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Heading North (Sydney Whitsundays

Created by Stockie > 9 months ago, 3 May 2019
VIC, 119 posts
15 May 2019 10:49AM
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Sharona and Night Shift leaving Pancake Creek yesterday. Nice spot.

QLD, 12351 posts
15 May 2019 8:21PM
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And you are racing each other to where??

VIC, 119 posts
16 May 2019 5:43PM
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I wouldn't dare try and race Stockie! We are in Gladstone contemplating the Narrows.

NSW, 490 posts
16 May 2019 6:54PM
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Futurecruiser said..
I wouldn't dare try and race Stockie! We are in Gladstone contemplating the Narrows.

Go for it, it is well worth the effort.

Keep a camera close by. And some large buckets.......

QLD, 880 posts
16 May 2019 9:43PM
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you very close to my backyard ....Keppels.....
just suggestion......anchor Humpy Isl.
really nice place to visit, walks, toilets , 2 bush shovers, reef, all for free
it might be a bit rolly, Svendsens Bay was not much better a few week ago, it's blowing here 20-25 few months with few short breaks

NSW, 1442 posts
16 May 2019 10:37PM
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Charriot said..
you very close to my backyard ....Keppels.....
just suggestion......anchor Humpy Isl.
really nice place to visit, walks, toilets , 2 bush shovers, reef, all for free
it might be a bit rolly, Svendsens Bay was not much better a few week ago, it's blowing here 20-25 few months with few short breaks

Thanks Charriot, I'll give that a go when I get there next month.

NSW, 343 posts
17 May 2019 6:58AM
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We are doing the Narrows this morning, got all the local assistance, approaching Black Swan Is which according to Lucas is where the fun begins! We are the guinea pig for Future Cruiser, nice!
Gladstone marina get a triple A rating from me, nice people, super clean and very reasonable $

NSW, 343 posts
17 May 2019 7:03AM
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nswsailor said..

Charriot said..
you very close to my backyard ....Keppels.....
just suggestion......anchor Humpy Isl.
really nice place to visit, walks, toilets , 2 bush shovers, reef, all for free
it might be a bit rolly, Svendsens Bay was not much better a few week ago, it's blowing here 20-25 few months with few short breaks

Thanks Charriot, I'll give that a go when I get there next month.

Thanks Chariot for the Tips, much appreciated, we will look out for Humpy, could be 20 kts today

NSW, 343 posts
23 May 2019 12:07PM
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Hello, we have been out of radio wave contact, for al but the VHF.
So from GKI we did a long run and ended up in Supply Bay, it was nice to get out of the rollers from the days run, hitting the best boat speeds, surfing the swell, we were disappointed if we weren't showing +7 knots!
Next day we did a push thru to Middle Percy, very interesting place with the A Frame a sort of sailors homage!
we caught up with some you g guys in a Noelex 25, they were in the lagoon in the sand! Next day we made Scawfell Isle, looked like a good respite from the relentless SE and swell, although it has the correct orientation to guard against the swells, it was prone to bullets and back eddies. Next day we did a shorter push to Brampton, toured the near abandoned resort, nice anchorage though, then next day we ran through to last nights anchorage, Shaw Island, although the wind was blowing 20 plus during the night, we had a comfortable anchorage. So I guess I am officially in the Whitsundays group now!

866 posts
23 May 2019 12:54PM
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Well done Stockie, good update.
I am heading North from the Camden Haven from Saturday, but only as far as the Gold Coast this time.

NSW, 891 posts
23 May 2019 3:19PM
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Stockie said..
Hello, we have been out of radio wave contact, for al but the VHF.
So from GKI we did a long run and ended up in Supply Bay, it was nice to get out of the rollers from the days run, hitting the best boat speeds, surfing the swell, we were disappointed if we weren't showing +7 knots!
Next day we did a push thru to Middle Percy, very interesting place with the A Frame a sort of sailors homage!
we caught up with some you g guys in a Noelex 25, they were in the lagoon in the sand! Next day we made Scawfell Isle, looked like a good respite from the relentless SE and swell, although it has the correct orientation to guard against the swells, it was prone to bullets and back eddies. Next day we did a shorter push to Brampton, toured the near abandoned resort, nice anchorage though, then next day we ran through to last nights anchorage, Shaw Island, although the wind was blowing 20 plus during the night, we had a comfortable anchorage. So I guess I am officially in the Whitsundays group now!

Thanks for the update Stockie - keep 'em coming :)

I was looking in your pic of Percy to see if I could see my memento from a couple of years back. I'll have to get back there next year to leave another!!

NSW, 343 posts
24 May 2019 5:12AM
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Lazzz said..

Stockie said..
Hello, we have been out of radio wave contact, for al but the VHF.
So from GKI we did a long run and ended up in Supply Bay, it was nice to get out of the rollers from the days run, hitting the best boat speeds, surfing the swell, we were disappointed if we weren't showing +7 knots!
Next day we did a push thru to Middle Percy, very interesting place with the A Frame a sort of sailors homage!
we caught up with some you g guys in a Noelex 25, they were in the lagoon in the sand! Next day we made Scawfell Isle, looked like a good respite from the relentless SE and swell, although it has the correct orientation to guard against the swells, it was prone to bullets and back eddies. Next day we did a shorter push to Brampton, toured the near abandoned resort, nice anchorage though, then next day we ran through to last nights anchorage, Shaw Island, although the wind was blowing 20 plus during the night, we had a comfortable anchorage. So I guess I am officially in the Whitsundays group now!

Thanks for the update Stockie - keep 'em coming :)

I was looking in your pic of Percy to see if I could see my memento from a couple of years back. I'll have to get back there next year to leave another!!

Hi Lazz,
I've got a few more photos of the A Frame, what was your sign mate?
I wish I had some notes while I was there, to buy some jam and honey in the honesty box stall they had there!
cool place and I'll post up some more pics.

The guys in the Noelex trailer sailer, were kind of living off the sea, so to speak. They had sailed from Agnes's Waters, and I can imagine the run from there with the largess following seas, and 18-20 knots might have made them happy to stay on land for a while, there were three on board, no supplies, just spear fishing for tucker. Oh to be young again!

NSW, 343 posts
24 May 2019 5:23AM
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BlueMoon said..
Well done Stockie, good update.
I am heading North from the Camden Haven from Saturday, but only as far as the Gold Coast this time.

Hi Bluemoon,

That's a great trip you have planned, Have you been up there before? It is worth trying to do the inland route once up there, and maybe getting as far north as Tangalooma, great place to relaxe and snorkel! Brisbane people are lucky sods having that as a cruise area. My only complaint, being a Southerner is the shallow waters of Morten Bay, not used to such large expanses of water, with limited areas to navigate in, we did it in dead calm conditions, I would not like to be there in a blow with beginners knowledge of the area!

NSW, 343 posts
29 May 2019 6:37PM
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I am fully in the Whitsundays scene now! My cousin left a few days, back to winter in Christchurch, whilst I'm lazy if about in summer conditions. After spending a nite or two at Abell Point, I have visited the following places. South Molle Island, did the walk track to the peak, neat place for history of the early resorts, closed down and in ruins now sadly. White Haven, yes the promo pictures are true, a delightful piece of paradise, the Solway passage is creepy, lots of current and wirlpools, after sailing through and heading North, rather than turning to Port for the beach, the depth gauge registered 130 metres, no wonder the passage before it has some attitude! The sand on the beach is really fine, actually nice to walk on!
after a nite there and a walk to Chance Bay, I ventured out to Border Island, there is a secluded bay, the SE anchorage, I saw some of the back packer maxi yachts moored up, doing a snorkeling run. So by evening the bay was mine alone, it was so dark in there, no moon, no city lights. Next day I did some snorkeling in the same spot as the paid people, I'm cautious, but it was very enjoyable and the water was 30 degrees and so clear you could see the bottom in 6 metres. I sailed back to Hill inlet near Whitehaven and by late afternoon, sailed back around Whitsunday Island to the west side at Cid harbour outside Sawmill bay. Today I did the hike up to the peak, what a track, and what a view. I will send some pictures when I get stronger internet.
cheers Richard

QLD, 2195 posts
29 May 2019 6:47PM
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Charriot said..
you very close to my backyard ....Keppels.....
just suggestion......anchor Humpy Isl.
really nice place to visit, walks, toilets , 2 bush shovers, reef, all for free
it might be a bit rolly, Svendsens Bay was not much better a few week ago, it's blowing here 20-25 few months with few short breaks

Very awesome at humpy. Too shallow at low tide though!

VIC, 119 posts
30 May 2019 10:57AM
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Stockie said..
I am fully in the Whitsundays scene now! My cousin left a few days, back to winter in Christchurch, whilst I'm lazy if about in summer conditions. After spending a nite or two at Abell Point, I have visited the following places. South Molle Island, did the walk track to the peak, neat place for history of the early resorts, closed down and in ruins now sadly. White Haven, yes the promo pictures are true, a delightful piece of paradise, the Solway passage is creepy, lots of current and wirlpools, after sailing through and heading North, rather than turning to Port for the beach, the depth gauge registered 130 metres, no wonder the passage before it has some attitude! The sand on the beach is really fine, actually nice to walk on!
after a nite there and a walk to Chance Bay, I ventured out to Border Island, there is a secluded bay, the SE anchorage, I saw some of the back packer maxi yachts moored up, doing a snorkeling run. So by evening the bay was mine alone, it was so dark in there, no moon, no city lights. Next day I did some snorkeling in the same spot as the paid people, I'm cautious, but it was very enjoyable and the water was 30 degrees and so clear you could see the bottom in 6 metres. I sailed back to Hill inlet near Whitehaven and by late afternoon, sailed back around Whitsunday Island to the west side at Cid harbour outside Sawmill bay. Today I did the hike up to the peak, what a track, and what a view. I will send some pictures when I get stronger internet.
cheers Richard

Sounds good Stockie, I'm just getting my first bit of reception in a while after checking out some of the southern islands on the way in, heading in to Hamilton Island to treat myself for a few nights for making it here now but will be heading out to explore some of those spots after the weekend, will see you out there!

QLD, 853 posts
30 May 2019 3:30PM
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Stockie said..

Lazzz said..

Stockie said..
Hello, we have been out of radio wave contact, for al but the VHF.
So from GKI we did a long run and ended up in Supply Bay, it was nice to get out of the rollers from the days run, hitting the best boat speeds, surfing the swell, we were disappointed if we weren't showing +7 knots!
Next day we did a push thru to Middle Percy, very interesting place with the A Frame a sort of sailors homage!
we caught up with some you g guys in a Noelex 25, they were in the lagoon in the sand! Next day we made Scawfell Isle, looked like a good respite from the relentless SE and swell, although it has the correct orientation to guard against the swells, it was prone to bullets and back eddies. Next day we did a shorter push to Brampton, toured the near abandoned resort, nice anchorage though, then next day we ran through to last nights anchorage, Shaw Island, although the wind was blowing 20 plus during the night, we had a comfortable anchorage. So I guess I am officially in the Whitsundays group now!

Thanks for the update Stockie - keep 'em coming :)

I was looking in your pic of Percy to see if I could see my memento from a couple of years back. I'll have to get back there next year to leave another!!

Hi Lazz,
I've got a few more photos of the A Frame, what was your sign mate?
I wish I had some notes while I was there, to buy some jam and honey in the honesty box stall they had there!
cool place and I'll post up some more pics.

The guys in the Noelex trailer sailer, were kind of living off the sea, so to speak. They had sailed from Agnes's Waters, and I can imagine the run from there with the largess following seas, and 18-20 knots might have made them happy to stay on land for a while, there were three on board, no supplies, just spear fishing for tucker. Oh to be young again!

Great to see our sign is still there. It is the dark brown sign which is particularly obscured above the El Gatto sign at the base of the main pole.

NSW, 343 posts
1 Jun 2019 9:30AM
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Futurecruiser said..

Stockie said..
I am fully in the Whitsundays scene now! My cousin left a few days, back to winter in Christchurch, whilst I'm lazy if about in summer conditions. After spending a nite or two at Abell Point, I have visited the following places. South Molle Island, did the walk track to the peak, neat place for history of the early resorts, closed down and in ruins now sadly. White Haven, yes the promo pictures are true, a delightful piece of paradise, the Solway passage is creepy, lots of current and wirlpools, after sailing through and heading North, rather than turning to Port for the beach, the depth gauge registered 130 metres, no wonder the passage before it has some attitude! The sand on the beach is really fine, actually nice to walk on!
after a nite there and a walk to Chance Bay, I ventured out to Border Island, there is a secluded bay, the SE anchorage, I saw some of the back packer maxi yachts moored up, doing a snorkeling run. So by evening the bay was mine alone, it was so dark in there, no moon, no city lights. Next day I did some snorkeling in the same spot as the paid people, I'm cautious, but it was very enjoyable and the water was 30 degrees and so clear you could see the bottom in 6 metres. I sailed back to Hill inlet near Whitehaven and by late afternoon, sailed back around Whitsunday Island to the west side at Cid harbour outside Sawmill bay. Today I did the hike up to the peak, what a track, and what a view. I will send some pictures when I get stronger internet.
cheers Richard

Sounds good Stockie, I'm just getting my first bit of reception in a while after checking out some of the southern islands on the way in, heading in to Hamilton Island to treat myself for a few nights for making it here now but will be heading out to explore some of those spots after the weekend, will see you out there!

Hi Cameron,

great to here you arrived, I have been I Shute got a day or so, good internet.
what is the charge at Hamo, I believe they charge to tie up for an hour to do shopping?

NSW, 343 posts
1 Jun 2019 9:30AM
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Futurecruiser said..

Stockie said..
I am fully in the Whitsundays scene now! My cousin left a few days, back to winter in Christchurch, whilst I'm lazy if about in summer conditions. After spending a nite or two at Abell Point, I have visited the following places. South Molle Island, did the walk track to the peak, neat place for history of the early resorts, closed down and in ruins now sadly. White Haven, yes the promo pictures are true, a delightful piece of paradise, the Solway passage is creepy, lots of current and wirlpools, after sailing through and heading North, rather than turning to Port for the beach, the depth gauge registered 130 metres, no wonder the passage before it has some attitude! The sand on the beach is really fine, actually nice to walk on!
after a nite there and a walk to Chance Bay, I ventured out to Border Island, there is a secluded bay, the SE anchorage, I saw some of the back packer maxi yachts moored up, doing a snorkeling run. So by evening the bay was mine alone, it was so dark in there, no moon, no city lights. Next day I did some snorkeling in the same spot as the paid people, I'm cautious, but it was very enjoyable and the water was 30 degrees and so clear you could see the bottom in 6 metres. I sailed back to Hill inlet near Whitehaven and by late afternoon, sailed back around Whitsunday Island to the west side at Cid harbour outside Sawmill bay. Today I did the hike up to the peak, what a track, and what a view. I will send some pictures when I get stronger internet.
cheers Richard

Sounds good Stockie, I'm just getting my first bit of reception in a while after checking out some of the southern islands on the way in, heading in to Hamilton Island to treat myself for a few nights for making it here now but will be heading out to explore some of those spots after the weekend, will see you out there!

Hi Cameron,

great to here you arrived, I have been I Shute got a day or so, good internet.
what is the charge at Hamo, I believe they charge to tie up for an hour to do shopping?

VIC, 119 posts
2 Jun 2019 11:16PM
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Stockie said..

Futurecruiser said..

Stockie said..
I am fully in the Whitsundays scene now! My cousin left a few days, back to winter in Christchurch, whilst I'm lazy if about in summer conditions. After spending a nite or two at Abell Point, I have visited the following places. South Molle Island, did the walk track to the peak, neat place for history of the early resorts, closed down and in ruins now sadly. White Haven, yes the promo pictures are true, a delightful piece of paradise, the Solway passage is creepy, lots of current and wirlpools, after sailing through and heading North, rather than turning to Port for the beach, the depth gauge registered 130 metres, no wonder the passage before it has some attitude! The sand on the beach is really fine, actually nice to walk on!
after a nite there and a walk to Chance Bay, I ventured out to Border Island, there is a secluded bay, the SE anchorage, I saw some of the back packer maxi yachts moored up, doing a snorkeling run. So by evening the bay was mine alone, it was so dark in there, no moon, no city lights. Next day I did some snorkeling in the same spot as the paid people, I'm cautious, but it was very enjoyable and the water was 30 degrees and so clear you could see the bottom in 6 metres. I sailed back to Hill inlet near Whitehaven and by late afternoon, sailed back around Whitsunday Island to the west side at Cid harbour outside Sawmill bay. Today I did the hike up to the peak, what a track, and what a view. I will send some pictures when I get stronger internet.
cheers Richard

Sounds good Stockie, I'm just getting my first bit of reception in a while after checking out some of the southern islands on the way in, heading in to Hamilton Island to treat myself for a few nights for making it here now but will be heading out to explore some of those spots after the weekend, will see you out there!

Hi Cameron,

great to here you arrived, I have been I Shute got a day or so, good internet.
what is the charge at Hamo, I believe they charge to tie up for an hour to do shopping?

Mate it's shocking, $125 a night or $20 an hour to tie up for resupply or pick ups. Came in company with a couple who cruised here from Sweden and they said it was the most expensive marina they had been to on the whole trip. Will look out for you on the AIS, seems like phone reception is a bit crap around here.

NSW, 343 posts
7 Jun 2019 6:43PM
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Whoa, that's is a lot, makes Rockhampton look pretty good eh!
I'm in Airlie, anchored up outside the marina. As a note, you can get water at the public wharf, tie up for up to 30 minutes, maybe more in less busy times.
Also for shopping another option is Shute and a bus ride @ $2.80 to Coles.
possibly easier access from outside Airlie to the shopping strip.
i saw you on AIS yesterday I camped at South Molle, enroute to Airlie today


NSW, 1442 posts
7 Jun 2019 9:04PM
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All going north should be aware that the Shoalwater Bay area will be closed from 23rd June to 27th July, search for 239 T of 2019 24/05/2019: Shoalwater Bay-live firing activities

QLD, 487 posts
7 Jun 2019 9:30PM
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nswsailor said..
All going north should be aware that the Shoalwater Bay area will be closed from 23rd June to 27th July, search for 239 T of 2019 24/05/2019: Shoalwater Bay-live firing activities

Where are you know Phil? Still at Newport Redcliffe?

NSW, 1442 posts
8 Jun 2019 8:16AM
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Shanty1 said..

nswsailor said..
All going north should be aware that the Shoalwater Bay area will be closed from 23rd June to 27th July, search for 239 T of 2019 24/05/2019: Shoalwater Bay-live firing activities

Where are you know Phil? Still at Newport Redcliffe?

Leaving Sunday morning at first light

NSW, 1442 posts
8 Jun 2019 3:50PM
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We have our second blog, Seaka goes north in 2019, in place, to read it look at :-

Don't forget to see the photos in the Gallery in Album dated "08 Jun 2019"

Raining now, hope its stop for tomorrow morning when we head off to Mooloolabah.

NSW, 343 posts
22 Jun 2019 8:15PM
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Cruising the Whitsunday region, met up with Futurecruiser and we have shared a couple of anchorages. At let there any other Seabreeze people in the region?some photos for all you poor souls in the south, sorry chuckle!

1. some lovely SE trade wind, pretty standard here, great for reliable cruising from A to B
2. Had the boat hauled out and with a clean bottom she is a dream to sail, that's pretty much theoretical hull speed in 11 knots.
3. Some nice afternoon Sundowner settings.

4. Right off the stern, near Hayman Island inquisitive Bat Fish, the water is so clear, I took that photo with an iPhone from the cockpit.
cheers Richard


Forums > Sailing General

"Heading North (Sydney Whitsundays" started by Stockie