Well guys, I've had the board for over a month now. I've had it down the surf once a week at least. Last week at "Boings" at 13th beach in 2' to 3' ft and then at 'The Spot" at Eastern View in 1' to 2' ft. I had the two best surfs I've had in 29 years!!! Until that is, until this weekend again at "Boings" in 1 ft waves. I've slowly worked out work where to stand on the board and to those people that say you can't pearl this board, you're wrong. Due to strong winds two or ten times I was pitched with the lip, suprisingly, I made a couple of them but to do that, I had get so far back that I lost all momentum. it is however as loose a board as I need and is encouraging me to attack the lip, which I have done on three occassions. I can get it vertically upward but just have to work on the verticall downwards.
I can't wait for the "Rippers" to arrive as my surfing has improved 200% on the 'Paddler' in one month. Due to family reasons I have had the time to go surfing
and I credit this board with preventing me from having a nervous breakdown.
As "Molly Meldrum" used to say "do yourself a favour" and have a try of one. I'm going to try and demo a 8'10" Widepoint as I now feel that at 95 odd kgs I could go a little smaller, but I can guarantee you that my 10'2" Paddler will always remain in my quiver, probably with some sized "Ripper" if they are as good as I've witnessed on Youtube. Has anyone surfed one here yet?? I thought they were supposed to be here by now
Cheers and I'll see you in the Tube ( a very big one) Leroy.