Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

I'm still shaking.

Created by DavidJohn > 9 months ago, 10 Dec 2013
VIC, 17456 posts
10 Dec 2013 2:22PM
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Just bought my first skate board.. ever.

Rode them a lot as a kid but Santa always gave them to me.

Took so much skin off in those days of the GT boards with hard wheels with no grip.

So.. Today I'm thinking there's a nice big long hill near home.. Slipped off the Croc's and put on runners.

I'm thinking nice big slow turns to keep my speed under control.. Well this worked fine till about half way down..

Then things got interesting..

Much faster than I wanted to go.. Started stringing recoveries together as I brought the speed wobbles under control..

The road flattened out at the end and it didn't end in tears.. But.. My heart was nearly jumping out of my chest and my legs were shaking.

For a while there I thought I was going to end up going to work as a patient instead of a worker..

My legs are still shaking.



WA, 1382 posts
10 Dec 2013 11:24AM
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How long is that!!

VIC, 17456 posts
10 Dec 2013 2:32PM
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WA71 said..

How long is that!!

60'' ..


Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
10 Dec 2013 2:50PM
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WA71 said..

How long is that!!

longer than the car

QLD, 6992 posts
10 Dec 2013 2:57PM
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Nice DJ next time find a bigger hill , just tighten up those trucks.

QLD, 2031 posts
10 Dec 2013 3:04PM
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WA71 said...
How long is that!!

That's what she said.....

WA, 40 posts
10 Dec 2013 1:06PM
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DavidJohn said..

Then things got interesting..

Much faster than I wanted to go..

I've also found that the long boards are MUCH faster than the short boards ... certainly faster than I remember from 40 years ago!

VIC, 3829 posts
10 Dec 2013 4:09PM
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Practice your J turns and your power slides chief or you will be loosing a lot of bark

VIC, 336 posts
10 Dec 2013 4:15PM
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Tux said..

Practice your J turns and your power slides chief or you will be loosing a lot of bark

Explanation please... What is a J-Turn and how do you do it?

Also need some info on how to achieve a power slide. The last time I tried it I cam off and broke my wrist...

VIC, 2098 posts
10 Dec 2013 4:23PM
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and counter-intuitive but putting your weight a bit forward over your front truck will help settle the wobbles.

VIC, 796 posts
10 Dec 2013 5:19PM
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Anecdote from (circa) 1964, in the days BEFORE those GT boards with hard white wheels that DJ was referring to...
Boards in those days didn't like stones, and the stones jammed under the wheels, stopping the boards in its tracks, sending the rider cartwheeling forwards.
So...was skating up and down the driveway with my mate Billy on our boards, until the inevitable stone got in the way. Cartwheeled forward until stopped by the slamming of the bridge of my nose into the tow bar tongue of Billy's Dad's car. Managed to create a continuos geyser of blood all the way across the street as I ran home in terror.
Still a distinct and scary childhood memory...

VIC, 1686 posts
10 Dec 2013 5:32PM
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good fun, my son doesn't like me riding them, reckons I'm too scary to watch. I told him don't watch

QLD, 6992 posts
10 Dec 2013 4:38PM
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Helmy said..

Anecdote from (circa) 1964, in the days BEFORE those GT boards with hard white wheels that DJ was referring to...
Boards in those days didn't like stones, and the stones jammed under the wheels, stopping the boards in its tracks, sending the rider cartwheeling forwards.
So...was skating up and down the driveway with my mate Billy on our boards, until the inevitable stone got in the way. Cartwheeled forward until stopped by the slamming of the bridge of my nose into the tow bar tongue of Billy's Dad's car. Managed to create a continuos geyser of blood all the way across the street as I ran home in terror.
Still a distinct and scary childhood memory...

Ouch that would of hurt like hell

123 posts
10 Dec 2013 2:49PM
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Next lesson...

VIC, 2098 posts
10 Dec 2013 6:00PM
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Helmy said..

Anecdote from (circa) 1964, in the days BEFORE those GT boards with hard white wheels that DJ was referring to...
Boards in those days didn't like stones, and the stones jammed under the wheels, stopping the boards in its tracks, sending the rider cartwheeling forwards.
So...was skating up and down the driveway with my mate Billy on our boards, until the inevitable stone got in the way. Cartwheeled forward until stopped by the slamming of the bridge of my nose into the tow bar tongue of Billy's Dad's car. Managed to create a continuos geyser of blood all the way across the street as I ran home in terror.
Still a distinct and scary childhood memory...

That explains those rugged good looks Helmy .

Christmas 1972, Western Sydney:
Picture a 10 year old boy dressed only in purple speedos standing atop a steep hill and a newly-laid road, one foot resting on his new, red, bullet skateboard...picture that same boy 15 seconds later...starfished on the road, the purple speedos half torn off, head to toe gravel rash down his left side...and it's just starting to bleed...

Took mum about an hour and a half to pick out all the black new-road stuff with her tweezers. Can still see a couple of the scars.

VIC, 336 posts
10 Dec 2013 7:26PM
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HumanCartoon said..

That explains those rugged good looks Helmy .

Christmas 1972, Western Sydney:
Picture a 10 year old boy dressed only in purple speedos standing atop a steep hill and a newly-laid road, one foot resting on his new, red, bullet skateboard...picture that same boy 15 seconds later...starfished on the road, the purple speedos half torn off, head to toe gravel rash down his left side just starting to bleed...

Took mum about an hour and a half to pick out all the black stuff with her tweezers. Can still see a couple of the scars.

Still got my original skatey from the mid 70s. Green banana board with the wide wheels. Found someone's pet rabbit in the front yard one day so put it in the garage next to my skatey. Came back half an hour later to discover it had chewed chunks out three of the wheels.

Had an occasion to get towed behind my mate on a BMX one day. Six foot length of rope tied to the seat post with a loop at the other end. We decided to go round the block and went anti-clockwise (was never very good at backhand). Got to the second corner and things got a little fast (serious speed wobbles and you can't move forward to stop them...). Yelled at him to slow down... He thought I said speed up so pedalled faster... Board hits a small stone and stops while I keep sailing onwards.

Lost all the skin on my left elbow to halfway down my forearm, the entire palm of my left hand and had bitumen in my forehead. Mum with the tweezers was definitely the worst bit...

Move forward 30 years (last Christmas) and I'm teaching my nephew how to skate (different board as the old one all the rubbers are gone). Got bored and tried a stunt I haven't done before... Ended up breaking my left wrist (cracked the end of the radius).

This Christmas my wife has given me a new board to play with... Lets see what damage I can do this time...

QLD, 1458 posts
10 Dec 2013 8:01PM
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Here's the thing. If you fall off your skate board, and you will, possibly break or damage a limb or head,
How long before you are back into you're first love? Tarmac is very unforgiving, water? Not so bad.
(friend of mine was out of the water for a few months doing just that.)

VIC, 611 posts
10 Dec 2013 9:59PM
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rockmagnet said..

Here's the thing. If you fall off your skate board, and you will, possibly break or damage a limb or head,
How long before you are back into you're first love? Tarmac is very unforgiving, water? Not so much.
(friend of mine was out of the water for a few months doing just that.)

What he said x 2

Wear your protective gear, burn off speed with your turns, take care DJ.
Have fun.

102 posts
10 Dec 2013 7:01PM
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DJ you need a land paddle, i use mine to push along then you can use it to slow down on the hills, cars give you a wide berth too when you have 6 and half feet of wood to swing around...

VIC, 3982 posts
10 Dec 2013 10:33PM
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Air80 said..

DJ you need a land paddle, i use mine to push along then you can use it to slow down on the hills, cars give you a wide berth too when you have 6 and half feet of wood to swing around...

DJ, I have a spare land paddle you can have. Going to sell my Kahuna long board and other paddle before I damage myself on it.

VIC, 2855 posts
10 Dec 2013 10:46PM
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Piros said..
Helmy said..

Anecdote from (circa) 1964, in the days BEFORE those GT boards with hard white wheels that DJ was referring to...

Boards in those days didn't like stones, and the stones jammed under the wheels, stopping the boards in its tracks, sending the rider cartwheeling forwards.

So...was skating up and down the driveway with my mate Billy on our boards, until the inevitable stone got in the way. Cartwheeled forward until stopped by the slamming of the bridge of my nose into the tow bar tongue of Billy's Dad's car. Managed to create a continuos geyser of blood all the way across the street as I ran home in terror.

Still a distinct and scary childhood memory...

Ouch that would of hurt like hell

And he never skateboarded again........

QLD, 4177 posts
10 Dec 2013 10:13PM
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You should come and try that on my hill DJ , I ride down it in the morning to get the paper.Only brave enough to go from half wayA guy actually died in the street a few year back trying to skate down it , irony is they ashphelted the street about 3 Months after his accident.I copped eight stiches in the head and knocked myself out skating around the house and ran into a low hanging beam , DOH!

VIC, 17456 posts
11 Dec 2013 7:50AM
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HumanCartoon said..

and counter-intuitive but putting your weight a bit forward over your front truck will help settle the wobbles.

Did that and it did help.. I do need to buy a trucks key and tighten up the trucks a little.


VIC, 17456 posts
11 Dec 2013 7:54AM
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rockmagnet said..

Here's the thing. If you fall off your skate board, and you will, possibly break or damage a limb or head,
How long before you are back into you're first love? Tarmac is very unforgiving, water? Not so bad.
(friend of mine was out of the water for a few months doing just that.)

Yes I know the risks.. and I also know the rewards..

I know they're dangerous.. but so are ladders..


VIC, 17456 posts
11 Dec 2013 7:56AM
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PTWoody said..

Air80 said..

DJ you need a land paddle, i use mine to push along then you can use it to slow down on the hills, cars give you a wide berth too when you have 6 and half feet of wood to swing around...

DJ, I have a spare land paddle you can have. Going to sell my Kahuna long board and other paddle before I damage myself on it.

Thanks Paul.. Using a land paddle stick was my plan.

VIC, 17456 posts
11 Dec 2013 8:10AM
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This is my board.. and it is almost longer than my car..

102 posts
11 Dec 2013 5:26AM
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this will either help or not but this guy goes fast

WA, 24860 posts
11 Dec 2013 5:27AM
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Great looking board DJ a few of us longboarders have Longboard Larry's,can you post some close up pic's of the board, truck and wheel set up please.

NSW, 268 posts
11 Dec 2013 9:01AM
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DavidJohn said..

HumanCartoon said..

and counter-intuitive but putting your weight a bit forward over your front truck will help settle the wobbles.

Did that and it did help.. I do need to buy a trucks key and tighten up the trucks a little.


You might be better off finding a good skate shop that knows a thing or two about longboards and have them swap out your bushings. They will match the individual bushes to your weight and style that you wish to achieve. I normally run three different hardness bushes in my longboard to give me the feel I want. So much better than just tightening the trucks. And such a cheap modification to completely change the way your board feels. And a normal socket set should have you in business. I have a truck key, but the kids steal it for their boards, but never take the socket set.
Good luck and enjoy, the stoke far outweighs the risk.

NSW, 268 posts
11 Dec 2013 9:09AM
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Some good info on tuning your board. The guys in the shop are all skaters, many of whom have been skating longer than some people on this forum. And always happy to give free advice on email and phone.

VIC, 17456 posts
11 Dec 2013 9:18AM
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Air80 said..

this will either help or not but this guy goes fast


Great vid..


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"I'm still shaking." started by DavidJohn