Good to know. I recently decided to sell my original gear purchased a year ago, to focus on getting equipment geared to winging. Ordered an 1850 a cpl weeks ago, but still waiting for it to arrive. Hopefully it will be easier to get flying .
I saw the 1850 Armstrongs past few days...I'm 75kg and do well on the 1550 winging , not sure I need the 1850. It's dissapointing Armstrong doesn't have a few true HA wings to choose from by now...and really no idea when they will.
As an Armstrong winger, I can relate to the FOMO on HA foils and I came very close a couple of times to switching to either Axis or GO but recently got the 1850 and am very pleased I waited. It is the ultimate winging foil unless you are getting into some pretty big waves. Of course, I still eagerly await the Armstrong HA foils but right now, every session with the 1850 is pure joy.