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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Double Helix Vanguard Sup 7-6 x 26

Created by Piros > 9 months ago, 1 Aug 2014
QLD, 7080 posts
1 Aug 2014 11:33PM
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Just finished this one with alot of help from my mate Clarky (master shaper & glasser) and Dale Chapman who sanded and protect it for me with the logos and he also cut the original blank on his CNC machine.Thanks Clarky and Dale stoked with the finished product.

This is a back yard build and with our chilly winter it took 14 days working nights. Clarky and I designed the build on the free version of Aku shaper. We then took it to Dale to get cut out ($250) then we took it home and finished shaped it and glassed it. All up cost around $550 plus grip (really cheap Sup). You can get a can a cut blank from Dale and you finish it and he glasses it fully finished for $1,050 if you don't want to make the huge mess at home. (recommended ) I won't do it again.

I've called this one the "Double Helix" two separate DNA strains of short board and Sups to fuse to a new DNA chain. I have looked at Simons boards from Deep and Azzas boards from Gulliver to shape the DH. The difference in this one is it's narrower at 26 and I have gone for the full single concave with no V and the narrow tail which brings it out to around 98 litres. I have also set the fin boxes dead straight . So this is a very different beast. Haven't had it wet yet but the board has come in at 6.4kg with grip. So watch this space for some video in the next few days.

VIC, 580 posts
1 Aug 2014 11:50PM
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Looks awesome Piros.

But don't give us any of that chilly winter b00lsh1t when you're both in t-shirts and shorts!! It's below freezing down here with wind chill, it snowed at Lorne today, and we had so much hail it blocked the tank!

QLD, 7080 posts
2 Aug 2014 12:05AM
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Mate we can't function when it gets below 15 degress

VIC, 505 posts
2 Aug 2014 8:47AM
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This isn't intended as a hijack of the thread, cos I am very interested to see some video and feedback, but yeah, I feel your pain Piros.....well, not quite!

Now I don't normally mind the cold, but MJ (Okanui) and I had a surf yesterday morning at a secluded little spot in Westernport. When we couldn't talk to each other in the water because our faces had gone completely numb we decided that it was definitely COLD!! It's a positively balmy 4.9 degrees as I type this. Better go check if the wettie has dried out from yesterday.

Anyway...let's see the DH - VP in some Qld sunshine, ok!

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
2 Aug 2014 2:42PM
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Your gonna need more grip up towards the nose on that thing Von weirdos
Rock on

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
2 Aug 2014 3:47PM
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Rosscoe said...
This isn't intended as a hijack of the thread, cos I am very interested to see some video and feedback, but yeah, I feel your pain Piros.....well, not quite!

Now I don't normally mind the cold, but MJ (Okanui) and I had a surf yesterday morning at a secluded little spot in Westernport. When we couldn't talk to each other in the water because our faces had gone completely numb we decided that it was definitely COLD!! It's a positively balmy 4.9 degrees as I type this. Better go check if the wettie has dried out from yesterday.

Anyway...let's see the DH - VP in some Qld sunshine, ok!

Been surfing in boardies up here n last 2 days been playing with a mother n baby whale 10m from the line up... See you guys next weekend

QLD, 7080 posts
2 Aug 2014 5:18PM
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Yeah Rosscoe pretty cold here had to put a long sleeve top this morning

Took it out in 1 foot peelers this morning floats me fine the tail just under water but still really stable. Caught about 8 or 10 waves didn't tea bag once and came with dry hair. Grip is good Dog never stepped off it. Surf was too small to make a call on performance but it still catches the little waves no dramas. Did a couple of little smacks and it felt good .The big southerly blow has just hit and swell is on the rise so hopefully get it I'm some juice tomorrow.

Ran it as a quad with the Simon Anderson SA4's , these boards work best as a quad , but with this board having a 4" narrower tail than the Gullivers I reckon a thruster set will work I'll try that tomorrow. (All the fin boxes are set straight with no toe)

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
2 Aug 2014 5:24PM
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Those boards fly when you take a step forward on them....

N I'm going to put dirty wax up on it when I take that thang 4 a spin

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
2 Aug 2014 5:26PM
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Piros said...

and came with dry hair.

Keep it clean Piros for once in your life

QLD, 7080 posts
2 Aug 2014 5:28PM
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Haha "came in"

NSW, 310 posts
2 Aug 2014 7:05PM
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Looks awesome, well done and look forward to the video.

NSW, 698 posts
2 Aug 2014 8:55PM
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You will have to change your Avatar Piros

QLD, 78 posts
3 Aug 2014 10:01PM
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Yeah your avatar needs to be changed as you and your board are so much thinner
Your old photo is weighing this thread down. Reveal your new improved image to the world..

408 posts
4 Aug 2014 10:44AM
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You obviously are a big fan of the parralel fin box setup that JP utilises.

QLD, 7080 posts
4 Aug 2014 1:51PM
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Yes I am Ghostman and what a lot people don't realise is that the rear futures quad sets are already straight fins with no cant , many board manufacturers set the rear box straight to match. So it's nothing new but I have set the fronts straight as well. I have my own VP fin sets coming in a week or two in FCS & future all are zero cant. That's why I put future boxes in this board to test out the my new zero cant Future compatible fins to prove a point.

VIC, 883 posts
4 Aug 2014 2:56PM
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Piros said..
Yes I am Ghostman and what a lot people don't realise is that the rear futures quad sets are already straight fins with no cant , many board manufacturers set the rear box straight to match. So it's nothing new but I have set the fronts straight as well. I have my own VP fin sets coming in a week or two in FCS & future all are zero cant. That's why I put future boxes in this board to test out the my new zero cant Future compatible fins to prove a point.

Jesus, whats with the red thumb? Seriously.

VIC, 454 posts
4 Aug 2014 6:57PM
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Hey Piros,
You mentioned that you drew this up on the free version of Aku shaper. I've looked for it but I couldn't find it anywhere. Could you point me in the right direction. Also don't suppose you'd share the actual file .... understand if you want to keep it to yourself but would love to have a look at it if you don't mind.

VIC, 454 posts
4 Aug 2014 7:03PM
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Ok that's a little confusing .... mean would you mind sharing the file for that board shape, think that it is a .brd file, not the actual aku program

QLD, 7080 posts
4 Aug 2014 7:35PM
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Yeah sorry Mick the free version is gone you need sign up for the backyard version for $7.00 a month to use now . I can't post a file of the board on my home computer but I'll take a screen shot and post it .No worries in sharing the design this is what this post is all about. One thing you can't add to the blank profile is the swallow tail and the channels you have to cut them by hand.

VIC, 454 posts
4 Aug 2014 7:58PM
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Thanks Piros, I've found the website for the $7 a month subscription. I'll subscribe and have a play with it. Love the look of your board and it's been great following the posts on these new shapes.

1566 posts
5 Aug 2014 5:23AM
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Piros said..
Yes I am Ghostman and what a lot people don't realise is that the rear futures quad sets are already straight fins with no cant , many board manufacturers set the rear box straight to match. So it's nothing new but I have set the fronts straight as well. I have my own VP fin sets coming in a week or two in FCS & future all are zero cant. That's why I put future boxes in this board to test out the my new zero cant Future compatible fins to prove a point.

Will be convex intrados on your VP fins as you shown on JP board .
To measure zero can't, do you still use a beer can?

QLD, 290 posts
5 Aug 2014 7:40PM
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MickMc said..
Hey Piros,
You mentioned that you drew this up on the free version of Aku shaper. I've looked for it but I couldn't find it anywhere. Could you point me in the right direction. Also don't suppose you'd share the actual file .... understand if you want to keep it to yourself but would love to have a look at it if you don't mind.

Here are some snapshots of the file. Rob's board was changed from these dimensions to 26 wide and 7'6 long. I'll email the file to you.

QLD, 7080 posts
5 Aug 2014 7:55PM
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Thanks Clarky , hope this helps Mick . These are a shot of the the Simon Anderson SA4's Quads: Please note the rear fins are straight no cant that's how they come from Future. All Future boxes are dead straight and rear fins are twin foiled , front fins single foil .So you are limited to their fins to control cant , they choose to set the rear fins straight. FCS have 3 different boxes with zero to 5 degrees of cant but almost all their fins are straight. So unless you have specified cant boxes in your FCS they are straight. Kami I'll use a set square next time and not a beer can to show the boxes are square to the deck haha.

QLD, 177 posts
5 Aug 2014 10:45PM
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what foam is that piros ? also what glass layup did you use ? and is that handle behind the balance point ? cheers lats

1566 posts
6 Aug 2014 3:00AM
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Piros said..
Thanks Clarky , hope this helps Mick . These are a shot of the the Simon Anderson SA4's Quads: Please note the rear fins are straight no cant that's how they come from Future. All Future boxes are dead straight and rear fins are twin foiled , front fins single foil .So you are limited to their fins to control cant , they choose to set the rear fins straight. FCS have 3 different boxes with zero to 5 degrees of cant but almost all their fins are straight. So unless you have specified cant boxes in your FCS they are straight. Kami I'll use a set square next time and not a beer can to show the boxes are square to the deck haha.

No toe in , as you said before . these boards are loose enough due to their extra width despite of 26" at the wide point and you get more drive as well;
Piros said "Please note the rear fins are straight no cant that's how they come from Future.Is the rear fin " it seem to me slightly negative cant . Is it from the picture or from the rear bottom concave .
I'm thinking about because i draw 5'5" 20" 30 liters for my son, your work make me thinking about can't and toe...
In any case this is a good jobLooking good

QLD, 7080 posts
6 Aug 2014 8:44AM
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Thanks Kami and no it's not reverse cant just the iphone bending the shot..

Lats the bottom is one layer of std 6 oz cloth the top has same layer plus a 6oz innegra layer plus another layer of 6 oz around the foot area. Once you take into count weight of the fins , grip and extra glass on back half of the board , the handle is at centre of balance . It's just looks wrong because of the board shape. Foam wise it's what Dale uses on his raceboards (high density)

VIC, 883 posts
6 Aug 2014 11:30AM
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That blue speckled foam reminds me of my first coolite board.

408 posts
6 Aug 2014 5:39PM
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Hi Piros,

Looking specifically at the shape and in particular the tail, it seems obvious that you have borrowed quite a bit from the Minion and Vanguard. However to me at least it seems that you have gone for more narrower tail section at the expense of the parallel rails which is inherent to this shape. What was the reasoning behind this if I may ask mate?

QLD, 7080 posts
6 Aug 2014 9:03PM
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That's really well picked up Ghostman and I agree 100% on the straight rail theory.....Until I rode Clarkys board it has a 50mm more pulled in tail than all the rest. A bunch of us have all been riding together on different types of Vanguards swapping boards and what I found with Clarky's is when I pulled off the back of the wave and I pushed really hard it came over so hard on it's rail . Once I did that a few more times and it actually did a 180 degree hook turn pulling off the wave. So much so it hurt my ankle it pulled around so hard. None of the other boards with the straighter sides and wider tail did this.

So for my board I let that theory go .I personally think the more pulled in tail from the centre back is the way to go. I know it runs against what should work. I've gone 100mm less..too far I don't know yet the surf has been sh!t. This board is an experiment and I'm just trying stuff that's why I did a backyard job to keep the cost down , worst case my kids score another board.

NSW, 3768 posts
6 Aug 2014 11:05PM
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Come one Piros - where's the video? It looked like the surf was pumping up there today.

SA, 124 posts
6 Aug 2014 11:20PM
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might be icing his ankle


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Double Helix Vanguard Sup 7-6 x 26" started by Piros