Thanks for the vid STC.
The gopro never shows the reality of the situation, but I could not help but be reminded of what it was like to ride my old minion. I would cut up the wave but kind of slide back down, not cut back down on the rail.
I have been riding my placid quite a lot, and your board seemed to behave differently. Again, it may just be the GoPro fish-eye playing tricks.
Of course, it may be the fins. I use c-drives in thruster.
CSE, we are probably talking about the same, thing, using different descriptions.
I was able to squirt the tail sideways at the times you noted... but it was always intentional.
That was my favorite part!
My SoloShot battery is dying quickly these days, so I barely have time to get outside and nab a few rides..... so I don't waste the time setting it up. I wish I had that day!
Set up Solo the past two days but waves were guttles and small.... see "ghosting"
Bit hard to see the keyboard through misty eyes. Probs about 3ft with SE and NE swell in the water and a decent rip running alongside the bluff put up occasional sucky take offs but far from snapworthy strength-or so I thought.
Later that day a young surfer got fatally taken nearby. Kind of put my woes into perspective.
I saw that young fella was fatally bitten on the news - unimaginable loss for his family, friends and I'm sure the community around that area. Condolences to all impacted by his death.
Spewin' for you Backbeach - a snapped sled is a real bummer, but good on ya for keepin' it real- you can always get another one.
RIP little frother. Condolences to family and those around them.
The snapped Placid worries me.... Certainly doesn't look like waves that would snap a board.
Taking mine to the Abrohlos Islands next week and this is going to be on my mind, especially as I can only take one board.
Please excuse my ignorance, but what is the normal SUP construct? Are stringers not commonplace?
EPS = Expanded polystyrene (gaps between PS beads> water travels between) as opposed to The more expensive extruded PS (~ no gaps between beads) My understanding
Hey, sorry to hear about the young surfer... Sad News.
That Placid looks sad man. Very sad. Have you a good board builder closely to mend it or are you sending it back to the Sunova Bouys??
Thoughts, prayers, and condolences to the friends and family of the young man who was killed.
There is a group called Bite Club on FB that might be of use to his family. It's for folks who have been attacked, or for families who have lost someone.
Based in Oz. I am a member because of my adventure a while back..
Chomp! Horrifying!
It was a Great White. Marine Biologist measured the marks. 9-11 feet 1000 pounds of landlord.
Higher Authority was on my side that day. One chomp. Shallow water mung so bad no visibility.
Board is now in a museum in Chatham MA.
Creatures in the water spook me a little, but I am pretty okay with it now.
Alligator's paddling in mangrove creeks scare me much more than they should.
Welcome to Florida Yankee Boy!
Managed to source some smaller rears to follow up on STC's recommendations (they are actually smaller than the photo makes them look). Going to be testing this board in a variety of conditions on a trip next week and will be testing all fin set ups. Will feedback on how it goes.
You'll be cutting loose sim
my thoughts out to the families of the lost ones ...i hope i go doing something i love doing .when they are young it hurts just that little bit more ,been there a couple of times ,we must go on .R.I.P. waterman .
sorry for your board back beach ,only seen 1 break in half like that in my time ...but my mates surfboards are snapping in half all the time
even in small waves ,its all about how they are hit ...
Hey thanks for all the kind comments everyone.
The Wooli mob are really shaken up by the event, especially the locals who rescued the lad. Its a close knit community and even moreso in the surf.
On a much less sombre note just tossing up whether its worth spending $400 on a professional repair or attempting to do a homegrown jerry job?
My thinking is the boards surfability is seriously compromised with added weight and potential to snap again.
I don't think it'll have much resale value.
Would I be better to cut my losses and throw the dollars into a replacement board, whilst my mate and I repair the placid for a flatwater/small wave shed ornament? Otherwise get a pro, e.g Dale Chapman, to fix it and surf it as the regular?
Any advice appreciated. Cheers
Funny thing is Mandingo that I've already got a sunova shortboard as a shed ornament because the deck delaminated. Maybe there's a message here
I'm thinking that way too Tardy and spend the $ on a replacement, and a few beers to help me line up the rocker and concave!