its coming from the main bowl or the outlet from the thrugh hull ekkkk . Not a scent from the holding tank system from the main cabin?
I seem to be having the same problem.
There isn't much to look at really, I think the flapper valve just after the macerator might not be functioning properly.
Will strip it down this week as we are going on a months sail in about five weeks time.
I initially thought it might just be air being displaced from the holding tank but then noticed a small discharge (into the water) when in operation so my guess is that the valve is not working properly allowing some waste to go where it shouldn't.
Sea water stinks if you can't pump it right out, You might need to rig up a fresh water rinse system
yeah mine stinks and i have never crapped in it . if i don't give it a pump out regularly the sea water stinks, as all the small sea creatures rot away.
Before you take anything apart.
Buy some cornwell's white vinegar, not the cheap $1 stuff from woolies, costing around $3 for 750mls
Flush out all the water possible and empty the bottle into the pan, flush down until vinegar is at turn of pan. [do with water supply closed.]
Leave for 24 plus hours. Flush normally.
Now, see if you have any problems, if you have, at least the insides will be clean
I had lots of smell when I first added the holding tank, mainly when the boat had not been used for a while. I believe that the smell was generated from seawater left in the tank.
My solution was to always shut down the toilet as follows. First close the tank outlet valves, then pump two bowls of freesh water into the tank. Add some holding tank treatment. Then close the toilet fresh water valve and pump another bowl of fresh water into the tank. The toilet feed pipe pumps dry at this time. Finally leave about 50 mm of fresh water in the bowl, to act as a seal between bowl and holding tank. This works for me.
When I built the holding tank one of the recommendations was to have very good ventilation to the tank, my vent line is 50mm, with a short run to the hull. Apparently **** does not stink if it ferments with oxygen. I could not see the vent line in Southace's photos when he installed the tank, do you have generous ventilation of the tank?
Great Vid HG,
I had to watch it right through to find out who was singing the backing track. That was the best part.
Nice bit of kit and you can install it in 6 mins and 32 seconds.
South ace, a man of your obvious plumbing talents need not bother to change your tank to a translucent variety. Instead you could plumb in some clear PVC tubing (say from a tee fitting at the tank fitting) to above the top of the tank and use that as a sight glass. Then you can sleep soundly knowing that your regular vigilance as to the tank level will ensure that you will never experience an overflow. In actual fact you could carry the idea even further and run the tube to a remote location, say at the Nav station and then monitor the content level 24/7. That way at a glance you could determine wether you can dump aboard or need to take a hike to the ablution block.
No frat I dont need all that !
I just leave the new seacock open most of the time unless I'm swimming!
it could be that you arent flushing it long enough so all the stuff gets left ing the pipe try some cleaner throuh it.
We pump our bowl nearly dry (manual jabsco, no holding tank) and pour in some dettol, pump twice and then shut the valves everytime we leave the boat. Toilet has been in the boat for 15 years and no stnk :)
Ok to finish this smelly topic off!
I have just invented a blow your sh#t out of your tank device! Hook the hose up open the 1 1/2 outlet seacock or close it to flush the tank with fresh water......patient pending!
P.S I have a name for it but won't post it starts with R