Forums > Sailing General

Cheap boat to a worthy SB'er..clock starts now

Created by shaggybaxter > 9 months ago, 19 Mar 2016
QLD, 2530 posts
19 Mar 2016 8:21AM
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Hi Guys,
Work has been manic of late, and with the new boat my poor little Sonata is feeling unloved.
I have had it advertised and had quite a few bites, but my ability to even follow them up and then get down there and show people over it is diminishing due to work commitments.
Meanwhile I am paying for two marina berths etc etc.

So, I thought I'd be different.
I am going to do like a reverse Dutch auction.
Staring from today, the boat is offered free to any fellow sailor.
I am going to remove all the laminate sails and Tacktick instruments and Evo autohelm, I'll either sell them on gumtree or ebay, or to the person that picks up the boat.
The boat is perfectly sound, has all the Dacron sail wardrobe, new brass through hull fittings, cushions are only a few years old, etc etc.

Whoever offers the highest price above $0, or has the best story/reason why it should be them starting from today can take it away.

I reserve the right to pull the trigger anytime, I may hand it over today or in a few weeks, but worst case in one month form now I assure you it will no longer be mine.

There is some small Osmosis bubbles that I get done every year when its anitfouled, other than that the hull is structurally fine and in great nick..

I would favour a true sailor that would do her justice and look after her, I am not that keen on a squillionare with a 80' ftr taking it for a backyard feature.

PM me or drop a post to this thread,
Sonata 8m, 1980.
Fixed keel 1.5m, swept spreaders, no runners.
Main, No 1 light, No2, No3,
Mooring: manly Qld

This is a genuine offer, no strings attached and no hidden hull issues.
I sincerely hope there's a worthy soul out there that can benefit from my position, it is just criminal to see it sit there unloved.
Over to Seabreezers, lets see what happens from here!

Pics are on Seabreeze and Yachthub, the only thing that is changed is the price!


SA, 4773 posts
19 Mar 2016 8:54AM
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I will start. $10

QLD, 555 posts
19 Mar 2016 8:44AM
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Hi Shaggy
Expect a bid from my sister. Just called her and gave her the heads-up. Honestly, in terms of good enough stories, my sis needs a break. She's the sister who lost her 15yo son on the weekend of the S2C.
Kind regards

QLD, 9 posts
19 Mar 2016 8:50AM
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Hi shaggybaxter I bid $1000. Not much i know but I would give her a good home.

NSW, 1659 posts
19 Mar 2016 10:28AM
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Love what you're doing Shags, but I don't envy you making the decision. However, whoever you choose
you will have made that person very happy. Good onya mate.

QLD, 2530 posts
19 Mar 2016 10:04AM
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HI Sam,
Thanks mate.
Don't get me wrong, a fool is soon parted from his money, and I have been on my knees financially too the last year making the new boat a reality, I couldn't even afford lately to buy a hose to clean the boat! But, with a lot of OS travel coming up for work(I have 4 different countries to do in the next 2 months) I know she will sit there for another few months. I do confess to an emotional attachment to the sport we all love, and as well as being a drain paying for the two moorings, I don't want to see all that effort sit there and rot for another 6 months due t my lack of time. She is due for anti fouling, the insurance is up for renewal, if I try and sell her normally, I wont even be able to show potentials over the boat for another few months, so how can I turn this into a positive?

Currently, the economy is in the toilet, everyone is struggling, and there is not much but doom and gloom on the news these days. I have had more clients go bankrupt in the last 6 months than I have seen in 10 years. So, every now and then, everyone needs a lift, and if I can make the impossible possible for a worthy soul, and hope into some others, well karma has a way of coming around.
The world may not have changed , but injecting hope has a way of lifting the soul, all of a sudden the grass looks greener, your problems don't occupy your every waking minute, and you hold you head up that little bit higher. I walk down the street and everybody's head is bent down. I feel like stopping and telling them look up at the sky! Get out of your head and worries!
Come to think of it, isn't that why we all love sailing?

I am thankful that I am in a position where I can take the hit. Offset against the financial hurt is the opportunity to change somebody's life and make them realize that hope is never wasted.
Every now and then, life's reward should not be just about money, no?

QLD, 2530 posts
19 Mar 2016 10:29AM
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An in case anyone is wondering, I am looking at a beautiful light blue sky, there are some heavy clouds hanging around, and I thinking of next weekend when I am going offshore overnight. I intend to follow the B2G fleet out of the bay, then peel off, set a course east, unfurl the gennaker and just head out.
The ocean is a thing of true beauty, and my thoughts drift to by doing this I am maybe, just maybe, opening that door to someone?
You cant put a price on that.

QLD, 239 posts
19 Mar 2016 10:48AM
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The Gesture is priceless Shaggy,
Good onya.

QLD, 12326 posts
19 Mar 2016 1:02PM
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You are a gentleman Shaggy. Wonderful gesture.

VIC, 5814 posts
19 Mar 2016 2:47PM
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I can think of Meg as a candidate she's boat less .

NSW, 218 posts
19 Mar 2016 3:48PM
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Shaggybaxter, you are truly one stand-up guy.

NSW, 885 posts
19 Mar 2016 4:10PM
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Select to expand quote
Shaggybaxter said..

Currently, the economy is in the toilet, everyone is struggling, and there is not much but doom and gloom on the news these days. I have had more clients go bankrupt in the last 6 months than I have seen in 10 years. So, every now and then, everyone needs a lift, and if I can make the impossible possible for a worthy soul, and hope into some others, well karma has a way of coming around.
The world may not have changed , but injecting hope has a way of lifting the soul, all of a sudden the grass looks greener, your problems don't occupy your every waking minute, and you hold you head up that little bit higher. I walk down the street and everybody's head is bent down. I feel like stopping and telling them look up at the sky! Get out of your head and worries!
Come to think of it, isn't that why we all love sailing?

I am thankful that I am in a position where I can take the hit. Offset against the financial hurt is the opportunity to change somebody's life and make them realize that hope is never wasted.
Every now and then, life's reward should not be just about money, no?


You sir, are a true gentleman :)

QLD, 2195 posts
19 Mar 2016 3:55PM
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You are just awesome. I really hope that the right person gets her, loves her and sails her everyday x

QLD, 994 posts
19 Mar 2016 6:37PM
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If you need to give up Fusion at any stage I'm putting my hands up now.

On a serious note, good luck to yourself and the new owner.

Agent nods
622 posts
19 Mar 2016 5:11PM
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just a thought this mob sailing with disablities
Based in Manly...

VIC, 5814 posts
19 Mar 2016 10:23PM
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Please let me know when you list the Evo Shaggy

QLD, 2530 posts
20 Mar 2016 8:29AM
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Will do HG. Fyr,
I will also be listing an Actisens NGW-1 NMea 0183 to 2000 adaptor separately.
My Tacktick kit is 0183, and the Evo pilot is 2000, hence the adaptor.
I have to say I am mighty impressed with Actisense, just bulletproof kit.

In case it is of interest!

351 posts
21 Mar 2016 7:12PM
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WA, 3519 posts
22 Mar 2016 1:04PM
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You should be in WA

QLD, 460 posts
23 Mar 2016 11:26AM
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Bit surprised the boat didn't sell for the advertised price, seems like a good deal to me.

NSW, 1000 posts
2 Apr 2016 6:36AM
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Who ended up receiving the boat?

QLD, 2530 posts
3 Apr 2016 4:48PM
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Hi Twodogs,
Sorry for the tardiness, just got back from OS yesterday and had a few more PM's to digest.
I haven't told them yet, I will be doing this tonight.

QLD, 2530 posts
4 Apr 2016 5:38PM
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Hi Guys,
Firstly, let me pass on my appreciation to everyone that has contacted me, I had over 20 expressions of interest, so it took a bit to wade through them all. I wish I could clone the boat, you could say there are a lot of worthy souls out there. Some of them could not offer much, others could, but as I said at the beginning it would not necessarily be the highest offer that would be the winning bid.

Well I am happy to report I have accepted an offer for Intrusion, she will be passing over to her new owner sometime next week.

Thanks to all that contacted me, I wish I had time to write/call back to you all but please know I did receive, and take on board, all correspondence.
For those of you who expressed an interest in the electronics and auto-tiller and sails etc, I will be listing these separately in the next week, so keep an eye out on Gumtree or PM if interested.

Thanks to all!

Best Regards,

QLD, 1153 posts
4 Apr 2016 6:20PM
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Nice one Shaggy

QLD, 285 posts
4 Apr 2016 7:07PM
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^+1 :)

VIC, 5814 posts
4 Apr 2016 7:11PM
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well done shaggy

QLD, 555 posts
4 Apr 2016 7:30PM
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As I said are one of the world's beautiful people.

QLD, 685 posts
5 Apr 2016 7:38AM
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sad to see her breaking up as i think you had her set up well with a good sail plan and she was fun to race against

QLD, 994 posts
5 Apr 2016 8:24AM
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Great to see that she now has another chapter to write. We don't own boats they own us as we are merely caretakers.

Nice one Shaggy.

351 posts
5 Apr 2016 11:44AM
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So when do I pick her up?

Was thinking it be easier for me if you sailed her over

Your obviously a really nice bloke from what your posted ( makes me think I should be less of a selfish dick tbh)....and I'm sure you have chosen a worthy home.

Now....seeing as your too busy to use your new one.....

Ill fly back for the fun it be to sail that

NSW, 908 posts
6 Apr 2016 1:21AM
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Ditto to are one of this world's good ones.


Forums > Sailing General

"Cheap boat to a worthy SB'er..clock starts now" started by shaggybaxter