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SEAKA goes around, 2015.

Created by nswsailor > 9 months ago, 10 Mar 2015
QLD, 1193 posts
9 Apr 2015 6:40PM
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cisco said..

Ramona said..

cisco said..

Siphon breaker loops and vents are really only relevant when the engine is mostly below the water line but even then not totally necessary.

Anti siphon vents have a habit of salting up and sticking open or shut.

Even if the exhaust outlet is below the water line a water trap fitted just after the mixing elbow should eliminate any back flushing to the engine without the need for high loops just before the exit from the hull.

I'm with you there cisco. I still can't get around the idea that the cylinder head is below the waterline in a Tophat. Siphons are just something else to go wrong. If the cylinder head is above the waterline and the waterlock muffler is below as well I fail to see how water can enter the cylinder head after shut down.

Yes, I think Vetus and others make quite a bit of money out of selling items that are not really needed.

Gee, give me a few beers and a white board and I could easily put together a scenario where an open raw water inlet seacock and a worn raw water pump impeller (which allowed a small amount of bypass) could result in water siphoning into the exhaust/raw water mixing if the attachment point for the mixer was below the level of the water outside the boat (when heeled as well)

I'll be keeping my anti-siphoning device (which incidentally is located just prior to the exhaust/raw water mixer) installed. I also only ever have my raw water inlet open when the engine is running and shut it when the engine is turned off. But to be sure, to be sure Murphy won't get his way, the anti-Siphon is staying.

And my exhaust hose will be staying where it is looped up behind the cockpit seats. The last thing I would ever want is the exhaust hose chock a block full of salt water back to the exhaust water-lock and trying to make it way back to my engine in a rough sea. Why temp fate.

That's the good thing about having your own boat, can can set it up how you want. How my boat is set up makes sense to me and also the previous owners.

Agent nods
622 posts
9 Apr 2015 6:23PM
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Interesting….I had a yacht where the wet exhaust chamber was well above water line and engine, (inside the cockpit bench seat) and the exhaust outlet was above waterline - So it sort of acts as an anti siphoning device without adding extras?

Had to replace exhaust mixer as it was steel, and corroded out. As I was in a remote location, made a new one out of 5 inch pipe, with 1 cm walls with equally thick baffles inside. It was a Perkins 4108 and while not noisy before, the thickness of the chamber cut the noise dramatically.

NSW, 1431 posts
9 Apr 2015 10:44PM
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Sorry been busy sailing for last few days, now at Russell Island until Monday then back to Jacobs Well for 4 days of anti-fouling and etc's at Horizon Shores.

Seaka's engine and anti-syphoning system were installed by the previous owner, I will check with him in about ten days as to why he did it the way it is.

In the meantime will check the instructions I have to see if comments above agree or disagree.

NSW, 203 posts
9 Apr 2015 11:34PM
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Franrick said..
If I had a glass of water with a straw in it and the straw had a hole in it I would have two options,

1. Get another straw

2. Drink straight from the glass

Quite an easy solution.

If I had a straw WITHOUT a hole, I would be very confused.........

865 posts
10 Apr 2015 7:23PM
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In the meantime....there is another Top Hat " Sundowner" on a single-handed circumnavigation of oz,....currently, as I type this, right out in the middle of the 'bite', heading east on the Southern Ocean

NSW, 1431 posts
14 Apr 2015 9:25PM
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Rob in SUNDOWNER got into Streaky Bay this morning...9 days of head winds to get across the GAB,

QLD, 12321 posts
14 Apr 2015 10:55PM
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That was a heroic effort. I hope he is having a few days off to recover.

NSW, 908 posts
15 Apr 2015 7:11AM
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Well done SUNDOWNER!!!

289 posts
15 Apr 2015 5:39PM
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Hi NSw,
We are on the Gold Coast in spite of the crappy east coast low that was determined to slow us down. ( which it did)
We will be in Moreton Bay til Monday and then start heading north again.
Hope to catch up with you along the way.
cheers, rick.

NSW, 1431 posts
15 Apr 2015 11:34PM
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I was not able to get into Horizon Shores until this week, will be here until Saturday morning then moving to Raby Bay [visiting friends] Sunday/Monday then moving north, one may be 2 stops before Mooloolaba, late-ish next week or early the week after.

At this stage in no hurry.

289 posts
16 Apr 2015 8:57PM
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We have our hold ups too. After 40 hrs from Port Macquarrie to Southport we now have no propulsion. We are just at the bottom of Canaipa Passage at Jumpinpin, what a place to loose a gearbox. I have spoken to a sailing guru friend who thinks the g/box heat exchanger might have corroded through and filled the box with water. I will check in the morning. If that is the case I will drain the box. Refill it and disconnect the heat exchanger hoses to prevent more water ingress. Just means I will be busy pouring water over the g/box to help keep it cool till we get to somewhere where we can fix the exchanger or replace it.
Ya just gotta love sailing, lol.
Cheers, Rick

VIC, 5814 posts
16 Apr 2015 11:38PM
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Franrick said..
We have our hold ups too. After 40 hrs from Port Macquarrie to Southport we now have no propulsion. We are just at the bottom of Canaipa Passage at Jumpinpin, what a place to loose a gearbox. I have spoken to a sailing guru friend who thinks the g/box heat exchanger might have corroded through and filled the box with water. I will check in the morning. If that is the case I will drain the box. Refill it and disconnect the heat exchanger hoses to prevent more water ingress. Just means I will be busy pouring water over the g/box to help keep it cool till we get to somewhere where we can fix the exchanger or replace it.
Ya just gotta love sailing, lol.
Cheers, Rick

you gotta hole in your straw Franrick. flush it more than once if you can

289 posts
12 May 2015 6:49AM
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HG02 said..

Franrick said..
We have our hold ups too. After 40 hrs from Port Macquarrie to Southport we now have no propulsion. We are just at the bottom of Canaipa Passage at Jumpinpin, what a place to loose a gearbox. I have spoken to a sailing guru friend who thinks the g/box heat exchanger might have corroded through and filled the box with water. I will check in the morning. If that is the case I will drain the box. Refill it and disconnect the heat exchanger hoses to prevent more water ingress. Just means I will be busy pouring water over the g/box to help keep it cool till we get to somewhere where we can fix the exchanger or replace it.
Ya just gotta love sailing, lol.
Cheers, Rick

you gotta hole in your straw Franrick. flush it more than once if you can

Hgo2, the box is all good now. Broken drive plate. A few hundred bucks for parts and a few hours labor. I got off lightly I think.

289 posts
12 May 2015 7:02AM
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Hi NSW. Just letting you know that the fuel dock at Yeppoon is back to normal again.
I am in Port Clinton at the moment and will moved up to Island Head Creek today and wait the weather out up there.
When you come up past Yeppoon it might be worth your while trolling a line between Cape Manifold and the adjacent island I got a nice mackerel there yesterday and ten minutes later an even bigger queenfish. Thats after trolling for days with nothing to show for it.
I must say it is so nice to be getting back to the warmer weather.
Safe sailing,

VIC, 5814 posts
12 May 2015 1:13PM
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Franrick said...
HG02 said..

Franrick said..
We have our hold ups too. After 40 hrs from Port Macquarrie to Southport we now have no propulsion. We are just at the bottom of Canaipa Passage at Jumpinpin, what a place to loose a gearbox. I have spoken to a sailing guru friend who thinks the g/box heat exchanger might have corroded through and filled the box with water. I will check in the morning. If that is the case I will drain the box. Refill it and disconnect the heat exchanger hoses to prevent more water ingress. Just means I will be busy pouring water over the g/box to help keep it cool till we get to somewhere where we can fix the exchanger or replace it.
Ya just gotta love sailing, lol.
Cheers, Rick

you gotta hole in your straw Franrick. flush it more than once if you can

Hgo2, the box is all good now. Broken drive plate. A few hundred bucks for parts and a few hours labor. I got off lightly I think.

You did well franrick well done

NSW, 1431 posts
12 May 2015 11:55PM
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Franrick said..
Hi NSW. Just letting you know that the fuel dock at Yeppoon is back to normal again.
I am in Port Clinton at the moment and will moved up to Island Head Creek today and wait the weather out up there.
When you come up past Yeppoon it might be worth your while trolling a line between Cape Manifold and the adjacent island I got a nice mackerel there yesterday and ten minutes later an even bigger queenfish. Thats after trolling for days with nothing to show for it.
I must say it is so nice to be getting back to the warmer weather.
Safe sailing,

Thanks Rick,

I was a bit concerned when you said there was no easy fuel at Yeppoon.

I'm staying in Pancake Creek for the bad weather, looks like it will last into mid next week now.

That means I will be into tinned everything food wise, but had flathead for tea tonight!

See more at www.sailblogs/member/seaka

QLD, 12321 posts
13 May 2015 12:12PM
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Pancake Creek is a beautiful place to hole up Phillip. I hope you bought some pancake mix to honour it with.

The latest BOM weather map shows a massive 1040 hp high coming across which will start ridging up the coast by Friday. If you were in a hurry it could get you to Blue Pearl Bay in a single day.

It will certainly get you to Yeppoon in smart order. If you have not too big a kite you might get Seaka up over 7 knots. That would keep you busy.

NSW, 1431 posts
13 May 2015 12:44PM
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Seas are too big, 2 m, and wind will not drop below 20 knots until next Wednesday at least Cisco, no need to beat myself up.

8 yachts here now and yes I do have pancake mix

289 posts
14 May 2015 2:52PM
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Hi Philip,
I'm at Island Head Creek, same situation here. Ten yachts taking refuge here. Plenty of food, plenty of time. A bit rolly but not to bad now that there is a bit of east to the wind .
Internet comes and goes, but I have heaps of books and other crap. Crab pots are out so I might get a change in diet, lol.
It's either been blowing to much or to little since we set out.
I guess thats what we sign up for, lol.
Cheers, Rick.

NSW, 1431 posts
14 May 2015 5:43PM
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Had fish for last two days, none today to tied, but trying again tomorrow.

No sleep for anyone here last night except for the mono that almost drag ashore.

Dinghy now onboard and the anchor angel in action.

NSW, 1431 posts
24 May 2015 4:41PM
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New blog up at

Up Maria Inlet, Curtis Island.

VIC, 5814 posts
24 May 2015 7:24PM
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Hope you get a good nights sleep
found this after you quote on anchor angel

289 posts
26 May 2015 6:03AM
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nswsailor said..
Had fish for last two days, none today to tied, but trying again tomorrow.

No sleep for anyone here last night except for the mono that almost drag ashore.

Dinghy now onboard and the anchor angel in action.

Yes Phillip, thats about how it was at Island Head. I had 35 meters of chain out in three meters of water and spare CQR ready to drop if neded. The tidal flow is strong in there so some of the time it was taking some of the load off the anchor and at other times adding to it. The anchor watch was on the whole time but the boat never mooved.
There were five cats in there and they could get to better places with a bit of protection from the wind but also from the waves. It got quite chopy in there, even right up near the top.


Forums > Sailing General

"SEAKA goes around, 2015." started by nswsailor