I think the Melbourne protesters will be pretty safe from sharks - venue State Library at the top of the Melbourne CBD.
Probably being marketed at the North Fitzroy greenie-hippie community, none of whom would know where the beach is anyway.
Lets kill everything in the ocean that poses a threat to usIf it wasn't for those greenies , or those just interested in preserving the lonely little rock we live on , you wouldn't have unpolluted seas to surf in or unspoilt forests to visit , or fish to eat. Funny how people get upset about things when it threatens their own self interest. If your to scared to enter the sea because their might be sharks in it , choose another pastime.
i'm not big on the drum lines, but i think something has to be done. i'm hoping they can further develop electrical repellent type devices for in the water or person use. people safe and sharks are safe would be the ultimate
definitely not one for the netting
Can I just say something?
A boy was taken by a croc up north. Why didn't Greenpeece or other hippy freaks jump up and down when authorities went out and shot a number of crocs?
Also a girl was attacked by 2 dogs a few weeks ago and the dogs were put down. The kid was visiting and playing in the dogs backyard.
Are those against controlling shark numbers vegetarians? Maybe stop going fishing and taking the sharks food? Stop eating fish with your chips.
But maybe now stop talking crap and having double standards?
Just my thoughts
Vego indeed greenroom, and I am against many of these other things you point out and much more. Why do people assume that others who don't support the drum lines don't jump up and down about other issues?
I think its best not to assume things.
Why don,t you guys set your sights on the East Coast? Or are you suggesting they remove their lines and nets as well?
I'm sick of this crap on this forum.
Take it somewhere else-PLEASE.
I always try to look at everything from both sides. It is interesting to read everyone's opinions.
I can understand people wanting to do whatever they can to make life safer for them and there loved ones.
I can also understand people's fear of sharks. It is a tragedy when somebody is killed or injured by a shark and scary!!
The chances of a BEACH GOER getting attacked is 1 in 11.5 million........ Has anyone thought about that?
I get that a beach goer in w.a would be slightly increased. The ocean is sooooooo much safer than when we drive/ train/ walk to work or pretty much do anything on land yet it is convenient for us to drive so we take the risk of a crash, even with our families in the car.
There are many examples of things been much more dangerous, toilets, the flu, lightning etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
Yet it is somehow inconvenient to have a 1 in let's say 9 million in w.a chance of getting attacked so we decide to start killing them, where has the common sense gone!!!
The human race should not be playing god or whateva u believe in :)
Start culling drug dealers, bottle shops, fast food outlets because these are killing us!!!!
If you love playing in the ocean it's time to love the ocean and whateva comes with it, if you don't want to take the 'risk' then definately don't drive to beach or walk on the road, best just leave it to the rest of us I think.
Enjoy :)
Yes greeny I'm a vego but I've never thought of myself as a 'hippie freak' i also reckon greenpeace do some pretty valuable work.
Don't worry guys Greenroom is just a hippy in denial. He has dreads and lives in Margs, how much happier can you get!
I would agree that if you do the numbers over the last 3 years the chances would be higher, but that's like taking your average flower sales based on valentines day. The longer the study the more accurate so maybe try since records started, or choose 3 yrs when there where no fatalities and you will have zero chance.
10000 reg beach goers??? Have you been to a metro beach lately!!! That number is ridiculous. I guess you can twist numbers either way. I mean is every human a regular road user?
You are been extremely biased and I'm sure if I went to the other extreme you can get chances much less than 1 in 9 million.
1 in 1666, wow
'mark' choosing to post "I'm sick of this crap" on a public forum that you choose to read?
Then asking to take it elsewhere?
Pure gold!!
'bt' outstanding argument...but allow me to indulge further...
Perhaps those who choose to be active in trying to change that which is wrong headed are the fools?
The wisdom of the ancients suggests:
"Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs, rather than a fool in his folly" Pro 17:12
Debating with fools is indeed folly - for they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Cheers PT!
Like he said everyone is entitled to their opinion. It's not a personal attack on others who agree with drum lines. I can almost bet that everyone of you has a friend that will have a different opinion on things to you.
I'm doin the rotto channel swim in a few weeks in a team with a mate who is very much for the drum lines and posts pro drum line things on his facebook all the time. I don't agree with him obviously but i still think he's a bit of a legend.
I don't think it needs to get personal.