Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

Wing Surface Areas

Created by Casso > 9 months ago, 8 Aug 2018
70 posts
18 Jan 2019 9:11PM
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Thanks JB

Still learning a lot from this thread.

260 posts
20 Jan 2019 11:44PM
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Windgenuity said..

I don't want to you to think that going larger than the Large will stop the carving of the foil, but imagine it like a sliding scale. . Bigger wings a re good for pumping and smaller wings a good for carving at speed

I agree with this but want to add that BIG Wings can carve at slow speeds. This summer on the East Coast of the US I was out foiling when no one else was out in small stuff. When the big wings are going slower ~ 10 mph you can definitely whip them around. After watching some of the Hawaiians banging the whitewater I decided to try it. Voila it worked.

Maybe more revealing was watching my daughter who weighs 54 kilos / 118 lbs being able to crank turns on the Maliko 200 "Big Wing" with no problem at slow speeds. If she can do it Grown Men have no excuse


17 posts
9 Feb 2019 2:57PM
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Ive compiled all the wing data I can find on the site for surf foils, feel free to add more to it

225 posts
19 Feb 2019 4:22PM
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Guys would the Maliko 280 would be useful for my 65 kg in your opinion ? We have really bad windy waves conditions. I was planing to get one and put a Kai rear wing on it in order to catch these ankle size waves. Any opinion ?

7-Nation Aust
QLD, 114 posts
20 Feb 2019 11:18AM
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balinnz said..
Ive compiled all the wing data I can find on the site for surf foils, feel free to add more to it

Nice work man!

A dedicated list to help compare all the wings on the market.

I've updated a few Slingy wings and added a column for Speed Range & Wing Weight

NSW, 632 posts
Site Sponsor
20 Feb 2019 3:10PM
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balinnz said..
Ive compiled all the wing data I can find on the site for surf foils, feel free to add more to it

I just updated a few of the items for Naish.

Also I froze the top row to make it a little easier to scroll and read the data, hope you don't mind.


297 posts
24 Feb 2019 7:12AM
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7-Nation Aust said..

balinnz said..
Ive compiled all the wing data I can find on the site for surf foils, feel free to add more to it

Nice work man!

A dedicated list to help compare all the wings on the market.

I've updated a few Slingy wings and added a column for Speed Range & Wing Weight

Looks like the weight is being mixed between wing weight and complete foil weight?

367 posts
4 Mar 2019 3:22PM
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I cleaned up a little and added a page for production foil boards

NSW, 907 posts
4 Mar 2019 8:10PM
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Thanks Camarillo. Currently looking for a foil SUP to suit my size & surf conditions.
So far thinking of something around 6ft x 26 or 27 @ about 95 to 100 litres to be stable in lumpy or choppy water. But don't think so.
Anyone foil surfing in these conditions at 5ft 10" tall weighing 80 kilos? And being stable & comfortable enough?
Or should I just be happy with my personal custom at 7ft x about 31 @ 115 litres. And just use a smaller board for better conditions?
Sorry for getting this off track.

5033 posts
5 Mar 2019 3:57PM
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Seajuice said..
So far thinking of something around 6ft x 26 or 27 @ about 95 to 100 litres to be stable in lumpy or choppy water.

After some practice, the foil will act as a big stabilizer in chop, so you can get away with narrow boards. But the foil is still very sensitive to underwater movements (backwash, rips) and can trip you up, so I guess it depends on which kind of lumpy water. Chop can be ignored with a foil, but not the other movements.

Volume and short length will make paddling slower, there is no miracle there. It will then be a personal compromise on how much you want to slow your paddling to get better flying ability... just like the dimensions of a SUP board :-)

This said, 6ft x 26 or 27 @ about 95 to 100 litres for your 80kg seems reasonable to me.

NSW, 907 posts
5 Mar 2019 9:18PM
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Thanks Colas. Appreciate your input. Yeah. Underwater water movement has put me off balance many a time. And with the added chop doesn't help either. But has been manageable on my current board.
So now thinking my current board for these rough conditions and getting something small but manageable for the good days. Maybe the 27 wide. But not many if any production boards at 27 wide. So custom probably. So far looking at ONE Ocean boards.
No use having two similar boards.
Having a comprehensive list of foil & board sizes would make choosing a lot easier.

5033 posts
6 Mar 2019 3:51PM
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Seajuice said..
Having a comprehensive list of foil & board sizes would make choosing a lot easier.

Be careful that on these small boards, the shape is also very important for stability and ease of paddling, the board size does not tell everything.

My personal opinion is that:
- you can go narrow, as you can learn to use the foil to get stability, unless you have underwater movements
- you can go short, you can always add fins to counter too much row effect (or yaw), or move the mast back if strapless. An hydrodynamic hull nose can help quite a bit, though.
- too low volume will be exhausting (deck underwater), there is no way around it (unless you can foil-pump back out). Plus it will drastically limit your ability to take off on non-breaking waves.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

"Wing Surface Areas" started by Casso