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Created by McNaughtical > 9 months ago, 8 Jan 2015
QLD, 1571 posts
21 Jan 2015 9:52AM
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Sorry all I could not help myself after above comments about"len" so scanned previous pages while watching tele.
OMG he gave you all a run?
Last post ,I believe, 29 Oct 13

NSW, 908 posts
21 Jan 2015 11:22AM
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Ok guys. ..that's enough about's all about me remember.

TAS, 514 posts
21 Jan 2015 1:41PM
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McNaughtical said..

LooseChange said..

McNaughtical said..

hmmmm...the common denominator is Youre admitting to that part then...hehe

Guilty as charged ...... It's a fair cop, guv'nor. You got bang me to rights.

??? was that a typo or are you trying to say I should bang you??

when you said should i bang him
the topic was changed to a ferro boat.
cracks me up big time.

406 posts
21 Jan 2015 11:16AM
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Ha ha ha lol. :-)

SA, 4771 posts
21 Jan 2015 2:48PM
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I'm sorry I dont find the subjects Romance & Ferro boats funny at all , Both are touchy subjects! ??

VIC, 5814 posts
21 Jan 2015 3:55PM
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southace said...
I'm sorry I dont find the subjects Romance & Ferro boats funny at all , Both are touchy subjects! ??

NSW, 908 posts
21 Jan 2015 4:27PM
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Yes...cracked me up too...ferro boats and romances don't have a lot in common except maybe the ability of both to come to grief and sink like a stone.

NSW, 2140 posts
21 Jan 2015 4:27PM
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southace said..
I'm sorry I dont find the subjects Romance & Ferro boats funny at all , Both are touchy subjects! ??

I don't have much against ferro boats other than most of them are badly built and even worse fit outs. I suppose it comes from having people with a dream but not the skill to turn the dream into reality.

QLD, 878 posts
21 Jan 2015 3:47PM
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Ferro..bygone era, the same like without a mobil, never happen again...but
romance, it might accidentally happened, for some not only ones

NSW, 908 posts
21 Jan 2015 5:19PM
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There we have it...another true believer. ..rhe magic of that romance that just accidentally happens when we least expect it. ..maybe...

NSW, 908 posts
21 Jan 2015 5:23PM
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I think the mystery man is probably sharing the same fate as Len and his ferro boat. ..never to be heard of again

NSW, 605 posts
21 Jan 2015 6:07PM
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Oh, Naughty, I'm also a true believer (in love, not ferro boats or Len's internet business). I consider myself lucky - my first two weren't right but the third time's a charm for me. To some extent they are like boats imho; you need to find one that's been cared for, is the right one for you (and probably have owned a couple before), admire them, love them, enjoy them and work on them.

NSW, 908 posts
21 Jan 2015 8:42PM
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nicely put Dr Rog

VIC, 5904 posts
21 Jan 2015 9:03PM
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DrRog said..
Oh, Naughty, I'm also a true believer (in love, not ferro boats or Len's internet business). I consider myself lucky - my first two weren't right but the third time's a charm for me. To some extent they are like boats imho; you need to find one that's been cared for, is the right one for you (and probably have owned a couple before), admire them, love them, enjoy them and work on them.

in other words .................. high maintenance !!!

joke McNaught ................................

NSW, 908 posts
21 Jan 2015 9:35PM
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Ouch!!!!! Sands.....thats one thing never been said about me

QLD, 285 posts
21 Jan 2015 8:49PM
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southace said..
I'm sorry I dont find the subjects Romance & Ferro boats funny at all , Both are touchy subjects! ??

Sounds like a story there Southace??

For some inexplicable reason ferro boats remind me of chook houses??

A jaded non believer .

VIC, 5904 posts
21 Jan 2015 10:07PM
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McNaughtical said..
Ouch!!!!! Sands.....thats one thing never been said about me

the comment wasn't about you , it was wives in general , ........high maintenance , .............and even then it it was a joke as i tried to convey, by saying "joke McNaught"

any how ...........................the eight ball symbol was absolutly corrrect , i new i would end up behind one with a comment like that .......

any way .....happy ,happy happy ............

NSW, 908 posts
21 Jan 2015 10:35PM
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All good sands...I took it as a joke

VIC, 5904 posts
21 Jan 2015 10:46PM
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good one did yaall here the one about the "mother in law"...................................

VIC, 5904 posts
21 Jan 2015 11:25PM
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Meg1122 said..

southace said..
I'm sorry I dont find the subjects Romance & Ferro boats funny at all , Both are touchy subjects! ??

Sounds like a story there Southace??

For some inexplicable reason ferro boats remind me of chook houses??

A jaded non believer .

probably the chicken wire used to build them ......... at least a bag of rapid set concrete,may help to delay the enviable............... [that last word was sooooo had to spell !]

NSW, 2140 posts
21 Jan 2015 11:31PM
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SandS said..

probably the chicken wire used to build them ......... at least a bag of rapid set concrete,may help to delay the enviable............... [that last word was sooooo had to spell !]

But at least you succeeded and managed to get it wrong to your liking ...well done.

NSW, 908 posts
22 Jan 2015 11:52AM
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lol.... cant help it...inevitable you were trying to say Sands...?? ...sorry...had to be a smarty pants

NSW, 1265 posts
22 Jan 2015 2:09PM
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OK McNaughty. Here is the problem. You are a long way from the bulk of the romantic hunks, unless you, or they, travel.

The classic "lets meet for coffee" gets almost impossible to arrange. So why not "lets meet for a chat on Skype" instead? Then, having established some kind of understanding, you could invite the hunk to crew for you over a weekend. Now a hunk crewing, is an interesting situation, and this will tell you a lot about how people relate. Alternatively, but not so insightful, you could crew for the Hunk, however the understanding would have to be for day sailing only, so you can jump ship if it turns out wrong.

So, single gents, PM McNaughty with your Skype address, and let the fun begin!!

NSW, 908 posts
22 Jan 2015 3:09PM
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I like the way you think Yara

406 posts
22 Jan 2015 12:13PM
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NSW, 908 posts
22 Jan 2015 3:37PM
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VIC, 5814 posts
22 Jan 2015 4:50PM
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brizzydave said...

You jumping ship Brizzy or just doing
A Brazilian

406 posts
22 Jan 2015 2:13PM
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That's Mr hunk all lonely down in his cabin getting ready to Skype.....

NSW, 908 posts
22 Jan 2015 5:20PM
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I think Brizzy might be hoping he'll be doing a Brazillian...

NSW, 908 posts
22 Jan 2015 5:22PM
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You guys are cracking me up laughing...I"m holidaying with fam in a caravan park in this pouring rain laughing my head off


Forums > Sailing General

"Romance" started by McNaughtical