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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Best SUP surfing spots around Perth?

Created by SUPGumby > 9 months ago, 30 Dec 2012
WA, 5 posts
30 Dec 2012 8:32PM
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Hi all -

Firstly, Happy New Year!

Secondly, I was looking for some tips on good SUP surfing spots in and around the Perth area (up to an hour or so North/South of the city)?

I am riding an 11'6" cruiser type board at the moment and finding the beachies a challenge so was wondering if there was any more gentle point or sheltered spots worth looking at?

Any tips will be most welcome....

Cheers all...

WA, 7492 posts
30 Dec 2012 9:28PM
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Welcome to the worst surf in the world.

Try Cottesloe and Mandurah for soft waves.

The long boarders at Avalon point will be very welcoming. Mac would be proud of them.

Good luck

WA, 252 posts
1 Jan 2013 3:55PM
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hilly said...
Welcome to the worst surf in the world.

Worst surf??! c'mon Hilly, lots of guys think it's epic down Cott way. As evidenced by the disgraceful behaviour of notorious grumpy longboarder Toby on New Year's Eve: pumping 1' at Isos yesterday, small handful of sups & longboarders, nice mellow number, everyone getting a few ripples, occasional big set with awesome 1-metre faces keeping the crew cool & contented (doesn't take much to make us happy, especially when it's 42 degrees )......................
Until Toby took offence at one supper getting too close & paddled up to HER & pushed her off her sup!! Yours truly saw it & asked what was going on, & he whimpered "she hit me" (he was probably trying to snake her) & then got all bitter & twisted with me when I said "c,mon Toby, lighten up & give her a break, she didn't do it on purpose".

It was really pathetic, not just because it was a typical tiny summer's fun day in Perth, but also exacerbated by the fact that this guy is middle-aged (60??, who knows, he could be mid-60's), & owns a surf shop in North Freo! What an ambassador for the sport! And he used to sell sups a few years back.

Anyway, we didn't let it ruin our morning & he scuttled off to the Cove 10 minutes later, possibly embarrassed for being such a f***wit, but more than likely feeling self-important & justified that he'd had another go at those pesky sup-riders, "they don't belong here"
That's what the shortboarders at Isos used to say when mals arrived on the scene, & the longboarders pushed them out years ago

Ahh, peace & harmony for 2013, wouldn't that be nice! It's guys like him in the world that keep wars going.
Anyway, long time no see. Happy New Year, & catch up with you one day!

WA, 97 posts
1 Jan 2013 4:14PM
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I was there and that's exactly what happened. Good on you for not just standing by he really has a problem that guy. Glad we didn't let it ruin a fun morning.

13831 posts
1 Jan 2013 4:34PM
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hilly said...
Welcome to the worst surf in the world.

Try Cottesloe and Mandurah for soft waves.

The long boarders at Avalon point will be very welcoming. Mac would be proud of them.

Good luck

ooohhh shizz has a Horses Head been delivered to your residence yet Hilly the Mafioso will have earmarked you boyo

4214 posts
1 Jan 2013 4:35PM
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Welcome supgrumpy.
Asking WA guys to reveal their 'secret' surf spots is like asking Coca Cola for their recipe.
They will give you nothing.
Occasionally, they post photos of these secret spots and they are always over crowded and they have a shark problem as well.
Good luck.

WA, 1313 posts
1 Jan 2013 5:04PM
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Although I wasn't there to witness what happened and narrowing it down to those who own surf shops in the area you mention, he does seem particularly grumpy. A while a go while waiting for waves to come through I noticed he was wearing a certain brand wetsuit that I found very interesting and tried to drum up a bit of conversation about it. Turns out he sells said brand but trying to get information out of him about it was like trying to get blood out of a stone! Even though I love the brand I won't be buying it from him, would rather pay a bit more md get it mailed.

WA, 268 posts
1 Jan 2013 5:16PM
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HI SupGrumby
Best to just drive north one day and stop where looks good. Then next day drive south and stop wherever looks appealing. Thats what i tend to do as it improves your surfing and wave awareness. First 30 minutes are always the hardest at new spots to suss out how to get out, where to line up and which direction to go in but after that you've relaxed and sussed it out.
The young surfers no issues but the old boys (55+) thats the agro lot.Seen it with windsurfer and kites old boy sailors getting upset with kiters having fun. But its the same in supermarkets with the old women too.

4214 posts
1 Jan 2013 5:35PM
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^^^^yeh those old bitches just love to leave there shopping trolleys in the aisle blocking a clear path - oblivious to the world around them.

WA, 6277 posts
1 Jan 2013 6:42PM
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Had an awesome SUP the last few mornings within sight of the Perth skyline, only a couple of others out, plenty of 3-5 foot faces for all to share.

The waves are out there, you just gotta look for them :-)

WA, 7492 posts
1 Jan 2013 8:16PM
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nebbian said...
Had an awesome SUP the last few mornings within sight of the Perth skyline, only a couple of others out, plenty of 3-5 foot faces for all to share.

The waves are out there, you just gotta look for them :-)

He he you must be using the same scale most guys use on the old fella

WA, 6277 posts
1 Jan 2013 8:35PM
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If ya weren't here, well then...

Ya weren't here

WA, 7492 posts
1 Jan 2013 8:38PM
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nebbian said...
If ya weren't here, well then...

Ya weren't here

No bit further south and it was lucky to be that size, whatever

WA, 196 posts
1 Jan 2013 9:43PM
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3-5 foot face with a view of Perth skyline in the past few days. Mmmmm backwash from a dozen or more jet skis at Transit reef Rottnest perhaps?
Seriously there are no secret spots.Rotto gets all the swell but you need boat access really.

Maybe Alkimos/Durs near Yanchep .Back beach at Lancelin will give you small waves maybe 90 min drive north however you only have a 10 minute window here between 40 knots offshore and 40 knot onshore at this time of year.

As Hilly said welcome to the worlds worst.
Bali is 3 hours away that can give you the worlds best but maybe not with an 11.6 board.
A shorter board will make those horrendous beach breaks at Scarborough tolerable also.
I believe those straight finned JP boards have all the answers

WA, 12 posts
1 Jan 2013 10:47PM
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Being the HER in mention.. Wanted to say my thanks to the boys for watching my back! Karma will get the old bastard and his mates eventually... Then it will be all the better for the rest of us. Happy SUPing!

WA, 252 posts
2 Jan 2013 6:39AM
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katieh1 said...
Being the HER in mention.. Wanted to say my thanks to the boys for watching my back! Karma will get the old bastard and his mates eventually... Then it will be all the better for the rest of us. Happy SUPing!

"mates"?? most of the longboarders can't stand him either!! He's getting pretty ancient, his knees will give out soon
See you out there soon Katie

WA, 240 posts
2 Jan 2013 9:40AM
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mollydooka said...
hilly said...
Welcome to the worst surf in the world.

Worst surf??! c'mon Hilly, lots of guys think it's epic down Cott way. As evidenced by the disgraceful behaviour of notorious grumpy longboarder Toby on New Year's Eve: pumping 1' at Isos yesterday, small handful of sups & longboarders, nice mellow number, everyone getting a few ripples, occasional big set with awesome 1-metre faces keeping the crew cool & contented (doesn't take much to make us happy, especially when it's 42 degrees )......................
Until Toby took offence at one supper getting too close & paddled up to HER & pushed her off her sup!! Yours truly saw it & asked what was going on, & he whimpered "she hit me" (he was probably trying to snake her) & then got all bitter & twisted with me when I said "c,mon Toby, lighten up & give her a break, she didn't do it on purpose".

It was really pathetic, not just because it was a typical tiny summer's fun day in Perth, but also exacerbated by the fact that this guy is middle-aged (60??, who knows, he could be mid-60's), & owns a surf shop in North Freo! What an ambassador for the sport! And he used to sell sups a few years back.

Anyway, we didn't let it ruin our morning & he scuttled off to the Cove 10 minutes later, possibly embarrassed for being such a f***wit, but more than likely feeling self-important & justified that he'd had another go at those pesky sup-riders, "they don't belong here"
That's what the shortboarders at Isos used to say when mals arrived on the scene, & the longboarders pushed them out years ago

Ahh, peace & harmony for 2013, wouldn't that be nice! It's guys like him in the world that keep wars going.
Anyway, long time no see. Happy New Year, & catch up with you one day!

LOL looks like I missed out on all the fun! I hope Katie gave him a spray!

Happy New Year all!


NSW, 90 posts
3 Jan 2013 3:04AM
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I do not know the facts of the particular incident that you are talking about but if you don't know the rules then you should not be out there. I surf regularly at cottesloe and most of the suppers i see at the artificial reerf, deep 6 etc are a disgrace and have no concept of surf etiquette. When there are waves there are rules and if you don't know them stay on shore until its a flat day and regardless of your sex if you fark up you deserved to be called on it - or even maybe pushed off your board.

WA, 7492 posts
3 Jan 2013 7:14AM
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SUP8383 said...
I do not know the facts of the particular incident that you are talking about but if you don't know the rules then you should not be out there. I surf regularly at cottesloe and most of the suppers i see at the artificial reerf, deep 6 etc are a disgrace and have no concept of surf etiquette. When there are waves there are rules and if you don't know them stay on shore until its a flat day and regardless of your sex if you fark up you deserved to be called on it - or even maybe pushed off your board.

You may have a point at 6 foot margs but at dribbling cott come on

WA, 252 posts
3 Jan 2013 8:42AM
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hilly said...
SUP8383 said...
I do not know the facts of the particular incident that you are talking about but if you don't know the rules then you should not be out there. I surf regularly at cottesloe and most of the suppers i see at the artificial reerf, deep 6 etc are a disgrace and have no concept of surf etiquette. When there are waves there are rules and if you don't know them stay on shore until its a flat day and regardless of your sex if you fark up you deserved to be called on it - or even maybe pushed off your board.

You may have a point at 6 foot margs but at dribbling cott come on

Absolutely Hilly. SUP8383 has assumed (erroneously) that the sup-rider was at fault & completely missed the point that it was tiny fun surf, the sort of size where people usually share waves & have a laugh. Having said that, everyone gives Grumpy a wide berth, as it is common knowledge that he takes his surfing very seriously even when it's 1-foot wussie waves. He however does have a habit of paddling in front of sups.
Not that anyone's intimidated by him, but why "make waves" . Share the love! The longboarders do amongst "their own" . It was tiny surf, & that's the point that SUP8383 hasn't grasped: common sense (not "rules") dictates that you don't get all bitter & twisted over microscopic surf on a beautiful warm summer's day, & you certainly don't push people off their boards. Possibly SUP 8383 doesn't know Grumpy? He hates sharing with sups at "his break", & has picked an argument with many over the last 5 years.

SUP8383, bit of an exaggeration to say "most" of the suppers don't know the rules, I've been paddle-surfing Cott for 5+ years, & I find that most suppers do know the rules, & keep out of the way of the lie-down surfers to avoid any angst. There's the odd beginner, & the odd supper who obviously doesn't come from a surfing background, but anyone who sups Isos knows what they're doing. Why don't you paddle up to the guys that don't know what they're doing & politely offer them a bit of "old-hand" advice? Bit of friendly banter can go a long way, that's the beauty of stand-up-paddle-surfing, the camaraderie.

WA, 97 posts
3 Jan 2013 8:45AM
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You are right sup xxx you don't know the facts I do this super is one very experienced and two very considerate . When I was a total beginner in the line up with her I must have been in the wrong numerous times and not once did she give me the face or hollier than I look(hard to do when you know what you're doing and the other guy is screwing up)so please do not insinuate that she deserved what she got. Regarding surf etiquette city surfing is what it is the main rule I think is make sure everyone goes home in one piece including a break this crowded to expect everyone to 1 be at the same level as you2 everyone to follow the same rules, is a hard call. It's all about sharing some times you just have to let the other surfer have his or her fun, at the end of the day it's just surfing there will be other waves.

NSW, 90 posts
3 Jan 2013 11:50AM
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As I said, I don't know the facts of the Incident being discussed, sounds like the mal rider is a f'wit and overreacted.

The problem however is that there are a number of people out there learning (which is great) picking up very bad habits on the smaller days from others who should know better and who should set a better example. When there are good waves (very rarely in Perth as we all know) it is my experience that they cant be enjoyed because you are constantly being dropped in on and or having guys paddling back out into the line up swinging around to snake you etc etc etc. There can't be different sets of rules for smaller and bigger days - it does not work. Also - the fact that there are "rules" does not mean the surf cant be enjoyed by all on big or small days and it is the "rules" that make it that much more enjoyable.

WA, 97 posts
3 Jan 2013 10:42AM
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I agree with you sup8383 .it can't be a free for all that's how people get hurt. Most beginners and most experienced surfers look out for each other(contact in surf can injure either and most are aware of that). But like everything in life you always get the exceptions.ive surfed a few different places north shore Hawaii included, and I'm really impressed how friendly surfing in metrepole Perth for the majority of the time.,it's not easy sharing such a great ocean sometimes but Perth does it better than most places IMHO.

WA, 554 posts
3 Jan 2013 11:13AM
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Bad luck to katieh and is more a reflection of the twit that pushed her off her board. Agree with Molly that it is not on, what if the board hit someone else and they got injured?

The Iso's crew are pretty self important, not worth arguing with and love the parental ego attitude when mouthing off to you. A bit like arguing with your parents, you're never going to listen to them anyway. They don't own the break and their glares won't stop me going out there when it is breaking.

As previously said, they did push the short boarders out when Mal riding became "this year's black". Like all baby boomers, they just have to learn how to share.

VIC, 454 posts
3 Jan 2013 10:06PM
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SUP8383 said...
I do not know the facts of the particular incident that you are talking about but if you don't know the rules then you should not be out there. I surf regularly at cottesloe and most of the suppers i see at the artificial reerf, deep 6 etc are a disgrace and have no concept of surf etiquette. When there are waves there are rules and if you don't know them stay on shore until its a flat day and regardless of your sex if you fark up you deserved to be called on it - or even maybe pushed off your board.

Sorry mate, I may be old school but it is never ok to push a woman around. Pathetic.

WA, 252 posts
4 Jan 2013 6:34AM
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SUP8383 said...
...There can't be different sets of rules for smaller and bigger days - it does not work. Also - the fact that there are "rules" does not mean the surf cant be enjoyed by all on big or small days and it is the "rules" that make it that much more enjoyable.

Disagree. When it's tiny & uncrowded it brings out the beginners & less experienced surfers (& crowd-hating experienced surfers) who get a chance to get a few little waves without the more experienced wave hogs taking the lot. We were all beginners once.
Sure, everyone needs to learn the etiquette rules, but a bit of give-and-take gets everyone onto more waves: "you take this one", "I'm behind you" (instead off f**k off, my wave" ), and (especially to the kids on shortboards) "don't worry about dropping in on me, I'll watch out for you" .

The twit mentioned above, Mr Grumpy, will share waves with his little clique when it's small (95% of the time in summer, & even when it's "big", that means about shoulder-high at Isos ), but woe betide anyone who's not a member of the clique or, shudder, rides a sup ....

WA, 252 posts
4 Jan 2013 6:36AM
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Happy New Year Diver! Hope to catch up soon

WA, 196 posts
4 Jan 2013 11:26PM
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Well let me zip up my flame suit .
I side with Toby and 8383 here.
Isolated Reef has been a long boarders break for as long as I can remember.
More than 4-5 surfers out and I say move on.The take off zone is just too narrow, especially on a small day to have 4 paddle boarders adding to the carnage.
As Micky Munoz says there are no poor quality waves just a poor choice of equipment.
For me the whole point of having a paddle is to enable you to surf less than average waves AWAY from the likes of Toby.
If she/he needs to paddle that close to them maybe try the following:

A) leaving the paddle on the beach and prone surfing with Toby et al.

B)Buy a board more suited to dribble/ flat water paddling that will not endanger fellow surfers.

C) go elsewhere

Your correct 8383 The SUP clown index is off the scale .

WA, 252 posts
5 Jan 2013 1:01AM
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Basecurve said...
Isolated Reef has been a long boarders break for as long as I can remember.
More than 4-5 surfers out and I say move on.The take off zone is just too narrow, especially on a small day to have 4 paddle boarders adding to the carnage.

Your correct 8383 The SUP clown index is off the scale .

Hmmm, my first post in many moons, tried to make a point that it's pathetic for a middle-aged man to push girls off their boards when the surf's tiny & not worth arguing over, made my point, bored now & was going to let sleeping dogs lie, but then we get supporters of the ol' f**kwit & they also ride sups??!
Get your facts right boys:
1. Lot of people either have short memories or weren't around in the late 60's-80's when Isos was a shortboard break until the longboarding phenomenon (a more ancient style of surfing reinvented with lighter boards) resurfaced. They quickly pushed all (us) shortboarders out. Sup-surfing (a more ancient style of know where this is going) arrived in Perth around 2005, Isos is still predominantly a longboard break, the only time you see more sups than longboards out there is when it's 1-2' faces, too small for longboards.

2. The day of the incident, I went out at 8 & there were just 4 sups & 2 longboards in the water. Plenty of little grovelly waves for 6. Toby came out about 9.30 from memory, & as mentioned above, after venting his spleen in the pathetic little 1' foot piddly ripples, paddled up to one of the other reefs where he & just 1 other longboard had it to themselves.

3. There are always a minimum of 2 take-off zones out there, sometimes 3 or even 4, I've sat on one of the other less-consistent take-off zones with 20 mals in the water, & got heaps of waves with no-one even paddling for the same wave. Plus there's inside, where some of the best sup-riders position themselves, right out of the way of all the longboarders sitting on the peaks.

4.Yep, agree, lot more sup-riders around these days, it's like traffic, it gets heavier but nothing much you can do about it. Complaining won't help. Go elsewhere or be considerate, share, or get up at dawn like Basecurve

WA, 252 posts
5 Jan 2013 1:08AM
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Actually, reading Basecurve's post again, I think he's having a lend & yours truly got sucked in
Off to bed, over & out

WA, 554 posts
5 Jan 2013 9:19AM
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mollydooka said...
Actually, reading Basecurve's post again, I think he's having a lend & yours truly got sucked in
Off to bed, over & out

I reckon he had run out of red wine and had been on the balsamic before writing the post...


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Best SUP surfing spots around Perth?" started by SUPGumby