I can see more has been spent below decks then above, the sails also show no blue water cruising since rigging,
no duckboard and davits would be a total pain.
Cole 32 in WA is an exceptional buy.
It seems that boats in WA and SA are cheaper than the rest of Aus.
I love your posts Ramona.
Always interesting.
Like the construction. Might be too thrilling for me to sail!
Carter 37 is sold!
Another exceptional buy.
Someone has a sense of humour with the bow anchor! Apparently there is an Aries as well somewhere.
This one for all the dreamers $96000
Nellie Zander has dropped the price 2 grand in the first day! This is the ideal boat for solo circumnavigating Australia for the price of a TopHat!
Scandinavian built, Baltic 37.
I have been onboard this one, looked like a real sailing machine.