROPERTY !!!!

As you are VERY well aware the lake has a VERY soft edge that is easily damaged at times even getting a Class5 onto the lake can be difficult let alone anything larger, trying to get a trailer on the lake will cause MASSIVE damage to the lake surface.
And as you are aware it takes many many years for lakes to recover from such damage like that, and farmers don't like damage occurring on their property.
The owner is very protective of the lake and wont appreciate any damage or constant requests for access.

The last thing the sport needs in South Australia is a whole lot of people contacting the owner wanting access to the lake, going there unprepared for the soft edges of the lake and doing damage.

Access has always previously been arranged as a group of land sailors going to the lake, and this is often needed to get the yachts to the sailing area.

So Paul please have some respect for the land owner and other land sailors in SA.... As you would appreciate on your local sailing area interstate interference is NOT warranted or welcome.

You think I'm upset and cranky?...... absolutely.. and not apologising for it either as the lack of respect and assumptions by some give me the irrrits!!!!

Blimey Gizmo, I suggested ringing the hotel and asking who to contact.
you have to start somewhere, if the owner tell you to P.O then youve saved yourself a trip, but sitting at home doing nothing will just help the activity of landsailing fade away , not even into the history books.
I could see you driving past one day , seeing a fleet of blokarts and wondering why you cant sail with them,
realistically we are having to start the ball rolling all over again, so why not start with a phone call to a hotel

SA, 2865 posts
18 Apr 2012 9:51PM
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What don't you understand Paul.... The owner is known an agreement had been worked out for landyacht usage. But as a group... Not random drop in people.
Your stupidity and pub stuff is putting that agreement on shaky ground.

SA, 538 posts
18 Apr 2012 9:57PM
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bazl said...

November 22 any good?!/sa

just had a look at tide times for nov 22 low tide of 0.77 of a meter starts on sunday 25th at 12.33pm plus add 1 hour for day light savings time, and runs until wednesday 28th at 0.36 of a meter at 13.58pm plus 1 hour.. i was thinking maybe october from about the 13th which runs at 0.85 mts at 12.55pm plus hour 1 it's low tide middel of the day/afternoon then until the followinfg sunday 21 which is .92 mts at 16.30pm plus hour, that time would give two weekend and a week of low tides according to the bom web site tide times, unless i have read it wrongly. you have to use the Pt Pirie predictions and then add about 30 mins or so as Pt germein is further north

WA, 5921 posts
18 Apr 2012 8:40PM
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Gizmo said...

What don't you understand Paul.... The owner is known an agreement had been worked out for landyacht usage. But as a group... Not random drop in people.
Your stupidity and pub stuff is putting that agreement on shaky ground. STFU

so how about organizing something, there are buckets of landyachters waiting to join in , do it

TAS, 1972 posts
18 Apr 2012 11:01PM
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That's the Stuff Gizmo!! An EXCELLENT Display of Diplomacy and finesse.

SA, 538 posts
19 Apr 2012 9:54AM
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beachball57 said...

guys don't let this turn ito a poo slinging match, I thought "those" sort of people had moved on gizmo is right to a certain extent, if i was the owner i don't think i'd want "drop ins" calling all the time, and if the owner's name is already known then it doesn't matter,,but paul is right as well to a certain extent, as i see it land sailing is trying to stay aflaot ( pardon the pun) and we have to start somewhere, just talking about it won't get nothing done unless some action happens as well

WA, 2775 posts
19 Apr 2012 11:42AM
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Just how much soggy ground do you need to cross to reach useable lake surface?

Do you need to put down conveyor belting or similar for access?

If the land owner is agreeable- materials could be stored on the property instead of having to cart it all around.

With lack of suitable sailing areas being the biggest obstacle holding landyachting back- Paul is right- good venues need to be constantly found and developed, Gizmo is also right- the property owners need to be kept happy too.

No need to tear each others head off about it- we all want the same thing after all.
If we keep acting as individuals jealously protecting our personal playgrounds, we will eventually have no one but well organised groups like the blokarts clubs being able to sail anywhere.

Be a bit realistic, look at what the Australian Blokart clubs have achieved so far- impressive growth, private club venues, club premises,
Only a few minutes from my home, the Perth Blokart Club now have the keys to Lake Gnangara- along with seasonal access to the same patch that Sandgropers use- something I could never hope get as an individual!

Work together fellas- find suitable venues for sailing by any means you can, then get the rubber stamp from the owners and go out there and impress them!


SA, 2865 posts
19 Apr 2012 2:00PM
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sn said...

Just how much soggy ground do you need to cross to reach useable lake surface?

Do you need to put down conveyor belting or similar for access?

If the land owner is agreeable- materials could be stored on the property instead of having to cart it all around.

With lack of suitable sailing areas being the biggest obstacle holding landyachting back- Paul is right- good venues need to be constantly found and developed, Gizmo is also right- the property owners need to be kept happy too.

No need to tear each others head off about it- we all want the same thing after all.
If we keep acting as individuals jealously protecting our personal playgrounds, we will eventually have no one but well organised groups like the blokarts clubs being able to sail anywhere.

Be a bit realistic, look at what the Australian Blokart clubs have achieved so far- impressive growth, private club venues, club premises,
Only a few minutes from my home, the Perth Blokart Club now have the keys to Lake Gnangara- along with seasonal access to the same patch that Sandgropers use- something I could never hope get as an individual!

Work together fellas- find suitable venues for sailing by any means you can, then get the rubber stamp from the owners and go out there and impress them!


You are absolutely right Sn, this particular Lake requires particular care when using it for Land Sailing. Those people who have used it before are aware of its problems and the techniques required. That's why it needs a group approach NOT individual requests to access the lake. As those of us who have sailed on it before know that the window of opportunity for use ability of this Lake is very small. After this coming weekend with the predicted rains I expect it to be unusable perhaps until Dec/Jan 2012/2013. (This is based on many years of past experience).
I have never suggested that this Lake is my private playground, I have only stated it is on Private Property and access needs to be co-ordinated for the reasons stated above.
Continual discussion on this subject by people who have no reason to be involved at this stage are actually hampering what is occurring behind the scenes. I am aware that at least 3 people who expressed interest are now having second thoughts.
The reality of this Lake being a regular sailing site like Lefroy or Lake Gnangara is not viable due to it not being a year round sailing site. Sth Australia at this stage is perhaps at least 5yrs off having Clubs like Lefroy and Perth. Misfits is in the early days of establishment and at this stage is more Social than competitive, give them a chance to establish a group without external interference.
That's my say on this subject lets focus on coastal sites like Port Germain and Kingston, BB is doing a fantastic job on those sites let him do what he needs to do.

117 posts
19 Apr 2012 2:38PM
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Sorry guys,
Didn't mean to cause a ..... storm

Just interested in having a bit of a sail again

SA, 956 posts
19 Apr 2012 5:30PM
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for those with limited interest in this spat............

A Mrs Duck contacted me, she seems to have her Feathers ruffled, and has

charged to the defence of The Gizmo by tearing strips off me. I have replied and

have kept a sample,,,,"landyachting general" is where everone who wants to talk

about anything as i see it, does. I asked a quesrtion of interest to me......thats

all . I have nothing to applogise about my question!!

TAS, 1972 posts
19 Apr 2012 6:48PM
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I do not see this so mach as a Spat but as a total misreading of an initial question about this Lake Double Bunga. I understood it as a Question as to how to locate the owner to gain permission to use his Lake.. To me that is totally innocuous and innocent enough. It was not meant to Cause this Storm- in-a-Teacup. The question required a simple, honest answer

i.e. "Guys we in SA would prefer you didn't call or contact the owner as our use is quite tenuous and the owner would prefer us to keep it as a limited site"

A simple polite answer that offends no one I hope. There is no need for a tirade or inappropriate behavior to fellow Land Yachters.

Now am I right or am I right??

We all want the same thing--------To enjoy Sailing and like minded companionship??

Now there is a very Wide 11Km Long Beach near Smithton that anyone is welcome to use, the Sand is as hard as your Forehead (Excluding TP1-Of course)[}:)]. I don't mind putting someone up for a few nights, pay your way is all.


Mrs Duck
SA, 17 posts
19 Apr 2012 6:35PM
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gibberjoe said...

for those with limited interest in this spat............

A Mrs Duck contacted me, she seems to have her Feathers ruffled, and has

charged to the defence of The Gizmo by tearing strips off me. I have replied and

have kept a sample,,,,"landyachting general" is where everone who wants to talk

about anything as i see it, does. I asked a quesrtion of interest to me......thats

all . I have nothing to applogise about my question!!

I am not interested in having a arguement with you Gibberjoe, but for the record your comment directed at Gizmo(my husband) I found personally offensive and that is why I pm you. Yes you originally asked a question, Gizmo did not direct his reply directly to you or anyone it was a generalised statement YOU chose to take it personally and your comment/post last night was personally directed to Gizmo.

I have in the past had you in my home and you have enjoyed our hospitality for reasons that are known to us and yourself that no longer occurs but to personally attack Gizmo on the forum was just plain rude. Gizmo since the falling out has endeavoured not to reply to your posts out of respect please choose to be equally as respectful

Whilst I have had a profile on this forum for a number of years I have chosen to for the most part not to contribute BUT I do read the forum and will observe my right to defend my husband when he is being unfairly targeted. Some individuals on this forum over the years have thought it appropriate to threaten and abuse Gizmo and I often by phone calls/emails and this of course affects our family. A couple of years ago I posted that everyone needs to keep in mind partners and their families read this forum so respect was paramount.You chose to be very rude on the forum and I have decided enough is enough!!! If you thought I was angry/upset last night triple it this evening.!!!!!!!!

Mind your manners Gibberjoe, have some class and act your age!!!!!

Mrs Duck
SA, 17 posts
19 Apr 2012 6:58PM
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Nikrum said...

I do not see this so mach as a Spat but as a total misreading of an initial question about this Lake Double Bunga. I understood it as a Question as to how to locate the owner to gain permission to use his Lake.. To me that is totally innocuous and innocent enough. It was not meant to Cause this Storm- in-a-Teacup. The question required a simple, honest answer

i.e. "Guys we in SA would prefer you didn't call or contact the owner as our use is quite tenuous and the owner would prefer us to keep it as a limited site"

A simple polite answer that offends no one I hope. There is no need for a tirade or inappropriate behavior to fellow Land Yachters.

Now am I right or am I right??

We all want the same thing--------To enjoy Sailing and like minded companionship??

Now there is a very Wide 11Km Long Beach near Smithton that anyone is welcome to use, the Sand is as hard as your Forehead (Excluding TP1-Of course)[}:)]. I don't mind putting someone up for a few nights, pay your way is all.


You are right Nikrum!, there should be absolutely no need for tirade's or personal insults on this forum. Passion for the sport is one thing but insulting people because you disagree with them or threatening them and their families off the forum is something completely different. To a large extent in my opinion this forum can become disfunctional and at times doesnt fit the purpose it was originally intended for.
Time for everyone to do some self reflection and think very carefully about how they contribute on this forum. Leave the "Behind the Shelter Shed" type behaviour off the forum!!!

Time for me to get the dinner on as I could face the sack in my domestic duties


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"checking out old haunts......" started by VindisDad