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Created by teatrea > 9 months ago, 15 May 2012
846 posts
16 May 2012 2:41PM
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I see your point - but I've never seen it done - but I guess in theory it could be done in which case I'd deem it unfair as well. It would take a strong paddler to sacrifice his own race, that normally doesn't happen if the paddler is strong.....

WA, 24860 posts
16 May 2012 2:44PM
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You'll be cooking your own meal tonight Jacko

NSW, 76 posts
16 May 2012 4:59PM
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Drafting / wash riding is part of our sport. like it or not, how could you police a no drafting policy and it takes a fair amount of skill to get a good wash ride for a long time. Race craft not brute force.

QLD, 4177 posts
16 May 2012 6:15PM
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paul.j said...

Just a quick example on what i mean by gender drafting.... If i went to all the races and thought you know what i'm not going to win i might just help Ang win and let her draft me the whole way is that ok? I wouldn't do this by the way!!!

My theroy is if you want to play with the Open mens class then its all free game but if you pay to compete againt other girls dont cheat by drafting of a guy in a different race pretty much.

Who thinks i'm in trouble by the way!!!

Yep dug yourself a hole there mate

VIC, 1686 posts
16 May 2012 7:31PM
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paul.j said...

Who thinks i'm in trouble by the way!!!

Are you there Jacko, speak to us so we know your ok

QLD, 1372 posts
16 May 2012 7:42PM
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62mac said...

You'll be cooking your own meal tonight Jacko

It's not the meals I would be worried about!!

NSW, 326 posts
16 May 2012 7:53PM
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On the lookout for drafting.

angie pangi
QLD, 1779 posts
16 May 2012 7:56PM
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Haha he is still alive guys and he just ate his dinner I cooked him mmmaawwwwhhhh
However he did say it didn't taste the same as usual :)

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
16 May 2012 10:45PM
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hey people, i don't think we are doing this. drafting refers to air

Drafting or slipstreaming is a technique where two vehicles or other moving objects are caused to align in a close group reducing the overall effect of drag due to exploiting the lead object's slipstream. Especially when high speeds are involved, as in motor racing and cycling, drafting can significantly reduce the paceline's average energy expenditure required to maintain a certain speed and can also slightly reduce the energy expenditure of the lead vehicle or object.

more like this

Matthew Bouman

"Riding wash" is when a paddler positions his/her boat on the wake of another paddler's boat. A similar concept to "drafting", a common practice in cycling and motor sports, riding wake allows you to maintain a higher speed with less effort. It is an accepted practice in most flatwater racing, and adds an exciting tactical element to the race.

Matt Bouman provides some more insight.

What are the most ideal conditions for riding wake? When do you get the most benefit?

Wash riding is only beneficial when the water is flat enough. When there are any sort of decent runs, it becomes difficult and often detrimental to stay on another paddlers wash. It is much better to find your own rhythm and pace once the runs are involved.

Which is the best position: off the stern or bow wake?

Unless you have a bunch of boats, at least three or four, side wash is better. Side wash is also a tactically superior position to be sitting, as you have time and space to counter any attacks. Sitting on the stern wash when paddling into a head wind is not a bad idea. If you are in a group of three boats, it's nice to sit on the stern of the lead boat as you benefit from the side wash of the other boat, as well as getting a bit off assistance form the lead boat. Just remember, you have to be aware of what's going on around you.

The ultimate wave is sitting "diamond". This is when you are on the stern wash of a lead boat and there are boats on either side of the lead boat. This position is probably another 15% easier than sitting side wash.

Is wake riding a good way to train with a group? Can it be a more effective way to interval train by resting on another paddlers wake?

At some stage, you do need to train riding washes. How else are you going to learn how to do it? It's a skill which you have to develop if you want to be successful at racing. However, it can also be the lazy way of training, so you consider it a skill to practice instead of conditioning. You should always be trying to sit in open water when training. Of course it would be cool to train on the wash of someone who is a superior paddler, but be honest!

Can slower paddlers get faster buy riding a stronger paddlers wake for a workout?

If it makes you hurt, it's likely to be making you stronger. Perhaps the best way to approach it would be to start in your own water and when it is clear you are losing ground and can't keep up the pace any longer, go for the wash.

When training in a group, how should paddlers pack up to maximize wake riding? How often should paddlers rotate up to the front to pull?

The ideal group is 4. Pull time depends on the strength of the paddlers in the group. If you are all of a similar strength, then the etiquette is to share the pull equally. Usual protocol is to allow the paddler who has just pulled to slip back into the diamond position after a pull, to recover.

What is your opinion on the etiquette of wake riding in a race?

All is fair in love and war. Just don't cut anyone off by pushing them into banks, pier's buoys, etc. The polite method is to share all work, but this seldom happens when everyone is going for the win.

VIC, 34 posts
17 May 2012 2:48PM
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Thought I'd add my 2 cents...

Wash riding is pretty common in marathon kayak races (flatwater). As stated above, it's pretty hard in chop or ocean swells, and hard to hold an ideal position.

But in flat water it's very effective, and if you do coaching or club sessions they'll usually teach/practice wash riding. I did read a study that said it reduces effort (for the same speed) by 17% - 30% depending on position and conditions. But you also learn how to rid yourself of a wash rider . In lots of races ther'es a pack until the last km and then it's a sprint.

It makes the race about tactics and strategy as well as strength/endurance. The general rule though is not to wash ride soemone in a higher (or any other) class, and officials look out for this.

Often you will get a few paddlers who share the load and plan the race together, makes it interesting and more social. In other cases it's a free-for-all and paddlers occasionally get sent into trees, banks, bouys and bridges!

So I'd see it as natural for it to find its way into SUP flatwater races. Makes the races interesting, makes you think about your tactics, and means the biggest paddler doesn't always win.

All good fun.


QLD, 700 posts
17 May 2012 3:15PM
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Matt Bouman is a ski paddler and is obviously talking about Ocean skis here, includes kayaking too.

Most of his statements are true.
exept going into the wind is also a great time to wash ride.

the ongoing concensus though is - all fair in love and war- as summed up by Matt.

Peter Dorries

VIC, 3982 posts
17 May 2012 3:18PM
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Peter, do you agree that side wash is as effective in SUP and does the diamond thing work?

QLD, 700 posts
17 May 2012 3:39PM
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The side wash is interesting.
Great to sit on but requires great skill/practice.
Is it better or should I say easier to sit behind.
The diamond that is discussed is by far the best place to sit on a ski. you can be at about 50-60% effort, just getting sucked along.
Does it work on a SUP. In theory yes.
But the problem been is that most of us vear all over the place (where as a ski has a rudder) making it hard to keep the perfect wash (symmetry).
So, saying that, get enough people together and hope the side washers can stay there and then the 4th paddler at the back of the 1st paddler will have a dream ride.



Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Drafting" started by teatrea