Early this year I picked up a 2nd hand Coastrunner and a good friend of mine got it re-sprayed for me after some vigorous sanding and some minor repairs. I am pretty happy with the finished product as I now have one of the best 14' downwind boards ever made that looks better than it did the day it left the factory.
What a brilliant idea. There were also some terrific 12'6" boards from around that time that were more fun to ride in the waves than most of the boards available today.
Beauty... There's times I wish I'd kept my Coast Runner... If I'd got the carbon version I would have for sure..
and yes, it's a classic. PT's correct.. SB (and a lot of other's) abandoned great shapes in pursuit of faster race-shape-of the-day designs....... Pity.
I recently sold my carbon coast runner that was originally PT's.
The minute i agreed to pass it on I wish I had kept it. So much fun to down wind on and have as just a general board.
Not to many around now. Most carbon ones were pretty brital and have taken a hidding. The the ast ones are just as rare.
SRrat, I was thinking of the circa 2011 or so Starboard Surfrace (later called the Race) 12-6. It came in a 27.5, 29.5 and 31.5 width as I recall. It was like a stubby version of the Coastrunner. Pretty sure PT Woody had one or two iterations.. they were great all round open water boards. Then just like the Coast Runner... Bam! Gone from the range. Here's a pic from google images. I'm not sure which one this is, except thats it's the epoxy/glass build.
Ok this is too funny. I did a google image search for the Coast runner, and the very first pic was mine.. I think I took it the day I got it.. Seems like eons ago... (June 2011... )
I bought a few weeks ago a 2th hand AST coastrunner in mind condition as allround/play/downwind tour board next to my 2015 Starboard Race 14x25.
In flat water the Race is slippery and way faster, but in everything else the Coastrunner is more fun :)I paddled the 2016 Allstar14x27 and it got indeed a lot of Coastrunner genes. I was seriously considering selling the Race and get an 2016 Allstar, but buying the 2th hand CR saved me a LOT of money.
I hope to be picking up a 2016 14 X 27 Allstar next few weeks.....will be my fitness, race, Dbreezer board.
Sorry for jumping on an old thread but came across this while trying to find info on a board I bought a few months ago. I was looking for a downwind and Coastal allrounder for our short period chop we get here on the North Sea coasts in the UK and found a Starboard Race 12.6 x 29.5". I've always liked the older Starboard shapes and this was in mint condition! Had been kept in the bag (dry) and only use about 6 times in freshwater.
Long story short: I've taken her out on some smallish swell days to get a taste of what she's capable of and feels solid. Gotta work the deck to stop her nose digging in but I like the challenge. Good on small clean waves too. Catch anything and long before the wave is cresting so can't wait to take her out in some more serious conditions. Any extra info greatly appreciated. Thanks.
They are older as the NSP,s...but they still work fine in the surf :)+1C in Holland but nice waves so time to play :)
only been suping for less than year so I dont know the historical part.
looks like NSP DC copied SB shape, is that right?
who's BS?
those NSP DC bulbose nose are nice and I like the look of their board range?
Down trade is that the new boards also cost an massively amount of money.I tried the new Allstar and love it, but the pricing is imo insane and this one is still heaps of fun.
The coast runner was my first sup and I still regret selling it 4 yrs ago. At the time I thought I was moving on to a better board. But unfortunately that wasn't the case. And I'd been on the lookout for a replacement ever since. Especially when SB changed the style of board after the 2013 range and went the more pointy style nose.
Glad to see the 2016/17 boards are returning to that style.
Anyway I manage to pick up a 2011 Starboard Race 12'6"?31.5" in some serious need of repairs. Found a guy that's helping me restore the old girl.
I'll post some more pics once the work has been done but for the moment these are the before pics