Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

Declaring if you have a commercial interest

Created by Tang > 9 months ago, 4 Feb 2017
2610 posts
1 Mar 2017 7:30AM
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People say they like to hear the negatives, so they feel some balance in a board discussion, however...
I rarely say anything bad about any board I discussed for several reasons:

Many brands and models I have reviewed, had aspects that didn't suit me,
but they would be perfect for someone else, so I tend to only point out what does work.... for me.

I had boards from top brands, that delamed, cracked, self destructed, or heavy as lead....
but every company has the odd defect, so why bash the brand?

I owned more that a few boards that I did not like.....
but I knew others loved them, so what was the benefit from running it down?
I simply don't discuss boards that didn't work for me.

negatives and positives are personal to each rider
I feel it's really important for the reader, to understand exactly who is commenting:
size, age, ability, conditions ... so they have a reference point to apply to their own needs
It's not important that a poster is a good surfer.... because many times, beginners want to hear from other beginners.

And... as CSE said.... too many people are reluctant to post opinions or videos.
That is too bad, because the "quiet ones" have much too say, that would benefit this forum tremendously.
I urge everyone to post their stoke and/or questions.... that is what a forum is all about!

Without content... a forum is just a chat room.

I was scared ****less my 1st posts.... but I needed information, so I hit "post" and jumped in...
Everything I learned, came from reading replies to my or other people's questions.

432 posts
1 Mar 2017 7:37AM
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supthecreek said..
People say they like to hear the negatives, so they feel some balance in a board discussion, however...
I rarely say anything bad about any board I discussed for several reasons:

Many brands and models I have reviewed, had aspects that didn't suit me,
but they would be perfect for someone else, so I tend to only point out what does work.... for me.

I owned more that a few boards that I did not like.....
but I knew others loved them, so what was the benefit from running it down?
I simply don't discuss boards that didn't work for me.

negatives and positives are personal to each rider
I feel it's really important for the reader, to understand exactly who is commenting:
size, age, ability, conditions ... so they have a reference point to apply to their own needs
It's not important that a poster is a good surfer.... because many times, beginners want to hear from other beginners.

Respectfully, would not the same hold as well for the positive. I would still feel that a well argumented and within context negative is as relevant and useful than a positive.

As an example I would relates to a recent post regarding the merits and drawback of the Ace. Both were eloquently and clearly outlined and the there was a net benefit has having both. The "sum of both was bigger than the parts".


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Declaring if you have a commercial interest" started by Tang