Hilly, I hope you are going to post up a trip report and more photos, I always look fwd to reading about your escapes north and south from the city...
Did you cop some of the 6m swell we had down here last weekend? or was it blown out?
Had a good time with Jankie on the 9 9 Mano (Mako?) in Bali ,Thanks Jankie
would love to try again but too far (from Florida). Will try again next year. I want one
Had a go of the 9'9" on the weekend in some very nice up to head high waves. I was surprised how much looser it is than my Naish 9'6". I flipped myself off the first couple of bakchand cutbacks as it came around so much quicker. The extra rocker and surf style nose are definately noticable on steep take offs
Hello guys,
I now paddle all the Sizes of the Mano..
These are really underrated boards! Any one who try them just fell in love, doesn't matter what they ride at home...
You really need to check them out!
They goes really well in each size. Here is my recommendation for size weight..
Very good rider that doesn't care to loose on stability for performance:
Less then75 kilos = 9'0
75 to 85 = 9'4
85 to 100 = 9'9
100 and more = 10'2
If you are intermediate and want to be more relax just move up one size for your weight
Bye Jankie
These look great, I am really thinking of adding a new smaller board to my quiver and I will have to check one out. thanks