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Fitting a gravity drain holding tank

Created by southace > 9 months ago, 1 May 2015
QLD, 1195 posts
18 May 2015 12:16AM
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When I installed my toilet the supplier recommend I use high pressure water pipe for the long straight runs. Prevents getting sags in the pipe where stuff can gather after pumping. They also supply special (must be special because the bloody expensive) fittings for joining flex hose to PVC pipe. And these fittings are not barbed. But I did use double hose clamps and the whole installation is above the waterline including the discharge.

Now I'm not saying what's right, but just what the supplier of the toilet recommended.

QLD, 12352 posts
18 May 2015 12:25AM
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In Queensland I believe it is not necessary to have a holding tank. If the vessel is fitted with a macerator for overboard discharge in clear waters, a Porta Potti fits the bill for inshore waters.

Please correct me if I am mistaken.

QLD, 1195 posts
18 May 2015 12:37AM
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I thought there were areas of "No Discharge" thus requiring boats entering these areas to have holding tanks installed. I don't think it would be appreciated anchored in close with the kiddies swimming around at Whitehaven Beach in the Whitsundays.

QLD, 12352 posts
18 May 2015 2:22AM
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A Porta Potti is a holding tank system as are 10 litre clip lid paint buckets. As long as the human waste is contained and not dumped in restricted areas and later dumped in non restricted areas, the law has been complied with.

The act of dumping human waste is strictly regulated. The means only requires that a macerator is used.

Therefore if one has been anchored in a restricted area for say 5 days and has contained the human waste for that time and then leaves for the open sea and then dumps the waste via a macerator (your electric dunny), the law has been complied with.

There is no "requirement" for complicated holding tank systems to comply with the law.

I ran my idea of clip seal buckets past a Queensland Government Marine Surveyor some years ago and he said that "Yes, that will comply with the law."

QLD, 12352 posts
18 May 2015 2:33AM
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Crusoe said..
I don't think it would be appreciated anchored in close with the kiddies swimming around at Whitehaven Beach in the Whitsundays.

That is obviously unacceptable by anybody's standards.

I think the law is good the way it stands which is you may only discharge human waste in open waters.

Despite the exorbitant fees they charge us for boat registration, I have only seen a very few upgrades of boat ramps but not one sewerage pump out facility. As with all things boating, practicality rules.

VIC, 5814 posts
18 May 2015 6:58AM
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When I was at muddy bay in arlie beach Cisco even the motor homes would stop and dump there waste directly into the public toilets and the drama was they would block up and cover the floor. the local plumber would be there for hours trying to unblock the problem. All the charter boats have holding tanks up there

VIC, 5814 posts
18 May 2015 7:29AM
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HG02 said..
When I was at muddy bay in arlie beach Cisco even the motor homes would stop and dump there waste directly into the public toilets and the drama was they would block up and cover the floor. the local plumber would be there for hours trying to unblock the problem. All the charter boats have holding tanks up there

the problem is there way to expensive for what they are

QLD, 1195 posts
18 May 2015 9:51AM
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cisco said..

Crusoe said..
I don't think it would be appreciated anchored in close with the kiddies swimming around at Whitehaven Beach in the Whitsundays.

That is obviously unacceptable by anybody's standards.

I think the law is good the way it stands which is you may only discharge human waste in open waters.

Despite the exorbitant fees they charge us for boat registration, I have only seen a very few upgrades of boat ramps but not one sewerage pump out facility. As with all things boating, practicality rules.

Yep, I agree that if you are containing the offending material for disposal later then it shouldn't matter how simple or complicated the containment method is.

VIC, 1230 posts
18 May 2015 9:56AM
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Crusoe said..
When I installed my toilet the supplier recommend I use high pressure water pipe for the long straight runs. Prevents getting sags in the pipe where stuff can gather after pumping.
Now I'm not saying what's right, but just what the supplier of the toilet recommended.

Funny you should say that Crusoe. I hadn't wanted to point out the sag in the horizontal run of the discharge pipe where it runs across the head as installed by south ace. Has a big sag that won't empty by siphon and will pretty quickly build up sludge and block the pipes.
Not that I am an expert in dealing with ****.

VIC, 5904 posts
18 May 2015 8:00PM
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frant said..

Crusoe said..
When I installed my toilet the supplier recommend I use high pressure water pipe for the long straight runs. Prevents getting sags in the pipe where stuff can gather after pumping.
Now I'm not saying what's right, but just what the supplier of the toilet recommended.

Funny you should say that Crusoe. I hadn't wanted to point out the sag in the horizontal run of the discharge pipe where it runs across the head as installed by south ace. Has a big sag that won't empty by siphon and will pretty quickly build up sludge and block the pipes.
Not that I am an expert in dealing with ****.

But you will anyway !!

Not that I am an expert in dealing with ****. no your probably not , but ........ shiiiittt does just happen , but........"arseholes usually cause it" ...........

VIC, 1230 posts
18 May 2015 8:26PM
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SandS said..

frant said..

Crusoe said..
When I installed my toilet the supplier recommend I use high pressure water pipe for the long straight runs. Prevents getting sags in the pipe where stuff can gather after pumping.
Now I'm not saying what's right, but just what the supplier of the toilet recommended.

Funny you should say that Crusoe. I hadn't wanted to point out the sag in the horizontal run of the discharge pipe where it runs across the head as installed by south ace. Has a big sag that won't empty by siphon and will pretty quickly build up sludge and block the pipes.
Not that I am an expert in dealing with ****.

But you will anyway !!

Not that I am an expert in dealing with ****. no your probably not , but ........ shiiiittt does just happen , but........"arseholes usually cause it" ...........

SandS, my name is Frant Bucek. I live aboard my boat in Geelong. Would you like to make your name public if you want to call or imply that I am an arsehole. Otherwise eat sh@t mate.

SA, 4783 posts
18 May 2015 7:57PM
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Haha yes Rant that's perhaps I am currently out of cable ties.
The sag will currently hold approx 20mm of macerated sludge. However when I let the 60 litres rip it appears that most of the sludge in the tank is removed and after flushing it with salt water I belive most of your absubtions is flushed clean.

All I can do is picture you in your waders and wet weather gear carting your jerrys full of sludge up to the public toilets ! Now that's a sexy look.

Perhaps you could inlighten us On what system you currently use and perhaps actually post something in "what i did to my boat" rather than being such arm chair critic !

Do do you actually own a boat or do you just take charge of others? The mind ponders this.

VIC, 5814 posts
18 May 2015 8:48PM
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holding tank
What If
I used a 4 inch PVC tube as a gravity holding tank ?
1.2 meters would give me 45 liter tank

That would be strong as Sh@t


Or a simple gravity feed

VIC, 5904 posts
18 May 2015 8:53PM
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frant said..

SandS said..

frant said..

Crusoe said..
When I installed my toilet the supplier recommend I use high pressure water pipe for the long straight runs. Prevents getting sags in the pipe where stuff can gather after pumping.
Now I'm not saying what's right, but just what the supplier of the toilet recommended.

Funny you should say that Crusoe. I hadn't wanted to point out the sag in the horizontal run of the discharge pipe where it runs across the head as installed by south ace. Has a big sag that won't empty by siphon and will pretty quickly build up sludge and block the pipes.
Not that I am an expert in dealing with ****.

But you will anyway !!

Not that I am an expert in dealing with ****. no your probably not , but ........ shiiiittt does just happen , but........"arseholes usually cause it" ...........

SandS, my name is Frant Bucek. I live aboard my boat in Geelong. Would you like to make your name public if you want to call or imply that I am an arsehole. Otherwise eat sh@t mate.

frant , i dont care who you are or were you live . you can just call me Al .......... And i,m not your mate ! Bye.........

VIC, 5814 posts
18 May 2015 8:56PM
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who's taking a long walk on a short pier in ere then

VIC, 5814 posts
18 May 2015 8:57PM
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HG02 said..
holding tank
What If
I used a 4 inch PVC tube as a gravity holding tank ?
1.2 meters would give me 45 liter tank

That would be strong as Sh@t


Or a simple gravity feed

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HG02 said..
holding tank
What If
I used a 4 inch PVC tube as a gravity holding tank ?
1.2 meters would give me 45 liter tank

That would be strong as Sh@t


Or a simple gravity feed

I thing the PVC pipe would do the trick and even take the sag out of the Sh@t

By the way South Ace that phone on your boats wall if you ring it she will come

VIC, 1230 posts
18 May 2015 9:02PM
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southace said..
Haha yes Rant that's perhaps I am currently out of cable ties.
The sag will currently hold approx 20mm of macerated sludge. However when I let the 60 litres rip it appears that most of the sludge in the tank is removed and after flushing it with salt water I belive most of your absubtions is flushed clean.

All I can do is picture you in your waders and wet weather gear carting your jerrys full of sludge up to the public toilets ! Now that's a sexy look.

Perhaps you could inlighten us On what system you currently use and perhaps actually post something in "what i did to my boat" rather than being such arm chair critic !

Do do you actually own a boat or do you just take charge of others? The mind ponders this.

Amongst other things I am a qualified "yacht and small boat" surveyor. Unfortunately your work is not up to acceptable standards and would not pass insurance survey. This could make your insurance invalid. I will also ask what procedure you used to seal the exposed glass fibre and foam core of the hull prior to installing the through hull and what sealant you used for that. There is a big danger of hull damage by water ingress resulting from your work.
Honestly if you post pictures of your handy work on the net that clearly show substandard practice do you really expect only praise?
All of the critisicm except perhaps the lack of double hose clamps was raised by others in the first instance.
Take that your leg is gently being pulled in the name of constructive comment.

SA, 4783 posts
18 May 2015 9:09PM
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Haha that made me laugh so much! What surveyors ask what sealant has been used on through hull fittings for a insurance survey! ....I used silicone from Bunnings is that ok Rant?

VIC, 1230 posts
18 May 2015 10:06PM
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southace said..
Haha that made me laugh so much! What surveyors ask what sealant has been used on through hull fittings for a insurance survey! ....I used silicone from Bunnings is that ok Rant?

Well actually it is not OK. However if you are happy with silicone in this application then that's great.

VIC, 5814 posts
19 May 2015 12:22PM
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A while ago scruzin put up a photo of his holding tank
Id like to find one similar
It took the shape of the hull side
Which would be perfect in my little boat

QLD, 12352 posts
19 May 2015 2:26PM
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HG02 said..
holding tank
What If
I used a 4 inch PVC tube as a gravity holding tank ?
1.2 meters would give me 45 liter tank

That would be strong as Sh@t

My mate did that on his Adams 31. Had it mounted up under his cockpit coaming.

It worked really well until the day he was working in that area and the "tank" built up a bit too much pressure and blew one of the end caps off.

VIC, 5814 posts
19 May 2015 2:33PM
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cisco said...
HG02 said..
holding tank
What If
I used a 4 inch PVC tube as a gravity holding tank ?
1.2 meters would give me 45 liter tank

That would be strong as Sh@t

My mate did that on his Adams 31. Had it mounted up under his cockpit coaming.

It worked really well until the day he was working in that area and the "tank" built up a bit too much pressure and blew one of the end caps off.

sounds like sh#t happens Cisco

NSW, 2140 posts
19 May 2015 3:38PM
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H2O, can you please enlighten me how you manage to get 45 litres Into a 9.729 litre space. Try as I might I just can't seem to squash it in.

VIC, 5814 posts
19 May 2015 7:00PM
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LooseChange said..
H2O, can you please enlighten me how you manage to get 45 litres Into a 9.729 litre space. Try as I might I just can't seem to squash it in.

just testing you Loose see if you were around

Dropped into road tech marine and bought some Tue design composite skin fittings and ball valves bought two inch one for the engine and the other inlet for the head and a 11/2 for the head outlet .. I was a little worried about the 11/2 inch ball valve some one mentioned there a little tight to turn but mine works well and is very easy to turn.
I think Ill measure up and buy a atlas waste tank eventually

VIC, 5904 posts
19 May 2015 7:34PM
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HG02 said..

cisco said...

HG02 said..
holding tank
What If
I used a 4 inch PVC tube as a gravity holding tank ?
1.2 meters would give me 45 liter tank

That would be strong as Sh@t

My mate did that on his Adams 31. Had it mounted up under his cockpit coaming.

It worked really well until the day he was working in that area and the "tank" built up a bit too much pressure and blew one of the end caps off.

sounds like sh#t happens Cisco

yes HG but please remember that even though " sh#t happens".......... arseholes cause it

VIC, 5904 posts
19 May 2015 9:11PM
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please no no no HG "not the drainpipe " ........................ [ taken from bugs bunny cartoons, circa ....along time ago , ? ]

NSW, 203 posts
19 May 2015 9:24PM
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LooseChange said..
H2O, can you please enlighten me how you manage to get 45 litres Into a 9.729 litre space. Try as I might I just can't seem to squash it in.

HG has invented the TARDUS of poop tanks, bigger on the inside than outside.

I am uncertain of the exact science, but is is probably related to the special mixture of inches and meters, which are not the same as metres, combined in a complex calculation using the Euler manoeuvre to get volume in liters, which are not the same as litres.

The only real problem with the TURDUS poop tank is that you run the risk of getting an alien crawling up your arse while taking your morning dump.

VIC, 5814 posts
19 May 2015 10:13PM
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LMY said..

LooseChange said..
H2O, can you please enlighten me how you manage to get 45 litres Into a 9.729 litre space. Try as I might I just can't seem to squash it in.

HG has invented the TARDUS of poop tanks, bigger on the inside than outside.

I am uncertain of the exact science, but is is probably related to the special mixture of inches and meters, which are not the same as metres, combined in a complex calculation using the Euler manoeuvre to get volume in liters, which are not the same as litres.

The only real problem with the TURDUS poop tank is that you run the risk of getting an alien crawling up your arse while taking your morning dump.


Forums > Sailing General

"Fitting a gravity drain holding tank" started by southace