Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

Custom Sunova GenRation Kanga - The KangaNozz

Created by Nozza > 9 months ago, 9 Jan 2020
160 posts
24 Apr 2020 1:31PM
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Nozza said..

CaptainJimbo said..

Nozza, is that Fishpen at Merimbula? Just paddled the lake this morning because . no surf.

Yep, that's the little beach just up from Mitchies Jetty.
Favourite spot of mine - place must be a ghosttown now.

Pretty deserted. Bar Beach is my local. [as well as Tathra and Pambula] Not many around but the lake is a picture with thousands of fish since no tourists have been here to catch them since the middle of the fires! Might catch up one day, post-virus. Cheers.

VIC, 2840 posts
24 Apr 2020 5:13PM
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CaptainJimbo said..

Nozza said..

CaptainJimbo said..

Nozza, is that Fishpen at Merimbula? Just paddled the lake this morning because . no surf.

Yep, that's the little beach just up from Mitchies Jetty.
Favourite spot of mine - place must be a ghosttown now.

Pretty deserted. Bar Beach is my local. [as well as Tathra and Pambula] Not many around but the lake is a picture with thousands of fish since no tourists have been here to catch them since the middle of the fires! Might catch up one day, post-virus. Cheers.

Soon as we are allowed I'll be there

VIC, 2840 posts
8 May 2020 11:37AM
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VIC, 2840 posts
8 Nov 2020 6:46PM
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So, post lockdowns, border closures, three or four failed road trips, the KangaNozz arrives.
Thanks to Sam at WSS and Warwick at KRSup for facilitating the final shipment.

The backpack bag actually works.

Beautiful board, work of art, and plenty of volume for Covid Fat Nozza.

Any thoughts of a deck pad quickly abandonned, it will be wax or hexatraction.

But that can wait for another story.

What do I do with all these fin boxes?

Now this is just silly.

Rick, where do I start?

Off to the Island tomorrow.......

4975 posts
8 Nov 2020 4:05PM
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now your ready for some shedding action Nozza ....

It sure is a nice shape the kanga ..

VIC, 2840 posts
8 Nov 2020 7:08PM
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Tardy said..
now your ready for some shedding action Nozza ....

It sure is a nice shape the kanga ..

Ther backpack bag is perfect for a trip on a boat to an Island

473 posts
9 Nov 2020 3:46AM
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Hey, I thought you had this alooooonnnngggg time ago.. Only just got it? Crikey, thats some wait. I'm looking forward to the slide and glide and the smile on your face.. Looks ace.

2594 posts
10 Nov 2020 9:53AM
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KangANozz on the loose!
Your cross stepping practice should come into play on this board

Enjoy your freedom and have fun!

2594 posts
11 Nov 2020 3:46AM
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Nozza said:

I would start by losing the 2+1 and run quads.... but that's just me
Maybe on a wider version the big center works... but I think it will be too stiff.

VIC, 2840 posts
11 Nov 2020 4:43PM
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I'm looking for stability and the ability to turn from the centre of the board.
Don't think I will be stomping the tail initially.
Do I have these quads in the right way round? (Big at the back, not which way they are pointed)

463 posts
11 Nov 2020 1:57PM
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Big ones at the front, Nozza. Board looks great.

VIC, 2840 posts
11 Nov 2020 7:48PM
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Greeney said..
Big ones at the front, Nozza. Board looks great.

Thanks for that, I know nothing

VIC, 363 posts
11 Nov 2020 9:37PM
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Nozza said..

Greeney said..
Big ones at the front, Nozza. Board looks great.

Thanks for that, I know nothing

Tides high in the morning ! cu at bubble rock ! Should b a couple little runners to test all your fins ! The whole sth side rock will have waves tomoz ! Happy hunting

5033 posts
12 Nov 2020 2:53PM
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Nozza said..
I'm looking for stability and the ability to turn from the centre of the board.
Don't think I will be stomping the tail initially.

I would use only it as a single fin then.
You will decrease the drag spectacularly and gain smoothness. Plus it is easy to tweak the board handling on the water by moving the fin, either with a screwless system, or a fin screw with a flat head that you can pinch in your fingers.

Side fins are only worth it if you engage the rail aggressively and push on your rear leg, otherwise they are just stiffening the board and adding drag. Personally I am a multi-fin addict, but nothing beats a single fin for when you want some smooth gliding curves.

VIC, 2840 posts
12 Nov 2020 6:10PM
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colas said..

Nozza said..
I'm looking for stability and the ability to turn from the centre of the board.
Don't think I will be stomping the tail initially.

I would use only it as a single fin then.
You will decrease the drag spectacularly and gain smoothness. Plus it is easy to tweak the board handling on the water by moving the fin, either with a screwless system, or a fin screw with a flat head that you can pinch in your fingers.

Side fins are only worth it if you engage the rail aggressively and push on your rear leg, otherwise they are just stiffening the board and adding drag. Personally I am a multi-fin addict, but nothing beats a single fin for when you want some smooth gliding curves.

Thanks Colas, that sounds like a good starting point.
Size of a single?

794 posts
12 Nov 2020 5:22PM
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Nice custom board, well done Sunova
2 piece must be awesome for traveling.

Hopefully you get some great waves - enjoy!
5 fin boxes gives plenty of experimenting.
What US fins do you have?
Say 23cm would be good as single, 20cm as thruster

QLD, 440 posts
13 Nov 2020 5:43AM
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515 said..
Nice custom board, well done Sunova
2 piece must be awesome for traveling.

Hopefully you get some great waves - enjoy!
5 fin boxes gives plenty of experimenting.
What US fins do you have?
Say 23cm would be good as single, 20cm as thruster

Hopefully we all get a chance to have need for travel-friendly boards again soon...

5033 posts
13 Nov 2020 2:42PM
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Nozza said..
Thanks Colas, that sounds like a good starting point.
Size of a single?

For pure noseriding, you will want the biggest fin possible, something like a 10" or even 11" hatchet

Otherwise I love fins with some base for drive, some curve for forgiveness in turns, and a thin tip to reduce drag and keep things nimble, between 9" and 10". Something like the timeless Greenough 4A, in the FCS II screwless system that would mean the flow, or if you want extra drive the whip, or more pivot the connect or clique. But all Fin brands have this kind of shape

VIC, 2840 posts
18 Nov 2020 5:41PM
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AS mentioned elsewhere, been back down the Island for over a week now, doing 4 months of missed gardening.
This afternoon, time to contemplate the KangaNozz.
Needs grip, I have decided on full Hexatraction.
Unpacked and put together.

Best I put the grip on the other side....

Got three packs of Hexatraction.
I'd rather do, or I would be more confident doing, a full deck pad.
I've done enough of those now that they hold no fear.
But this should be easier.
Test layout.

I can add a tail pad when I feel one is missing.

Probably far enough forward I'm not going to cross step off it just yet.

But in the middle of the board I have the join, the handle, the mast box, and four bolt holes.

Again, if it was a full pad, I'd just pre mark and drill them, trim out later.
But I've never done this stuff.
Maybe I could just leave the handle one out?
Or cut later?

Alternate layout, should let me part cover most things and trim out before continuing.

Considering over a Coopers Sparkling, not a job for today......

2594 posts
19 Nov 2020 12:36AM
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Too bad you didn't have this in the loft for the past 5 months... you would have had plenty of time to consider every option!
I love the HEX on the nose, solid traction.... but I have no idea how it would be instead of a deckpad. I'll be interested to hear how you like the HEX for standing area.

VIC, 2840 posts
23 Nov 2020 8:34PM
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After nearly a week of looking at the board and the hexatraction, Victorian Spring weather dictated a day inside.
Time for the Hexatraction.

When we were playing with Helmy's Nalu in the loft, I had noticed he had Hexatractioned the nose.
Asked him how he did it, wet or dry, how hard is it.
He had done it dry, but warned me once it touches the board, that is it.
No moving it, impossible to get bubbles out.
Unsure how doing it wet would go, stuck the first bit down dry.
Disaster, wrong spot, wrong alignment, bubbles.
Note no photo as in state of panic.
Went and raided the kitchen for spray bottle, sacrificed by Medibank Private card as a squeegeee.
First go wet way too wet - hexagon sliding everywhere.
By the way, peeling the backing off nearly defeated me.
Got things sort of under control.

That's the dry applied one at the handle.
Advice if you are considering doing this - get at least 3 more bits than you need, and have a practice on something else before you tackle your new board.
Wet applied ones better, but everything moves - you position the guides, take 5 minutes to peel off the backing, put the hex on the board - guides moved, hex in wrong spot, panic settling in.
I think this is about an hour from starting.
Worked my way across the board.

Not enjoying this at all.
On a surfboard, nothing is square.
No centrelines to follow, planks make it worse because they are scored at different widths.
Guides almost useless as they vacate the area when you put the hex down, end up doing things by eye.

My judgement of the job was much worse than it looks in the photo.
I'm a surveyor, and 2mm out of alignment, 1mm not central worries me.
Because the first row had gone down wrong, things seemed to progressively be getting worse.
Trying to re centralise hexs without making it look like crap.
Went and had a lie down for about an hour.
Back with a new idea.
Working across the board was getting everything creeping off centre - try going down the centre and working outwards.

Sent Helmy that photo - he asked had I taped the templates together?
I hadn't, but seemed like a good idea.
By the way, that's the most useful my private health insurance has ever been.
Might be 3 hours in now, but things getting better.
Spray it wet, but not very.
One squirt, smudge it around - because there is not the huge length of rail tape, the hexs move very easily.

If two guides taped together are good, three is even better.
Deano, product improvement suggestion - get them to supply that shape, in plastic, as the cardboard was starting to tire of the job by now.
Speed of application improving exponentially.
Half Way!

Getting the hang of it now, 3 sided guide still wanted to move, but I was probably caring less.
Front of the board probably less than an hour to do.

Had to turn the board around to get the nose in the light.

Do it wet, but not very.
Do 2 or 3 practice applies before tackling your board.
Don't be too precious - what seems disasterous when applied looks fine 5 minutes later.
Grow your fingernails to get the backing off.
Make sure you have private health insurance so you don't have to destroy a credit card.
This stuff better be grippy!

VIC, 398 posts
24 Nov 2020 8:50AM
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Did you watch the install vid...

I found this helpful, applied plenty of water (this is the key I feel) and had no issues on the style... mind you I only did from the pad to the nose

VIC, 2840 posts
24 Nov 2020 10:41AM
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bomberdave said..

Did you watch the install vid...
I found this helpful, applied plenty of water (this is the key I feel) and had no issues on the style... mind you I only did from the pad to the nose

No I didn't - probably should have figured there was one around.
Yes, that would have made things much easier and less stressful.

5033 posts
3 Dec 2020 8:26PM
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My tips:
- I use a rope as a guide: a small loop around the tip of the nose + tied at the leash plug or in a cork stuck in the handle
a bungee or leash under tension is even better
- It is counter-intuitive, but peel the grip from the backing, it is easier than trying to peel the backing away
- I have a small basin where I dip the hex before applying it
- just push the wet hex on the board: it doesnt move, yet it is easily removed and repositioned
- I keep the "Y", having many ones is useful.
- to remove the water, a skate wheel is nice

2594 posts
4 Dec 2020 8:12AM
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Hexatraction application rules:
(note - Ignore, if you enjoy the quest for perfection )

1 - Relax and trust you eye

2 - don't use the guide... it doesn't allow for adjusting on the fly.

3 - don't insist on perfection. You can't see them anyway.

I have done at least 10 boards by eye and they all look just fine.
You have to get the light just right to even see them, so...

ALL these boards have full HEX nose's
I put two shots of green/black board - 1 is angled so you can see the HEX, in other angles you can only see the colored HEX

On this one you can make out a hint of HEX.... if you squint just right!

Now you see them....

Now you don't
the white one's were place freehand, as I do all of them

VIC, 363 posts
4 Dec 2020 9:30PM
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supthecreek said..
Hexatraction application rules:
(note - Ignore, if you enjoy the quest for perfection )

1 - Relax and trust you eye

2 - don't use the guide... it doesn't allow for adjusting on the fly.

3 - don't insist on perfection. You can't see them anyway.

I have done at least 10 boards by eye and they all look just fine.
You have to get the light just right to even see them, so...

ALL these boards have full HEX nose's
I put two shots of green/black board - 1 is angled so you can see the HEX, in other angles you can only see the colored HEX

On this one you can make out a hint of HEX.... if you squint just right!

Now you see them....

Now you don't
the white one's were place freehand, as I do all of them

Is that a kanga creek ? I like it ??

2594 posts
4 Dec 2020 7:11PM
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The 1st picture is indeed the Kanga.
Had to be to stick to the thread.

Of course I knew Nozza would do a magnificent job with his installation... he always does.
This was more for others who are contemplating HEX type traction.

Nozza, your KangANozz looks awesome!
Now get it wet

VIC, 2840 posts
27 May 2021 9:14PM
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Well I finally did.
Transported Melbourne to Pambula River inside the van, on my bed.

The Sunova bag is really good, protected the board from my haphazard packing.

All good inside despite me balancing the board on my container of usefull things.

Glad I had remembered the joiners.

One piece again.

Might need a fin.

And a leg rope

Note the size of the wave I am taking on in the background here.

Posted most of this before elsewhere, but trying to keep things complete.
Looking for a ripple......

Helmy on the camera has over exposed me.

And cut my head off.

Tiny little flat water paddle but satisfied.

Last night's Pambula River moon......

2594 posts
27 May 2021 9:07PM
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Looking great Nozzaman!

VIC, 796 posts
28 May 2021 3:59PM
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supthecreek said..
Looking great Nozzaman!

The Crew were very happy to see Nozza launch the board, Rick.
He tried to do it surreptitiously, but I managed to sprint over to the river with the very_expensive_don't_drop_it_camera to get a few shots.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Custom Sunova GenRation Kanga - The KangaNozz" started by Nozza