I want Nozza's board, tent and garage
I am a little disappointed that you didn't rock a white wetsuit with red rashie
He he he, yeah ... and that's your board in some southern juice.
Might say - it goes alright.
Video coming soon.
Great stuff Casso.
The board is going to be terribly disappointed the next time it is surfed.
Excellent choice of music too.
suddenly feeling very inadequate sitting here in the office piloting my 2 computer screens...
awesome, Casso...
and nice editorial content on the music, Noz!
Just when I thought this thread couldn't get any better.... BAM, there it is!
Style'n the Noz Casso... very nice!
In Merimbula for the week with the Nozza, among other toys.
Morning beach walk showed The Bar looked small enough for me to attempt a surf.
Drove around to my favoured launch spot on the inlet and got ready.
Flatwater paddle down the inlet.
The board tracks well, seems to zip along nicely.
Carried over the sand spit - so far so good with the liftsup handle.
Out to play.
My surfing ability is slight, mainly trying to gain confidence.
Board punched out through whitewash very well.
Attempted rides.
The gopro on the back spends a fair bit of time underwater or in spray.
Nice and clear there.
Played around for a while, my lack of general fitness showing through.
Had enough for a first attempt this year, carried back over to the inlet.
Bit of a stiff headwind for the paddle back up.
Wind, warm, time to test my plans for the Nozza as an allrounder.
Done flatwater, attempted surf, time to windsurf.
Got my rig out and assembled.
Fanatic Ride Rig a couple of years old.
Very pleased with it.
A couple of recent tweaks - multi pulley with hook for the downhaul.
Much less friction than multiple times through the eyelet, and will be quicker to rig in future.
Mast pad to protect Nozza.
Found my forward fin.
Remove the blanking plate and fit.
Ready to go.
Headed out, uphaul start, bore away and missed the jetty, ran off which I have had trouble doing on other widsups.
First successful windsurf gybe in over 30 years.
And a second...
The board steers well, and the volume distribution seems to suit the rig location.
Felt more stable than the 12' PSH to tack and gybe.
Steered away from the houseboat thing that has previously had a fatal attraction for windsups.
T boned it last November.
Relatively stable through my wobbly tacks.
"Steer away from the houseboat".
Had a ball, brilliant fun, great board, the concept seems to have worked perfectly.
Looking like the board fulfils it's original scope and design.
You're location looks too nice for us UK types to comprehend. Can you take some photos of brown seas, grey clouds and 20knts please, i think we'll all be happy then.