Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

gravity racing

Created by beachball57 > 9 months ago, 1 Mar 2013
SA, 538 posts
1 Mar 2013 5:43PM
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anyone know where i might get a set of plans to build a gravity racer,, other wise known as a billy cart,, want to make it out of steel rather than wood, i know it isn't a land yacht but thought someone on here might know where to find some drawings or plans on the net,, there is one for sale on ebay but want to try and build my own...just an extention of my land sailing i guess,, and yas i have thought of using a land yacht without the sail and mast but it needs to have an effective braking system which most yachts don't have, well mine don't anyway

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
1 Mar 2013 10:34PM
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Land yachts make good hill trolleys. And why would you want brakes for? They only slow you down

WA, 5921 posts
2 Mar 2013 10:08PM
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the axles on your yacht pull out for a skinnier profile.
friction brake to each back wheel
pump up the tyres nice and hard

SA, 538 posts
3 Mar 2013 5:23PM
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well have just been invited to put up a display of land yachts at the macclesfield gravity festival which is on sunday 7th or april in macclesfield which for those who don't know is between medows and strathalbyn just out of adelaide,,, what is a gravity festival, well your guess is as good as mine but it's all about billy cart racing and such, not a great deal to do with land sailing i admit but any exposure for land sailing here in adelaide can't be bad.. I'll be taking my 5.6 my saber and my blokart but if anyone living here in adelaide or close by (joe,, wink wink) wants to put a yacht or 2 in as well please let me know soon so that i can let the festival people know how much room to give us on the oval,, due to space issues they will only be static displays but thats better than nothing at all

SA, 956 posts
3 Mar 2013 7:45PM
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I am committed for that weekend BB, well at least the saturday although they have not accepted my expression of interest yet, recon next week will see something happen.......
gravity racing seems to me to be jumping out of a good aircraft and racing to the ground. Dont understand the stuffing around with the terminology. If one types Billy Cart Racing into Goggle, thats what its called world wide or at least australia wide...Gravity is a bit ****ey to me.
I have a rolling chassi and am working on the sails and some special camera is tight, real tight

SA, 538 posts
4 Mar 2013 9:03AM
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ok, i'll go it alone

VIC, 1066 posts
4 Mar 2013 2:47PM
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I think im a bit too far away to help, but sending some good luck.

Is there power at the site, as a computer showing some of the cool videos on the net might look good. Not sure if you have a laptop/tv/etc available, and there is software you can download that will allow you to show the vids without a net connection (I could even download and send them to you if you like).

Got any posters, printouts of cool images that you could staple/stick to a piece of ply?

WA, 2775 posts
4 Mar 2013 2:58PM
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what Lachlan said,

Get a laptop and power supply- even if its an inverter thingy that plugs into your car to recharge the laptop from time to time.

Borrow Landyachts videos of Lake Lefroy, the claypan where TP1 tips over, the one with the angels sound track and the one at Norseman downhill racing without sails.

In case you are in bright sunny area, knock up a dark cardboard surround to shade the screen so viewers can see it better.

print up brief descriptions of mini's, blowies and class 5's- listing some of the places they can be sailed- and asking for pointers to any potential venues to be forwarded to you
dont forget: contact details for yourself


SA, 1 posts
4 Mar 2013 5:34PM
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gibberjoe said...

gravity racing seems to me to be jumping out of a good aircraft and racing to the ground. Dont understand the stuffing around with the terminology. If one types Billy Cart Racing into Goggle, thats what its called world wide or at least australia wide...Gravity is a bit ****ey to me.

If you Google extreme gravity racing you will see how exotic the carts can be. No longer towed by a billy goat or made from soap boxes. Its a bit like the difference between land yachting and land sailing. Soapbox, Billycart, Cartie (UK), Trolley (NZ) who really cares?

If you enjoy making cheap mechanical things and like the idea of being able to do things that involve some speed (which you must if you build your own land yachts) then down load the build specs from and get into it.
Have a look on Youtube for some videos. In the UK they call them carties and reach speeds of 80mph depending on the track. This track good carts will hit about 70kph.
See you all there

SA, 956 posts
4 Mar 2013 6:30PM
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to Karen, bcc: me

Dear Makers,

It gives the Adelaide Mini Maker Faire Team great pleasure to congratulate you on being confirmed participants in the Adelaide Mini Maker Faire 2013!

The time is fast approaching and we are excited about hosting the event for the first time in Adelaide.

Please mark Friday 15 March, 5.30pm - 7.30pm in your calendar now!
This is the date for the Maker's meeting being held at AC Arts, 39 Light Square Adelaide.
At this meeting you will be able to bring along equipment for testing and tagging for the fee of $5.00 per item and also be able to have a look at where you are situated for the Faire.

Finally, you will shortly receive an email with your Maker's Manual and your site location information.

Thank you all for your interest in the Adelaide Mini Maker Faire.
We trust this will be the first of many.

Stay tuned and congratulations!

Ok BB it's a goer, get in touch pm with a phone number.
WE are on abc film in 1954 with billycarts of amazing design at Woomera, speeds reached were up to and over 60mph. checked by motorbike following. There were no kilometers in Australia then

WA, 5921 posts
4 Mar 2013 7:56PM
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downhill said...
gibberjoe said...

gravity racing seems to me to be jumping out of a good aircraft and racing to the ground. Dont understand the stuffing around with the terminology. If one types Billy Cart Racing into Goggle, thats what its called world wide or at least australia wide...Gravity is a bit ****ey to me.

If you Google extreme gravity racing you will see how exotic the carts can be. No longer towed by a billy goat or made from soap boxes. Its a bit like the difference between land yachting and land sailing. Soapbox, Billycart, Cartie (UK), Trolley (NZ) who really cares?

If you enjoy making cheap mechanical things and like the idea of being able to do things that involve some speed (which you must if you build your own land yachts) then down load the build specs from and get into it.
Have a look on Youtube for some videos. In the UK they call them carties and reach speeds of 80mph depending on the track. This track good carts will hit about 70kph.
See you all there

are you sure about the link? got some strange results ,none to do with billycarts

WA, 2775 posts
4 Mar 2013 8:20PM
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Another hint for your static display-

It looks great having a colourful sail waving in the breeze as part of your display.

I was lazy and didnt fit the boom or sheetrope on my Lefroy Mini for the display- leaving the sail to do its thing. Later realising that if anyone got hit by the sail- it wouldnt do any damage to them.
When the breeze picked up I sandbagged each axle of my mini, so it wouldnt roll away.

The Blokarts on display had thier booms and sheet ropes fitted- and the sails flicking in the breeze were a bit dangerous to bystanders, (1 was hit by a boom) and the blowies tended to roll away as they were not secured to the ground like my mini.

I suggested to the Blokart crew that for static displays they might be better making up a dummy sail and mast with a curved top, similar to the advertising banners you see outside shops.
Make it colourful, put the Blokart logo on it, with webbing sewn on the bottom edge to give it a little weight to keep the dummy sail flat, without needing a boom or ropes.


WA, 179 posts
4 Mar 2013 9:24PM
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There is a slight spelling error in the site detail. Think it should read

SA, 956 posts
5 Mar 2013 8:35AM
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am offering to landyachting concerns the oppertunity to display/dispence pamflets

of their product from my stand. As long as they are wholly to do with the

landyachting product. Anyone wishing to do this would have to establish their

credentials with me, i do not know you all.

Also it would be good if someone lent a LLm of good quality for the day, for static


Probably be best not to use sails only mast on the day sat 6th april

Weather could be anything and its an outside display

PM me if interested

WA, 5921 posts
5 Mar 2013 8:18PM
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wokelliott said...
There is a slight spelling error in the site detail. Think it should read

pity about all the rules
4 wheels minimumwhat a pity when 3 is easier and more stable , better to steer and brake
head 700mm above ground.i could stack 2 carts in that space!!!!!!!!! 2 stick brakes with rubber pads would do the brakes easy

WA, 700 posts
5 Mar 2013 10:20PM
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landyacht said...
pity about all the rules
4 wheels minimumwhat a pity when 3 is easier and more stable , better to steer and brake...

Hmmm, tandem wheels on the back maybe?

SA, 2865 posts
6 Mar 2013 9:50AM
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bazl said...
landyacht said...
pity about all the rules
4 wheels minimumwhat a pity when 3 is easier and more stable , better to steer and brake...

Hmmm, tandem wheels on the back maybe?

3 wheels more stable than 4? mmmm really. Can you still buy those 3 wheel off road motor trikes or is it just quad bikes these days, why do 3 wheel 'oldies' gophers have warning stickers on them, ever watched Mr Bean and the 3 wheel Blue 'Reliant Robin'.

And whats with some people wanting to change the rules to suit themselves?

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
6 Mar 2013 4:24PM
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The problem with all the three wheeled vehicles you have mentioned is the dangerously high centre of gravity which when cornering increases centrifugal force instability

WA, 5921 posts
6 Mar 2013 8:20PM
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Test pilot 1 said...
The problem with all the three wheeled vehicles you have mentioned is the dangerously high centre of gravity which when cornering increases centrifugal force instability

thank you TP1 your spot on. if you move forward a bit and lay down a landyacht turns into a rocket of a billycart. the carts you see in the videos tend to have a high CG ,vertical wheels that are DESIGNED to lay over when turning and cornering.
tyres that are designed to lay over when cornering.
I dont want to change thier rules, i simply pointed out that they are particularly bad for ongoing development.
Of the 3 billy carts that Ive built only the 2 that had a layover front end were great on cornering. the cart that had 4 wheels was great but needed the handbuilt wheels that I make now instead of the spoked things we had.

WA, 179 posts
6 Mar 2013 9:35PM
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Gee, this topic will bring out a lot of old memories for a lot of us when we were kids . I don't know how we ever survived when I think of our crude contraptions. Mine usually had wooden axles and old readily available ball bearing races for wheels because the father of my mate had a car wreckers business. Can you imagine how well they gripped the bitumen surface when up to speed, the rolling noise was horrendous as was the amount of skin we left on the road. Once, (and once only) we had 3 of us onboard a metal pedal car for about 30 seconds before she rolled over. Don't believe me... then look at my scars...not a pretty sight . Thank goodness kids have more sense today...or have I got that wrong too ...wok

WA, 179 posts
6 Mar 2013 10:27PM
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Years ago there used to an annual "Hill Trollie" race down Mt Clarence in Albany, West Aussie. Haven't heard anything of it for a long time, I'm sure there must be old ex-participants around who would remember the event and the requirements for the carts. It is a steep and curvy hill with spectacular views of the harbour...if only you had the split second chance or guts to view it.

TAS, 1972 posts
7 Mar 2013 9:46AM
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You want from NOISY Wheels??? Then try the Old Cast Steel Push Mower Wheels, the ones with the cross bar treads.. Yes on steel wheels.. All I could dig up at the Tip was one pair of Rubber Tired Pram wheels and an Old Push Mower. For some strange reason I decided that the pram wheels were best suited to the front (Can't realy say why) Standard Billy with genuine rope steering and on the Pacific Highway. Lots of noise and not much else..

WA, 700 posts
7 Mar 2013 9:10AM
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wokelliott said...
Years ago there used to an annual "Hill Trollie" race down Mt Clarence in Albany, West Aussie.

Sometimes called soapbox these days, last I heard they were having trouble keeping the Mt Clarence course due to redevelopment. Maybe they could put up a sail.

WA, 5921 posts
7 Mar 2013 9:39PM
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bazl said...
wokelliott said...
Years ago there used to an annual "Hill Trollie" race down Mt Clarence in Albany, West Aussie.

Sometimes called soapbox these days, last I heard they were having trouble keeping the Mt Clarence course due to redevelopment. Maybe they could put up a sail.

because of the bends in that track i recall the albany carts being very different from the norm. small wide wheels that could grip and survive the corners, a common fibreglass body with fairings

WA, 5921 posts
7 Mar 2013 9:47PM
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looking at those perth soapbaxes ,I suspect they would be below the 700mm head hieght

SA, 956 posts
8 Mar 2013 3:15AM
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2013 Brisbane Billycart Championships
Thank you to everyone who made 2012′s event a racing success! The 2013 event is now in gear – we'll see you at the starting line, Sunday 18th August 2013. Please put this in your calendar and subscribe to our newsletter for continued updates!
Welcome to the official

Brisbane Billycart Championships
Brisbane's biggest billycart championships are held on a grass track and kids of all ages (including adults) from all over Brisbane are invited to make and race their own billycart.

Admission is Free!
The championships will be held on Sunday 18th August 2013 again at the Carindale Recreation Reserve, Cadogan Street, Carindale. See our Location page for a map.

An important change to the race programme for 2011 was the use of separate categories in each age group for 'Traditional Backyard' or 'Modified' or 'Novelty' designs. Please indicate on the registration form the category you are entering. Eligibility will be solely at the discretion of the Scrutineer or Race Marshall.

Traditional Backyard Billycart Design
Rope and feet steering, with four wheels having a maximum 250 mm diameter
Modified Billycart Design
ALL other designs – MUST have four wheels. Mechanical steering or wheels greater than 250 mm diameter
Novelty Billycart Design
Billycarts with multiple occupants and/or unusual design features e.g. bath tubs, washing machines etc.

NEW: See our How to Build a Billycart guide.

Registration is only $5.00 per driver
Registration from 8.00 am; racing, food stalls and entertainment 9.30am to 3.00pm

Get Involved
Brisbane Billycart Championships is open to kids, adults and students! Registration is required; do it now via our easy online form and make payment on the day.

•Register Online
•Download Stall-holders Form
Important: ALL Billycarts & Drivers must comply with these specifications.

Don't have a billycart?
Don't worry! You can borrow a Traditional or Modified Cart from Rotary's stable of carts.

•Who will be this year's Billycart Champion?
•Who will win the Mascot Race?
•You'll only know if you go!
Prizes will be awarded for:
•Fastest Billycart
•Winners of Age Categories
•Most Imaginative Design
•Best Stack
•Best Dressed Team
•And of course, the return of the hugely successful Mascot Race

SA, 956 posts
8 Mar 2013 10:17AM
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SATURDAY 3rd November 2012
Going back a few decades, Billy Cart races were staged on the infamous 'Rink Hill' in the centre of Yass. The Rotary Club of Yass in conjunction with the Yass Antique Motor Club, have reinstated this fine tradition and it all takes place on Rossi Street, Yass, throughout Saturday of CLASSIC YASS.

With 22 prizes of trophies and a total of $1000 cash, it just keeps getting better!

Entry fee is only $5, payable on Race Day. Internet pre-registration is encouraged before 30 October 2012 <CLICK HERE>. Just fill out the form and you will receive a return email confirming your entry pre-registration.

Otherwise entry forms and regulations are available from the Yass First National Real Estate office at 135 Comur St or can be downloaded from this web page and handed in on Race Day.


10am Billy Cart Derby practice/time trials begin (Rossi Street)
2 pm Billy Cart Derby finals (Rossi Street)
3 pm Presentation of awards


• Under 7's First place Trophy Second Trophy
• 7 - 9 years First place Trophy Second Trophy
• 10 - 12 years First place Trophy Second Trophy
• 13 - 15 years First place Trophy Second Trophy
• Ladies First place $100 Second $50
• Seniors (over 65) First place Trophy Second Trophy
• CORPORATE CHALLENGE First place Trophy Second Trophy
• NOVELTY First place $150 Second $100
• ART-CART First place $150 Second $100
• OPEN First place $150 Second $100

Special prizes for the best 'Traditional' Billy Cart 1st $60 2nd $40

Race Rules

• Practice and timed trials will be held on a closed section of Rossi Street Yass on Saturday November 3, 2012.
• A driver must use the same billy cart throughout the event.
• All billy carts must have one occupant only.
• A driver may enter more than one category, if applicable.
• The same Billy Cart may be entered in a different category by a different driver, but not the same category with a different driver.
• All billy carts will commence from a stationary start with the driver seated in the Cart
• No pedalling, pushing, paddling or propulsion of any kind is allowed. Rocking is permitted.
• Billy carts must have fixed seating, and the driver must remain seated throughout the race.
• All judges decisions are final on the day.
• Races for under 7's may be run on a shorter track.
• A billy cart or driver may be disqualified at any time at the discretion of the Chief Steward.
• Each entrant must provide a signed entry form before participating in the billy cart races or practice.
• In the event that the entrant is under the age of eighteen, a parent/guardian of the entrant must also sign the form.
• By signing the entry form, the participant and their parent/guardian, if applicable, accepts the terms and conditions of entry in the billy cart derby and associated indemnity clause.
• At the date of the event, entrants must fall within the specified age category.
• All Billy Carts must pass scrutineering before being allowed to practice or run. Scrutineering starts at 9:30am.
• Each Billy Cart will only be eligible for one prize.

Driver Requirements

• An approved Cycling, Equestrian or Motorcycle helmet MUST BE WORN.
• All drivers must wear long sleeved shirts or jumpers, long trousers, gloves and fully enclosed footwear.
• It is strongly recommended that drivers also wear Knee/elbow pads.
• Each driver must be able to control the steering and brakes.

Race Procedures

• Runs will be electronically timed.
• Entrants in the Art Cart and Novelty classes will be judged on creativity rather than speed, but must participate in at least two runs.
• The fastest two Carts in all other classes will run off in a final.
If a billy cart is eligible for a final in more than one class, it is up to the entrants to decide which class will be contested in the final.
• Starting lanes will be drawn before each run.
• Both lanes will be of equal length.
• All carts will start with the front wheel contact points in line.
• All judges decisions are final on the day.

Billy Cart Dimensions and Specifications

• Overall length of cart not to exceed 2400 mm
• Overall width to be between 400 mm and 1200 mm
• Must have minimum of 2 axle lines, minimum spacing 600 mm.
• Maximum tyre diameter 670 mm.
• Billy Carts must have at least 3 wheels and no more than 6.
• Maximum weight (without driver) 70 kg
• Billy carts used in age group categories can also be used in Open, Novelty, Art-Cart and Corporate Challenge categories
• The billy cart must have an adequate steering mechanism
• The billy cart must have a working brake – not your foot on the road or wheel!
• The wheels are to be retained in a safe manner.
• There must be sturdy construction of all billy cart components, and fixed seating.
• Billy carts made from unduly heavy materials or carrying additional ballast are not permitted.
• There shall be no sharp protrusions or ornaments.
• There shall be no device to aid starting or to help propel the cart.
• NO motors, sails, pedals, paddles, or any other propulsion device are allowed.

Important Pre Event Information
Sign on, registration and inspection of all billy carts will take place in the Bus Depot yard in Rossi Street opposite Banjo Paterson Park.

Car and trailer parking for Billy Cart entrants will be available in Church Street between Rossi and Meehan Streets.

Due to road closures you will need to enter Church Street from Meehan Street.

There is plenty of room on the left hand side of Church street to angle park a car and trailer front to kerb. Please do not block driveways!

Unload your Billy Cart and push it down the hill to the scrutineering area.
Do not ride your Billy Cart.
Billy Carts will be inspected by scrutineers for compliance with the rules and then allocated a number.

Once your Billy Cart has a number, you can proceed to sign on with your completed entry form (or forms if more than one category or driver is entered).

At sign on each driver will pay the entry fee and be given a different coloured wrist band depending on what category they have entered.

Remember, if you are under 18 years of age, your entry form must be countersigned by a parent or guardian!

Once you have had your Billy Cart scrutineered and have your wrist band, you may proceed to the top of the hill for your practice runs.

After midday the runs will be timed.

The fastest two times in each category will contest the final. Each Billy Cart will only be eligible for one prize. If a billy cart is eligible for a final in more than one class, it is up to the entrants to decide which class will be contested in the final.

WA, 2775 posts
8 Mar 2013 10:33AM
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pics of billycarts in action recently in Brissy- street officially closed for the event
shamelessly "borrowed" from mates on another forum
apparently, as the day wore on, "universal lubricating fluid" was affecting the performance of the more mature drivers (the term "mature" is probably not the best description for these "older" drivers)

it was found that the principal of youth and enthusiasm is always beaten by experience and deviousness....does not always triumph
I understand my mate with the windbreaker racing against the sprog in the 3 wheeler got forced into the scenery......


SA, 2865 posts
8 Mar 2013 2:33PM
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Looks like the rules for the karts change from state to state, event to event... some only allow 4 wheels others are not so restrictive, some have minimum wheel size, some need good brakes yet others will allow basic brakes.

But it looks like the common link to all these events are
1. A hill
2. People wanting to race down that hill.
3. People wanting to have fun.

WA, 2775 posts
8 Mar 2013 12:57PM
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The pics above were purely a neighbourhood event- I understand it started with "the kids" that live in the street wanting a racetrack- and the mums prefering the street blocked off from traffic, so the kids did a door knock and got everyone to sign a petition thingo, and the big "kids" took sprogs to the council/ police or whatever govt. dept to get it all legal.
It turned into a whole day event, with BBQ's and street party and lots of fun and bragging rights.

Exactly how it should be.- should be much more stuff like this happening.

(Dont you reckon the wheely bin cart is a beauty!)

17 posts
8 Mar 2013 2:03PM
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ics of my son's cub scout project cars. No rules, just fun. I am proud of how they turned out.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"gravity racing" started by beachball57