Just running it as a single fin now....quite thinned out towards the tail....and lots of concave up front
The Bula......being a good solid wave paddling platform......and a very dependable "take the big drop" board at Makorori Centres at the moment. Just me out at centres this morning. I am always happy with that crowd scenario
Bula was the winner at Makorori today.......the Bula was in the water a good 40 minutes before any other sup suspects.
Towball and another guy turned up on "short sexy sups"
Strong offshore and peaky hard to catch waves.
The short boarders came and went.....the Bula still good to go an hour later
Might have to stoop really low and buy some surfboard wax to put on the nose (always socially embarrassing if you do the "stomp on the nose"......and your foot slides off)
Small board corresponds to greater physical effort to paddle around and maybe catch a wave or two....?
Am sure you don't have to spend mega bucks on the latest trend to have fun in the surf.
The Bula lots of fun at town beach today
Hey Gizzie, can you recommend this board for lightweight (60kg) newbie? I'm thinking of getting it. Would it be good on flat water too? I'm looking for cheap all-rounder, I live in Gisborne too so will be probably mostly on waves but only have experience with paddle boarding on a lake.. Thanks!
I tried to reply but my fingers were frozen to my beer bottle :)......and now my picture is upside down ho hum
Nothing wrong with the $400 board's leg rope plugs.
Just wrecked a 10 foot creatures leg rope in 3 months
But no problems getting a replacement (kept the receipt)
It was nearly torn through where strap goes around the board string
......maybe PSH 12'6 had something to do with it too
bit of a crunch.....bit of back rail hit rock (been surfing makorori centres low tide.....sand out the back .....rocks in close) Big bit of gel coat fled the scene......slightly amazed to see lots of epoxy meat still under that
Nothing wrong with board speed and reliability in that last vid....a fast breaking makorori point wave with a bit of size.
A solid low tide makorori rock whack on back rail.....gel coat took a walk......but still heaps of resin under that
This must be about the right time of year to visit giz......winter is over.....water pretty warm but being a wimp and wearing 4/3 early morning.
Has been quite consistent surf the last three weeks.
Today 14 second wave period.......15 or 20 minute gap between the big sets.
They said a bit too big at makorori first thing......towball and me paddling out at town before anyone else....which is always nice
Was "out bula boarded" last week.......guy on one of those yellow Body Glove boards the warehouse was selling. His sister got it in clearance sale for $200. It was going good Maybe he could have worn a leash but only 3 of us out?
Red Bus quite boisterous and unpredictable.......sometimes you were a winner......other times you looked like a wannabe :)
Looked at it afterwards........not up to Bula quality.....hints of creasing
Quite funny.....took the bula deck pad off as getting slippery and slidy (even the glue under it). Putting one of those they selling on trade me on it. Revealed a bit of cost cutting in the colour coating.....but definitely has a wooden stringer :)
The deck pad looks good
And the pad goes heaps further forward than the original......no more slipping off the front deck when stepping to front while wave catching
no problems recommending the deck pad to anyone else. Old pad pulled and scraped off pretty easy. Used white spirits to remove glue residue. And so soft on the toes if you are kneeling barefoot
Could it be true that a local surf shop that purchased a few dodgy boards with a Maori name have reduced price to 500 bucks because no one will buy them? Would rather have a Bula myself.....its got a wooden stringer :)