Forums > Sailing General

Where did you go on your sailing boat today?

Created by DrRog > 9 months ago, 4 Oct 2014
NSW, 606 posts
5 Oct 2014 12:16AM
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I didn't go anywhere - feeling a bit crook. Hopefully tomorrow.

Several people have posted their sail trips in the highly popular "What did you do to your sailing boat today?" thread. I'm hoping this thread could become the go-to place to update us on your little sailing adventures - after all, sailing is the point, right?

It's the weekend (a long one here in NSW) so... where did you go on your sailing boat today???

Photos if possible please.

VIC, 5814 posts
5 Oct 2014 7:56AM
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I turned my boat 180 degrees does that count Dr Rog
Ive been meaning to ask you about your mast steps were they home made or bought ones? I sort of like it if as much as possible you can do things to youre boat when you need to , mast steps would help that idea along.

QLD, 26 posts
5 Oct 2014 4:37PM
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I just got in from a slow trip around mudjimba island off maroochydore. more wind coming back. Bit of a flop around as we left mooloolaba at 9am. I hate it when kayaks pass us. Then had a wonderful BBQ and wine back in the bay and a swim. Water warming up perfect day on the boat. Except dropped the gas regulator in the water. Very embarrassing. Found it with a quick dive and seemed to work ok.

406 posts
5 Oct 2014 2:46PM
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I'm out to peel island next weekend. Can't wait.

QLD, 191 posts
5 Oct 2014 9:01PM
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brizzydave said..
I'm out to peel island next weekend. Can't wait.

I just got back from there.. it was like a floating city this weekend and not enough room to swing a cat. some guy in a bay cruiser lay down anchor about 10 meters from my bow.. I saw him sweat this morning when I pulled up anchor and drfted about 2 meters from him before I could run back to the cockpit and bang it in reverse to avoid a collision.

VIC, 5814 posts
6 Oct 2014 12:02AM
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bubble7777 said..

brizzydave said..
I'm out to peel island next weekend. Can't wait.

I just got back from there.. it was like a floating city this weekend and not enough room to swing a cat. some guy in a bay cruiser lay down anchor about 10 meters from my bow.. I saw him sweat this morning when I pulled up anchor and drfted about 2 meters from him before I could run back to the cockpit and bang it in reverse to avoid a collision.

QLD, 2195 posts
6 Oct 2014 8:02AM
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Went Woodford bay to rose bay. No wind but nice and hot. Pulled up neilsons park for a swim. Got over taken by a kayaker on full throttle....

NSW, 86 posts
6 Oct 2014 9:17AM
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we went for a sail to pubah island ,parked up in the shallows and gave the hulls a
wipe over, had millions of tinny srimp type things all over the hulls,checked the crab
pots on the way back and pulled up a muddy ,shame it was a female ,going out again
today ,hope theres more wind cheers ray

NSW, 606 posts
6 Oct 2014 9:52AM
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Sounds like a good day, Radar.

Steve, we also got overtaken by a few kayaks sailing in light winds. For lunch we anchored in Milk Beach / Hermit Bay, a stone's throw from Shark Bay (what everyone, us included, calls Neilson Park). Milk Beach is a nice little spot actually, protected from North East and yesterday full of frolicking young persons.

Guests swam to beach while I cleaned up the water intakes and scraped the barnacles off the prop which were restricting me to 20K revs! Been waiting for the water to warm up. NorEaster kicked in over lunch so we could have a better sail around the harbour. Got back in time to see the delayed start of the NRL war and watch my team win! Nice day.

12 posts
6 Oct 2014 7:15AM
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I bought mine up from port geographe to Bunbury on the first passage since I've owned it. She went great and still made pretty good headway even after the wind dropped right off. Still took me about 10 hrs though as we had a head wind and it eventually dropped off to 2 knots. but my mates enjoyed it and u had a blast. I love my new best friend Otto ( auto helm)

NSW, 606 posts
6 Oct 2014 11:39AM
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... oh, forgot the photos:

I lost my head:

And we had sex on the boat too!

406 posts
6 Oct 2014 5:55PM
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He he :-) lol!! Love it

QLD, 1153 posts
6 Oct 2014 10:20PM
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DrRog said..
... oh, forgot the photos:

I lost my head:

And we had sex on the boat too!

Gotta love a bit of insect porn.
Great Nor easter today on the Gold Coast. I sailed east for 2.5 hours then turned around and came back home. Would have love to just kept on sailing.

406 posts
6 Oct 2014 9:35PM
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I stare out there from the surf club. Must be nice mate.

WA, 855 posts
8 Oct 2014 6:16PM
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Leaving Carnarvon, heading down Shark Bay to Monkey Mia.

QLD, 191 posts
9 Oct 2014 7:30PM
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20 minutes of fairly boring footage with me having rant about half way through but the sound seems to have not exported very well so it might be a bit quite. It was this weekend sailing Moreton bay QLD

VIC, 5814 posts
9 Oct 2014 9:02PM
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enjoyed the sail Bubble thanks next time pass me a home brew will you gets a bit thirsty under the Bimini

NSW, 701 posts
9 Oct 2014 10:54PM
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We sailed up to Sydney Harbour from Botany Bay and saw some MC38s, nice toys ;) then sailed back.

NSW, 2140 posts
10 Oct 2014 1:13AM
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keensailor said..
We sailed up to Sydney Harbour from Botany Bay and saw some MC38s, nice toys ;) then sailed back.

Geez they are ugly, a thirty eight foot plank with a mast and sails .... or another way ...... a thirty eight foot skiff. They should operate out of the Sydney Flying Squadron, or the NSW 18 footer league.

WA, 855 posts
10 Oct 2014 3:12PM
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A tough slog upwind through the night in 25+ can be worth it. Monkey Mia over a Fat Yak!

SA, 4783 posts
10 Oct 2014 5:49PM
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bubble7777 said..
20 minutes of fairly boring footage with me having rant about half way through but the sound seems to have not exported very well so it might be a bit quite. It was this weekend sailing Moreton bay QLD

You looked rather tense at the start! I'm glad you took a nap and relaxed a bit!

VIC, 5814 posts
10 Oct 2014 7:13PM
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southace said..

bubble7777 said..
20 minutes of fairly boring footage with me having rant about half way through but the sound seems to have not exported very well so it might be a bit quite. It was this weekend sailing Moreton bay QLD

You looked rather tense at the start! I'm glad you took a nap and relaxed a bit!

South ace did you see all the empty cans in the bucket in the cockpit

QLD, 880 posts
10 Oct 2014 6:53PM
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just completed a discovery trip.
Quick run to Yellow Patch...Cape Capricorn
stay a couple of nights, return was a bit rough
stay overnight at Hummocky and resting a night at Leekes GKI.

QLD, 191 posts
10 Oct 2014 7:20PM
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southace said..

bubble7777 said..
20 minutes of fairly boring footage with me having rant about half way through but the sound seems to have not exported very well so it might be a bit quite. It was this weekend sailing Moreton bay QLD

You looked rather tense at the start! I'm glad you took a nap and relaxed a bit!

i was actually quite nervous a lot of the time . its the biggest trip I have done single handed and im quite inexperienced with only maybe 100 hours of sailing time. but I enjoyed it so thats the main thing :)

QLD, 26 posts
10 Oct 2014 7:22PM
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bubble7777 said..
20 minutes of fairly boring footage with me having rant about half way through but the sound seems to have not exported very well so it might be a bit quite. It was this weekend sailing Moreton bay QLD

Bubble that looked very relaxing. How are you steering?

NSW, 2681 posts
10 Oct 2014 9:13PM
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Nothing. MB was due to come off the slip at 1400, delays meant the tide was missed so she stays there till tomorrow morning.
However I had the opportunity to meet DrRog and we did a check of the boat before she enters the water tomorrow.
One thing I like about this forum is getting to meet other contributors. Hopefully, as with Cisco and Havefun and others, you become sailing mates.

NSW, 1442 posts
10 Oct 2014 9:38PM
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Charriot said..
just completed a discovery trip.
Quick run to Yellow Patch...Cape Capricorn
stay a couple of nights, return was a bit rough
stay overnight at Hummocky and resting a night at Leekes GKI.

Say Charriot, do you have the current way-points into Yellow Patch and could you post them please?

I went aground trying to get in last time and I determined to get in there next year.

QLD, 191 posts
10 Oct 2014 8:56PM
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papabear said..

bubble7777 said..
20 minutes of fairly boring footage with me having rant about half way through but the sound seems to have not exported very well so it might be a bit quite. It was this weekend sailing Moreton bay QLD

Bubble that looked very relaxing. How are you steering?

raymarine st4000+ autopilot

NSW, 606 posts
12 Oct 2014 12:31AM
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Nice to meet you both. :)

Here's MB not going anywhere (experimenting with new time lapse function in IOS8):

VIC, 5814 posts
12 Oct 2014 12:38AM
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DrRog said..
Nice to meet you both. :)

Here's MB not going anywhere (experimenting with new time lapse function in IOS8):

Is there a ransom to pay to go some where

QLD, 880 posts
12 Oct 2014 10:46AM
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nswsailor , sure I have same waypoints, directly from Coast Guard,
I will post them in separete post. ( witch pics maybe video )
There are the other tricky bit, I wont to ask experts. / anchoring /.


Forums > Sailing General

"Where did you go on your sailing boat today?" started by DrRog