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Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

Aspect ratio and speed of a foil

Created by winddoc > 9 months ago, 5 Jul 2020
WA, 7492 posts
3 Aug 2020 10:47AM
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bluewave said..
Residing in Maui I see a lot people on all kinds of gear. Wingfoiling is Blowing Up! GoFoil appears to be most popular, followed closely by by Naish, Axis and Armstrong. I'm 165# / 76kg ...I switched to Armstrong 1550 /1200 from Axis, now I'm having fomo that Armstrong does not have a true HA foil. The guys on GoFoils GL 140 are on a relatively small wing and just blazing, early planing, better glide and excellent maneuverability . Am I missing something here? They are on 1000-1150 cm wing and I'm on a 1550 ... but they have far more efficiency? Is this my imagination and fomo or is it real? I've got foil brain...Someone in the know I was speaking with stated the whole industry will be going high aspect in due time...of course that's just an opinion... I was thinking of getting a GoFoil or Axis (Execellent Selection of foils) , but still keeping my Armstrong maybe dumping the 1550 and 1200 before they release their HA wings as I heard they will have some HA wings "someday" but it's nowhere soon it seems.. Thoughts? Comments?

It depends on what you want to do as well. The 1550 and 1200 are epic wave riding wings. But if you are more interested in pumping, downwinding, windwing and gliding on small waves then a more HA design might suit. I just got the 1850 (higher aspect than 1550) which is a far better Windwing foil that the 1550 for me (105kg) it has better glide and pump, but less carvey and pocks a wing easier (flatter profile). Horses for courses Sorry probably did not help.

203 posts
3 Aug 2020 12:13PM
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Good to know. I recently decided to sell my original gear purchased a year ago, to focus on getting equipment geared to winging. Ordered an 1850 a cpl weeks ago, but still waiting for it to arrive. Hopefully it will be easier to get flying .

NSW, 1100 posts
3 Aug 2020 3:34PM
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bluewave said..
Residing in Maui I see a lot people on all kinds of gear. Wingfoiling is Blowing Up! GoFoil appears to be most popular, followed closely by by Naish, Axis and Armstrong. I'm 165# / 76kg ...I switched to Armstrong 1550 /1200 from Axis, now I'm having fomo that Armstrong does not have a true HA foil. The guys on GoFoils GL 140 are on a relatively small wing and just blazing, early planing, better glide and excellent maneuverability . Am I missing something here? They are on 1000-1150 cm wing and I'm on a 1550 ... but they have far more efficiency? Is this my imagination and fomo or is it real? I've got foil brain...Someone in the know I was speaking with stated the whole industry will be going high aspect in due time...of course that's just an opinion... I was thinking of getting a GoFoil or Axis (Execellent Selection of foils) , but still keeping my Armstrong maybe dumping the 1550 and 1200 before they release their HA wings as I heard they will have some HA wings "someday" but it's nowhere soon it seems.. Thoughts? Comments?

There is quiet a few variables to consider, what size tail, fuse and shims you use with the Armstrong makes a big difference, What size wing you have and also skill and experience all make a difference.
When I was learning to pump,I was convinced I needed a bigger more efficient foil, only to discover that it it is mainly technique and in fact it can be easier on a smaller faster foil if you have the skill.I guess my point is check out all the variables before switching gear, you might find something you missed that makes all the difference.

43 posts
3 Aug 2020 2:37PM
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I saw the 1850 Armstrongs past few days...I'm 75kg and do well on the 1550 winging , not sure I need the 1850. It's dissapointing Armstrong doesn't have a few true HA wings to choose from by now...and really no idea when they will.

WA, 7492 posts
3 Aug 2020 3:03PM
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bluewave said..
I saw the 1850 Armstrongs past few days...I'm 75kg and do well on the 1550 winging , not sure I need the 1850. It's dissapointing Armstrong doesn't have a few true HA wings to choose from by now...and really no idea when they will.

Depends on your point of view I suppose. The 1550 is hard to beat, I suggest you demo a few different HA foils before you buy. The grass is sometimes not greener.

WA, 7492 posts
3 Aug 2020 3:06PM
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Pasquales said..
Good to know. I recently decided to sell my original gear purchased a year ago, to focus on getting equipment geared to winging. Ordered an 1850 a cpl weeks ago, but still waiting for it to arrive. Hopefully it will be easier to get flying .

Way more lift and glide than the 1550, which is good and bad Not so good for dropping into steep bombs

NSW, 1100 posts
3 Aug 2020 5:43PM
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bluewave said..
I saw the 1850 Armstrongs past few days...I'm 75kg and do well on the 1550 winging , not sure I need the 1850. It's dissapointing Armstrong doesn't have a few true HA wings to choose from by now...and really no idea when they will.

The grass is always greener can be true, I know a few who had the HA 900 axis and then bought the 1550 and couldn't be happier, said they lost a small amount in glide but gained a heap in handling and control. If you want max efficiency and glide but don't care about handling then go for the wide thin HA foils,most were designed for DW but then people wanted to surf them as well ,but they stall at a higher speed and don't turn as nicely.

307 posts
3 Aug 2020 7:56PM
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As an Armstrong winger, I can relate to the FOMO on HA foils and I came very close a couple of times to switching to either Axis or GO but recently got the 1850 and am very pleased I waited. It is the ultimate winging foil unless you are getting into some pretty big waves. Of course, I still eagerly await the Armstrong HA foils but right now, every session with the 1850 is pure joy.

QLD, 2056 posts
3 Aug 2020 10:05PM
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bluewave said..
Residing in Maui I see a lot people on all kinds of gear. Wingfoiling is Blowing Up! GoFoil appears to be most popular, followed closely by by Naish, Axis and Armstrong. I'm 165# / 76kg ...I switched to Armstrong 1550 /1200 from Axis, now I'm having fomo that Armstrong does not have a true HA foil. The guys on GoFoils GL 140 are on a relatively small wing and just blazing, early planing, better glide and excellent maneuverability . Am I missing something here? They are on 1000-1150 cm wing and I'm on a 1550 ... but they have far more efficiency? Is this my imagination and fomo or is it real? I've got foil brain...Someone in the know I was speaking with stated the whole industry will be going high aspect in due time...of course that's just an opinion... I was thinking of getting a GoFoil or Axis (Execellent Selection of foils) , but still keeping my Armstrong maybe dumping the 1550 and 1200 before they release their HA wings as I heard they will have some HA wings "someday" but it's nowhere soon it seems.. Thoughts? Comments?

Why not try one of the HA foils & compare to your 1550, it's the only way you will know if your missing out or not.

I moved from a HA to 1550 & have not looked back but know others that prefer the HA wings.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

"Aspect ratio and speed of a foil" started by winddoc