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Here we go again! Haha.

Created by marcus > 9 months ago, 29 Jan 2014
WA, 7608 posts
1 Feb 2014 11:59AM
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surf4fun said...
Don't worry guys Greenroom is just a hippy in denial. He has dreads and lives in Margs, how much happier can you get!


WA, 7608 posts
1 Feb 2014 12:00PM
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marcus said...
Cheers PT!
Like he said everyone is entitled to their opinion. It's not a personal attack on others who agree with drum lines. I can almost bet that everyone of you has a friend that will have a different opinion on things to you.
I'm doin the rotto channel swim in a few weeks in a team with a mate who is very much for the drum lines and posts pro drum line things on his facebook all the time. I don't agree with him obviously but i still think he's a bit of a legend.
I don't think it needs to get personal.

I'm the same Marcus. Nothing personal at all

QLD, 155 posts
1 Feb 2014 8:27PM
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Lots of valid views and opinions and mine is by no means the right one. I wonder how many of you have young kids clocking up big hours in the water? And just because I do does't mean that its right but I cant even comprehend moving back to WA as I could never let my kids spend the time in the water that I did when I was growing up in Cott.

Again its only an opinion to consider in balanced coversation on the topic.

QLD, 4177 posts
1 Feb 2014 10:07PM
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HerbertVoigt said..

Lots of valid views and opinions and mine is by no means the right one. I wonder how many of you have young kids clocking up big hours in the water? And just because I do does't mean that its right but I cant even comprehend moving back to WA as I could never let my kids spend the time in the water that I did when I was growing up in Cott.

Again its only an opinion to consider in balanced coversation on the topic.

Lolyou have just expressed the feelings of every parent out their!Is the world any more dangerous than it was when you where a kid?Are their more sharks in the ocean? Ge wiz lets sanitize everything so the risk is taken away , but by doing that we will deprive our children and wreck this planet.I often lament the fact my kid has missed out on a youth full of adventure and danger , because her old man was fearfull of what could happen. The curse of all parentsThis shark bull**** is just hysteria and dont the media just lap it up

NSW, 282 posts
3 Feb 2014 10:58AM
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Can we cull the media?now that would be fun........

845 posts
3 Feb 2014 1:10PM
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now we're getting involved as well (it's our sharks too


WA, 846 posts
3 Feb 2014 2:09PM
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PeterP said..

now we're getting involved as well (it's our sharks too


Ok, I'm a little confused now. Drum lines have been used in South Africa, America and the East Coast of Australia for many years (In Queensland it has been for 54years apparently). The word "Cull" was fashioned by the local media. Do the South African's and East Coasters refer to their drum lines as "Shark Culling"?
If WA isn't the first State in the world to use this method - why the international intervention? ie - protests around the world in "opposition to WA's shark cull".

845 posts
3 Feb 2014 2:54PM
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Not aware of drum lines being used in South Africa - but they use nets in Durban. There are solutions out there, kelp-forest nets have been tested here and keep the sharks out without harming anyone, but costly to put in and maintain. Local guy here has come up with a virtually for free solution, he is trying to patent it, but it's too easy to copy and will probably be impossible for him to uphold - we're just waiting for him to give the word so we can share the's so brilliantly simple that it's a shame he'll probably never earn a cent of it......

QLD, 155 posts
3 Feb 2014 5:06PM
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Looks like they need to run the drum lines 100m off the beach rather than the 1km that they currently are :)

VIC, 452 posts
3 Feb 2014 9:33PM
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Elroy Jetson said..

bt said..

Yet it is somehow inconvenient to have a 1 in let's say 9 million in w.a chance of getting attacked so we decide to start killing them, where has the common sense gone!!!

Yes, where has the common sense gone?

1 in 9 million? Where did you pull those odds from? WA has 2.5 million people not 9 million.

Your statement would be true if a 1/4 of a person had been killed by a shark once?

There are 2.5 million people in WA. 6 people have been killed by sharks in 3 years.
Chance of a person in WA being killed by a shark in the last 3 years = 1 in 415 000

Most people in WA don't go into the Ocean. Lets assume there are 10 000 regular water users in WA (people who use the ocean several times a week).

If you are in this group (as some people on these forums are) then your chance of being killed by a shark in the last 3 years is 1 in 1666.

There were 524 road deaths in WA in the last 3 years. The chance of being killed in a road accident in WA in the last three years is 1 in 4771.

So if one is a regular water user in WA, they are nearly three times more likely to be killed by a shark than in a car accident.

For them, going into the ocean has a higher risk of death than the drive to get to the beach.

At last someone with an understanding of statistics has commented. Well done Elroy. If we are going to have an informed debate on the topic then we need to look at the figures realistically. Should we be including people who never go in the ocean as potential shark victims? Of course not, unless the sharks grow legs and start wandering the streets looking for snacks. Secondly, I dispute this whole argument of we're going into their environment so we should be a shark munchie if they feel a little hungry. If there was a lion walking the streets of Johannesburg would the Sth Africans say well fair enough let him chow down? I don't know about other sup surfers but I think the sea is as much my environment as the land. Lastly I wouldn't call only killing a shark that is close in to shore and over three metres culling, more like sensible measures when so many lives are being lost in WA. Yes there is some hysteria going on at the moment. I just wonder who is being hysterical.

QLD, 4177 posts
3 Feb 2014 8:59PM
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Not to many Lions roaming the streets of Jo-Berg , not many roaming the plains either , hysterical people have nearly wiped them out alsoWho,s being hysterical those that want to protect , or those that want to fell safe geez havent you watched the lion king circle of life and all that

WA, 219 posts
3 Feb 2014 8:15PM
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Yeah let's target wa tiger sharks.
By the way, the meaning of cull is to reduce the population of a wild animal by selective slaughter.
I guess the only way it's not a cull is that it's not selective slaughter when we can't be selective what drowns on them over night.
Such as undersized tiger sharks... Or were they bull sharks;)
Not that it matters what anyone calls it really.
We were so smart 50 years ago when we put out lines on the east coast that we still thought it was ok to hunt whales! Oh wait. We humans still do that. Damn!

QLD, 5396 posts
3 Feb 2014 10:16PM
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teatrea said..

Lets kill everything in the ocean that poses a threat to usIf it wasn't for those greenies , or those just interested in preserving the lonely little rock we live on , you wouldn't have unpolluted seas to surf in or unspoilt forests to visit , or fish to eat. Funny how people get upset about things when it threatens their own self interest. If your to scared to enter the sea because their might be sharks in it , choose another pastime.

what a crop of sh!t.
unpolluted seas to surf in ..please take the rose coloured glasses off, you call yourself a queenslander ever heard of a place called hey point or gladstone harbour
or the great barrier farkn reef.
dont see no greenies stopping these coal companies ,but i do hear some Marine biologist saying how outrages it is to kill
these special GWS and how it will affect eco system, then go back to work for a coal company and put a report in saying how their coal companies currant port expansion, dredging,and loading of tankers is not having a impact on the environment. hypocrites.

QLD, 5396 posts
3 Feb 2014 10:26PM
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Hahahaha to funny.. South Africa weighing in on the subject ..they need to clean their backyard up before starting on ours.

QLD, 4177 posts
3 Feb 2014 11:16PM
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weiry said..

teatrea said..

Lets kill everything in the ocean that poses a threat to usIf it wasn't for those greenies , or those just interested in preserving the lonely little rock we live on , you wouldn't have unpolluted seas to surf in or unspoilt forests to visit , or fish to eat. Funny how people get upset about things when it threatens their own self interest. If your to scared to enter the sea because their might be sharks in it , choose another pastime.

what a crop of sh!t.
unpolluted seas to surf in ..please take the rose coloured glasses off, you call yourself a queenslander ever heard of a place called hey point or gladstone harbour
or the great barrier farkn reef.
dont see no greenies stopping these coal companies ,but i do hear some Marine biologist saying how outrages it is to kill
these special GWS and how it will affect eco system, then go back to work for a coal company and put a report in saying how their coal companies currant port expansion, dredging,and loading of tankers is not having a impact on the environment. hypocrites.

Your kidding yourself arent you , yeah ive lived in Gladstone lived in mining towns , dived on the Barrier reef. You dont see the greenies trying to protect those spots? , you might want to take your rose coloured glasses off.

WA, 7323 posts
3 Feb 2014 9:52PM
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Ha ha 10 000 regular water users. I wish! more like 200 000. What a crock of ....

I was attacked at Mullaloo when 15 (1978) lucky just board bitten. They are out there no point worrying about it. Had a great weekend teaching the lids to kite :) 11 year old ended up a k out lucky he did not get hooked up ha ha.

Real positive of the media beat up is less surfers in the water. Gotta love it

QLD, 5396 posts
4 Feb 2014 3:11PM
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teatrea said..

weiry said..

teatrea said..

Lets kill everything in the ocean that poses a threat to usIf it wasn't for those greenies , or those just interested in preserving the lonely little rock we live on , you wouldn't have unpolluted seas to surf in or unspoilt forests to visit , or fish to eat. Funny how people get upset about things when it threatens their own self interest. If your to scared to enter the sea because their might be sharks in it , choose another pastime.

what a crop of sh!t.
unpolluted seas to surf in ..please take the rose coloured glasses off, you call yourself a queenslander ever heard of a place called hey point or gladstone harbour
or the great barrier farkn reef.
dont see no greenies stopping these coal companies ,but i do hear some Marine biologist saying how outrages it is to kill
these special GWS and how it will affect eco system, then go back to work for a coal company and put a report in saying how their coal companies currant port expansion, dredging,and loading of tankers is not having a impact on the environment. hypocrites.

Your kidding yourself arent you , yeah ive lived in Gladstone lived in mining towns , dived on the Barrier reef. You dont see the greenies trying to protect those spots? , you might want to take your rose coloured glasses off.

well if you know so much about gladstone you would know the greens are doing nothing about the dredging and dumping millions of tonnes of toxic
waist onto the barrier reef with mining companies marian biologists reports saying its all good. hahahaha do you know the meaning of rose colored glasses. hahahaha im not optimistic to a excessive degree.

845 posts
4 Feb 2014 1:59PM
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This lady has a solution - it's called managing the humans:


845 posts
4 Feb 2014 7:23PM
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Here's another solution - human managed and non-intrusive....

I've never really considered myself a greenie - but with a number of proven alternatives (kelp-nets, sharkspotters, electric shark-devices, sharkex and common sense) available, as opposed to just going out and killing off random members of an endangered species, I'm with the greenies on this one.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Here we go again! Haha." started by marcus