Hey Lacey, If we get a few of you Unlimited SUP guys wanting to race, i'll make a division for you!
Start making phone calls buddy!
Hi all,
With this current inclement Gold Coast weather, people have been thrown into a spin waiting to register for the weekend.
Rain, hail or shine, the event will still be going ahead. Unfortunately we can't predict conditions but as they say, the show must go on!
Schedule is now the following:
Saturday: Technical Surf Sprints meeting at central Kirra (Roughton Park) in front of cafe's at 8am. If we deem the surf to be unfavourable, we will move to Tallebudgera Creek (Neptunes LSC, old Playroom carpark).
Sunday: Distance Race meeting at Burleigh Heads (Apex Park, Adjacent to the Life Guard HQ) at 8am. We will decide on an alternate course if the ocean conditions are unfavourable.
We will however still have in place our safety regulations of each competitor to be attached to his or her board via a legrope and have on them a PFD, either worn or around their waist in a bumbag style. Those wishing to purchase a bumbag style PFD, Mick from PADDLER HQ at Tugun will have a dozen in stock by tomorrow afternoon. $89 Please call him on 55 250 344 and reserve yours today.
We will endeavour to keep everyone up to date via the event FB page, Seabreeze and www.12towers.com web site.
PS. Please use this as a guide now as we are hearing Gold Coast Beaches were being closed from today.
Bugger that sucks. I'm out could only attend sat was hoping the DW was sat. And that swell is to big for me in a bop.. Stupid weather. I am sure will still be a top event!
Make the location mobile. Brissy is firing for down winders! this week I've done two already lining one up tomorrow. Lucky up here no real swell to worry about as its mostly wind that creates the bumps here.
Yep solid run from port to Brighton 14km S.E is dead straight.. Shallow water steep bumps moving quickly. Or South side just as good.
Problem with holding a big event in bris is enough room to set up at start finish points as the Best direct runs we have are often finishing at a boat ramp or short small beach..
Yes LL it's firing atm up here
I said for our best most direct down wind runs. State titles isn't a down wind race and is a set distance so it can start and finish at one of the best beaches/areas we have. Will still be an awesome event havin the titles in Brisbane moreton bay is a very under rated place to paddle. Very different to open ocean
Good morning all,
From the advice of Maritime Services Queensland, the Chief of Lifeguard Services Gold Coast and T.C. Marcia, the 2015 12 Towers Ocean Paddle Event is postponed.
All open and closed waterways in South East Queensland have been suspended to all waterways users including Brisbane Ferry Services for at least 72 hours.
The new date is yet to be confirmed but will be posted as soon as a decision is made.
We have held off with the decision in hope that there would have been a window of opportunity to run the event. Unfortunately our hands are tied and in total control of mother nature.
Apologies to all participants who have organised time off work, those who have travelled and or are travelling from interstate and internationally and hope you can all attend the rescheduled event date.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
It is unfortunate but definitely the right decision. I'm sure the rescheduled event will have even more stoke.
Good call Peasey , I know it's been a hard few days for you. Hopefully everyone can make the next event and understands you had to call it. Safety first.
Hi all,
With the week thrown into turmoil of unforeseen obstacles from ex tropical Cyclone Marcia, the 2015 scheduled running of the 12 Towers Ocean Paddle Festival had to be pulled. On the back of professional and stern advice form the authorities of Maritime Services Queensland and Gold Coast City Life Guard Service, safety took precedent with organisers firming that a postponement of the event was imminent.
The 12 T’s committee and some key players in Stand up Paddle QLD have met and discussed new dates for rescheduling the event. Avoiding a clash with other competitions of the same nature, there is only one weekend available between now and July. Organisers agree that holding out longer will tarnish the name and take the shine off the countries “Premier” Paddle Race.
I can confirm the new schedule for the 12 Towers Ocean Paddle Festival will be the Easter Long Weekend of April 3rd - 6th. This will give race organisers a 4 day window of opportunity to hold the main race in the best possible conditions for ocean racing.
The 12 T’s committee sincerely apologise to all competitors and supporters that made the journey to the Gold Coast last week. We trust that you understand the decision made and hoping that you all will return in early April and support the event.
The 12 T’s organisers and committee would like to take this opportunity to thank and show appreciation to our supporters and sponsors.
PATICO Automotive
Hogs Breath Cafe Australia
DEEP Ocean Boards
KeNalu Paddles Australia
Hammer Nutrition
Camel Back Hydration
Surfing QLD
And of course our loyal competitors and supporters.
Without the above mentioned companies and supporters, our event would still only be an idea. Please check out their websites and support the people who support us.
For all up to date information regarding the event, check our event website www.12towers.com and the event Face Book Page www.facebook.com/events/1518971164991873 . Remember when posting to #12towers !
See you all back on the Gold Coast in April for Australia’s Premier Paddle Race.