Lateley I've tried some foil in DW, Gong xxl and Takuma 1900 Alu. Compared to Axis those alu mast are way too flexy which make those hard to control but maybe you can get usedd to it ? The wings are heavier also.
The Axis fuselage seems to me way more advanced (everything fits, super smooth, super tight).
Just saying this to show that there is alu and alu. For the overall weight, I guess it has a lot to do with the weight of the wings.
Frenchfoiler; How you find the Takuma LOL 1900 compared to the axis 102 in terms of lift off? easier, the same or harder?
I hear the new Takuma carbon mast is much stiffer.
Yes the axis is nice and stiff for alu. So is the Go foil 29.5. If you light enough the axis 1000 may work for you? Be too small for me in a DW but I am 90kg.
Hope to try the GL240 on the weekend but not much wind forecast. I will share my thought if I try it.
Here is a vid of a mate riding the 1900 Takuma
He was using all Gofoil gear before this and the improvement in his own winding and turning in the bumps since changing has been massive. He is 90kg and this is the carbon mast. definitely more flex in the Takuma gear over the axis or foil but is it a bad thing? I go back and ride an axis set up now I really struggle for a while as it all feels to stiff. It took Steveo one downwind run to get used to it and now he never notices anything so my feeling is you just have to get used to what you are riding.
We have been doing a sight load of downwinding over the last two weeks and seen most of the new foils on the water. Speed-wise nothing is blowing anything else away besides a few custom wings that no one else can get but the production stuff is all really close.
Axis has a nice alloy set up and is nice and stiff, Takuma have what I think is the best all-round wings and a nice clean set up, their carbon mast is nice as well. I think these are the easiest if all the new wings on the market and speed-wise the 1600 is about the same as the 180GL. Gofoils new wings are good and they seem like good pumping wings, I did have a mate use the new 240 and he liked it over the older 200 but was not huge amounts faster on the run he did and did say it was a bit harder to get going.
As durability goes I am pretty rough on my gear and having rocks getting in and out of the water here in Hood River the takuma is holding up fine maybe hitting a reef might be different.
Speaking in general terms how do people feel about the high aspect wings for surfing and carving in comparison with the older generation of wings? Are they better at carving as they are faster and can carve harder?
You would think the lower aspect wings would be able to get tighter in the pocket and be more maneuverable but is this really the case?
Looks like a carbone mast is coming.
The big deal with a stiff mast is board stability. This is a HUGE deal for the older crowd. The older we get, the more balance we loose.
Once more people figure this out, you guys making foils with a mast that feels like a dogs tail wagging under the board, will be dead to us older guys!
Until you try a super stiff setup like Axis, you have no idea how much stability you are giving away.
First ride of the GL240. Tested in 15 to 20 knots downwind. I am coming off the 280. Wow completely different feel. Less drag, less lift and super sensitive. Had some good glides but it was a bit like learning again. Up and down like a yo yo. It definitely faster and you can run over the top if bumps but it also found me out a many times when I tried to go too slow. Never thought I hit top speed so can't wait for the next wind and some more bumps and work this beast out a bit more!
Hi Filow, I don't have a 280 wing to show you comparison photo.
Yes frenchfoiler, I will test the new tail wing, just waiting for the pestal part to arrive.
As my main interest was/is downwinding, I originally bought the 200 and 280 Go Foil wings and 24.5 mast, I weigh approx 90kg and am in my late 50's.
I just caught the tail end of our downwind season and was only just managing some short downwind glides, whilst the 200 wasn't bad the mast flex with the 280 was giving me the ****s.
As it is winter here in Perth ATM (no wind) I have mainly been surfing and found the 200 had too much lift for bigger faster waves so was at the stage where I was considering a smaller wing such as an IWA and the longer stiffer mast.
However I decided to go down a different path and bought an Axis kit with the 900 front and 400 tail wings and have since added 102 (downwinding) and 68 (kiting) wings.
I love the stiffer mast and fast HA 900 wing and find it hard to go back to the go foil set up, however I am sure it would be fine with the IWA or the new GL wings, it is only the 280 (which is a huge wing) that really makes the mast flex.
Whilst I love the 900 in the surf I know it's not going to work for me for down winding so it will be interesting to see what happens when the wind kicks in.
I am hoping I will be fine on the 102 Axis but am not selling the Go Foil 200/280 set up until I see how I go.
The Takuma LOL sound great but I haven't got the funds for one of those, so will probably stick to the Axis for now but am keen to demo some GL go foil wings if I get the chance.
P.S. We had a nice warm day today here in Perth and I was out foil surfing till well after sunset, damn it is hard to foil in the dark, some big stacks were had.
Second session downwinding with the GL240 and it did go a little better this time. Again 15 to 20 knots SSW. Had some lot longer glides and have more confidence in how it feels and turns. Hope to try the new rear tail wing next week and might pull out the GPS and see how much faster I am going. Seems like learning curve might be quicker than i originally thought. The super sensive feel seemed more normal and I have quickly adjeusted to the different feel on the HA wings.