I'd just like to know where in Oz I can get my hands on a 101.
Has anyone got any in stock?
I borrowed one for this wing downwinder and it felt great but none for sale that I know of.
Little dw in French Carribean, feels good to be in warm water !!
Axis 101 flat stab, ultrashort fus and 75cm mast. Since this wing is "easy" to lift I will try with a 90cm mast when I go back home.
The 101 is a very different shape to the 1000. It has a lot of concave on the underside trailing edge for lift. Having used both I'm not sure you need a bigger HA wing than the 101, unless you're over 95kg. For me the 1000 is still my go to wing downwind.
The surface areas don't really reflect the difference in lift produced by the shape of the two wings.
I've found the 1010 with 460 flat rear and ultra short fuselage popped up quicker at lower speeds and smaller ocean swell than the 1000 with a 370 rear. Like being on the 102 with more speed.
Has anyone tried the 101 for prone surfing? I'm hoping it would be great on really small days. It does look similar to the uni/signature 210
Yes I did try on the prone and as Frenchfoiler said the 900 is a much better pick than the 1010 plus it's also faster . The 1010 was never designed to be the fastest wing on the market. It's specific purpose it to fill the gap between the 900 and 1020 , with easy low speed lift (easy to start ) much slower stall speed so you actually stay up on the foil longer at lower speeds & handles higher top end speed compared to the 1020. The Signature 210 is a faster wing but it's much harder to start . There is a trade off for everything .
Getting back to the original question on the thread " Where can I buy one "'My mate nick named Axis "Chasing Rainbows " because you can never find the end of it to buy a 900, 100 1010 , 460 flat stab & now the new Anhederal (down turned ) 395 stab which is really sick BTW plus the new Carbon mast .
Thanks guys exactly wanted to hear. The 900 is currently my go to wing with the ultra short fuse and 400 tail. I was hoping to find that wing for when it's really small and the 900 stalls at lower speed. And to help me with progressing to connect up multiple waves. Sounds like the 101 is exactly what I'm after.
now just the issue of tracking one down as you guys say! Haha