Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Leg rope recommendations

Created by shi thouse > 9 months ago, 28 Jul 2019
2129 posts
9 Aug 2019 2:44PM
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I snapped 2 Da Kines in 2 weeks, bad design.

O&E leash has hung in there for over a year.

This was on my SUP, but gives you a good idea. 10/10 would f*#K again

5033 posts
9 Aug 2019 3:41PM
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supthecreek said..
I go as streamlined as my portliness allows, hands extended over my head, to put as little stress on the entire system.


VIC, 142 posts
9 Aug 2019 8:33PM
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supthecreek said..

SupChickadee said..
I've been toying with the idea of posting a question about leg ropes that i would appreciate advice on, but this thread is pretty relevant - tore a medial left knee ligament supping in Bali last November when a late take off went wrong and got rolled in the white water badly when i got flipped around and dragged backwards by the sup.
My details fifty something aged brood mare at maybe 70kg fully wet and wet suited up, 9'6 sup for this particular break as its 1km off shore, with a knee leash on right knee, natural stance.
What happens in powerful waves is i might dive into a breaking wave head first (yes i've let my sup go behind me, but no one is behind me), so i've dived into the water, but the drag of the sup flips my body face up, with my left leg getting dragged around and i get dragged backwards by the leg rope. Doesn't happen in less powerful surf. Even if i tried to kick the sup over the first wave, as mentioned earlier in this post, if its a set of 3 the 2nd and 3rd wave will get me anyway.
Talking to a friend he uses his paddle as an anchor which i will try and see if that helps, but i wonder if using an ankle leash might make a difference (although previous posts suggest there are issues with both knee and ankle leashes).
I now bend my knees in the white water so that my limbs don't get flipped around like a rag doll, which helps but the knee still might not be good enough to go out in 6 foot southern ocean beauties and get caught inside and unfortunately only one way to find out :( but a change in technique, gear might help. Or i stick with smaller surf, nope that's not going to happen

There is always the other option of a waist leash, which most big wave SUPsters prefer.
It will flip you over, drag you headfirst, in a way that speeds you to the surface and no drag on your knees or ankle.... and sounds like none of the issues you experience with your "opposite" leg from the leashed one.

I have never had the experience you have, where the un-leashed leg, is pulled away from me in any painful way.
My leash is always on my ankle, right leg (weak knee), regular stance.

On all hard breaking OH waves, once underwater,I tuck my legs together into my stomach.....
then uncoil slowly, with resistance, as the "pull" hits me.... to avoid any "snapping jerk" as the leash reaches it's full stretch.
When I am fully extended.... I go as streamlined as my portliness allows, hands extended over my head, to put as little stress on the entire system.
I do not anchor myself, to avoid strained joints and leashes.

I have an unrelated knee weakness in my leash leg... and this seems to work, without any strain on the knee.
What I try to avoid most is a pull that will yank my ankle to the side and bend my knee sideways.... that might take me out.

I also dive under big sets... and dive deep (if water depth allows) to escape the full power of the lip.

Here's an awesome shot of my buddy GUSU, in Portugal.
He was teaching a girl to SUP surf, when they go caught by a set.
He said "Dive"
She said "What?"
then showed her the perfect form

Thanks Rick i will try giving that a go in some of the smaller powerful waves to get into the habit and see how that goes. Makes a lot of sense tucking and streamlining etc. Gotta get smarter with the ageing body to prolong the fun factor

VIC, 142 posts
9 Aug 2019 8:36PM
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BetterIwas said..
No ACL is one knee, strained ligaments in the other, very little cartildge left. While I do a lot of knee work to keep supping, skiing etc both kness are essentially pretty stuffed. Thought I may need to stop supping - leg pulls doing too much harm.

Revelation was using a waist leash. Far, far better. I use a Leash Lok from Hawaii (think they post but I collected on a trip).

Thanks Betterlwas - i will look at purchasing a Leashlock as well. Brilliant you're still out supping and having fun.
Happy supping

WA, 695 posts
10 Aug 2019 8:01AM
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Been using the Ocean and Earth XT for 12 months now and love them. Usually use the 7 ft one, well made, big comfy ankle cuff, huge bright red prominent quick release ( had to use it once and grabbed it first time) $58, you can't go wrong.

VIC, 251 posts
16 Aug 2019 5:50PM
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scott mckerc said..
Living in Margs where the waves have a great deal more power than most regions with a lot of the waves being offshore reefs and quite sharky. You don't wan;'t your leggie to snap.
Thus with the extra pull of SUP the extra wide collar is also more comfortable.
They're don

Just purchased a smik leash, looks like a great leash. Very good value, posted free, and service pretty much instantaneously. Arrived in the mail within 3 days of ordering. Very comfortable on the ankle.

Mark _australia
WA, 22239 posts
16 Aug 2019 9:44PM
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As usual for a forum, lots of brand pimping, and people talking about what they have.

Lots of talk about thick rope, thick straps, dyneema blah blah.

It snapped at the swivel.

So lets see some brand testing where they load them up and see what snaps and at what weight....

Mark _australia
WA, 22239 posts
16 Aug 2019 10:07PM
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^^^ nice somebody did try - but they measured stretch not the force to break it.

5033 posts
16 Aug 2019 10:19PM
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Mark _australia said..
It snapped at the swivel.

For me, that's the most important point. If a leash breaks not at the cord itself, it means that its design is defective, and I blacklist this model.

I broke quite a number of Creatures of Leisure and O&E leashes, but always at the cord, either by too big a wave force for the cord thickness (I like the low drag of comp leashes...) or fin cuts (I sand my trailing edges, but I also learned to never let the board back into the leash when going through waves).

The only exception is the FCS freedom. I still use them on my small wave board, though, but I would not use them in more than waist high waves.

VIC, 251 posts
17 Aug 2019 8:11AM
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Mark _australia said..
As usual for a forum, lots of brand pimping, and people talking about what they have.

Lots of talk about thick rope, thick straps, dyneema blah blah.

It snapped at the swivel.

So lets see some brand testing where they load them up and see what snaps and at what weight....

I have made quite a few purchases based on people's opinions I have read on this forum, boards, paddles, fins, leggies, roof racks and deck pads and can say, I am yet to be disappointed in any of the purchases. In the absence of scientific brand testing this forum is as good as brand testing as it gets in my experience.

Mark _australia
WA, 22239 posts
17 Aug 2019 8:14AM
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^^^^ Yeah good point.

I think I'm sold on O&E from whats been said here too.

Not that I do big waves

1508 posts
18 Aug 2019 7:53AM
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DaKine do a Peahi leash that's a massive 11mm thick, and has supersized fittings. But of course that security comes at a price - significant drag in the water. Can work well with a waist belt if you tuck the excess into the belt though.

In terns of what I trust, for ever more challenging conditions, I use the O&E One XT as a standard, then the Balin 10mm if it gets bigger and I'm further offshore, and then the DaKine Peahi if I think that leash failure might conceivably lead to my death.

The O&E One XT premium quick release pin is a reassuring element, although I haven't tested it under strain yet. When I pulled the pin on a XM leash that had a quick release, under strain from most angles it wouldn't release. So I'll have to test the O&E mechanism too.

VIC, 11 posts
20 Aug 2019 11:09AM
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Just a quick note on reading through the posts.

Our STORM Leashes 10mm are available with Ankle. Knee or Waist (with quick release)

Its all about personal preference but Waist leashes are trending. Users never go back.


386 posts
20 Aug 2019 10:01AM
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Hi Jon, do you sell the waist connection as an add-on (I already own a few of your Balin Storm ankle leashes which I rate very highly...I've yet to break 1) or do you have to buy the whole leash? Thanks

VIC, 1680 posts
21 Aug 2019 6:54AM
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I've been using Balin cyclone, comes in at 7.4mm and haven't had a fail yet with these. I have had dakine fail badly and creatures break cord. Had a funny moment a few months back, frothing to get in water attached leggie to ankle started paddling out, went over wave and flicked board over wave but didn't feel the usual tension on ankle ( hhmmm that's strange he thought ) came to surface to find board 4 metres away ( idiot ) didn't apply other end to board !@#* all ended ok as lucky with wave period

NSW, 53 posts
21 Aug 2019 10:52AM
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Great discussion - but does anyone have a way of getting a knot out of a leash? Cannot for the life of me free up the knot! Help appreciated

VIC, 1680 posts
21 Aug 2019 2:51PM
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Bluehawk said..
Great discussion - but does anyone have a way of getting a knot out of a leash? Cannot for the life of me free up the knot! Help appreciated

Put it in the freezer for a couple of hours when you get our don't try pulling the knot apart instead push the free ends towards the knot and wala.

NSW, 53 posts
21 Aug 2019 11:05PM
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NSW, 695 posts
22 Aug 2019 8:16AM
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micksmith said..

Bluehawk said..
Great discussion - but does anyone have a way of getting a knot out of a leash? Cannot for the life of me free up the knot! Help appreciated

Put it in the freezer for a couple of hours when you get our don't try pulling the knot apart instead push the free ends towards the knot and wala.

Classic trick Mick,where did you learn that!

NSW, 695 posts
22 Aug 2019 8:16AM
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micksmith said..

Bluehawk said..
Great discussion - but does anyone have a way of getting a knot out of a leash? Cannot for the life of me free up the knot! Help appreciated

Put it in the freezer for a couple of hours when you get our don't try pulling the knot apart instead push the free ends towards the knot and wala.

Classic trick Mick,where did you learn that!

VIC, 1469 posts
22 Aug 2019 8:51AM
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great info micksmith, thanks!

VIC, 1680 posts
22 Aug 2019 6:44PM
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justaddwater said..

micksmith said..

Bluehawk said..
Great discussion - but does anyone have a way of getting a knot out of a leash? Cannot for the life of me free up the knot! Help appreciated

Put it in the freezer for a couple of hours when you get our don't try pulling the knot apart instead push the free ends towards the knot and wala.

Classic trick Mick,where did you learn that!

I didn't learn it, I may well have invented it but who knows. It may also depend on how tight the little sucker is. I concluded that if a pliable object were to be frozen it would contract and be stiffer, therefore hopefully easier to push and release tension. I haven't tried a lubricant as well but that may help if needed.
i take no responsibility for mishaps or detrimental affects on freezers or equipment or physical injury

VIC, 452 posts
27 Aug 2019 12:58PM
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Any one know anything about the ocean and earth sunset leggie? Do they use the same urethane as the one xt?

2129 posts
27 Aug 2019 3:28PM
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colas said..

Mark _australia said..
It snapped at the swivel.

For me, that's the most important point. If a leash breaks not at the cord itself, it means that its design is defective, and I blacklist this model.

I broke quite a number of Creatures of Leisure and O&E leashes, but always at the cord, either by too big a wave force for the cord thickness (I like the low drag of comp leashes...) or fin cuts (I sand my trailing edges, but I also learned to never let the board back into the leash when going through waves).

The only exception is the FCS freedom. I still use them on my small wave board, though, but I would not use them in more than waist high waves.

Yep exactly what kept happening to my Da Kines, snapped at swivel.

408 posts
5 Sep 2019 5:49AM
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BetterIwas said..
No ACL is one knee, strained ligaments in the other, very little cartildge left. While I do a lot of knee work to keep supping, skiing etc both kness are essentially pretty stuffed. Thought I may need to stop supping - leg pulls doing too much harm.

Revelation was using a waist leash. Far, far better. I use a Leash Lok from Hawaii (think they post but I collected on a trip).

Currently in Waikiki.

Walked all the way to Blueplanet from the Ilikai and bought a Leash Lok.

Going back to buy another one.

Bought a no frills waist leash last year and wouldn't try anything else.

I just got to the point where you find yourself in these awkward positions in the thrashing machine and having your ankle pulled from unusual angles which then leads to unnecessary stress on one's knees.


VIC, 452 posts
5 Sep 2019 12:35PM
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Bought an FK (FarKing) 8ft superior last week, snapped it this week. So much for that experiment. Replaced it with an Ocean and Earth OneXT .... last one lasted 2 years.

362 posts
5 Sep 2019 11:10AM
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I'm still surfing on my leashloks I got in X-mas 2016. I know this is tempting fate because UV exposure will kill every leash eventually, but at this point I kinda want to see how long they can go. The dye on the fabric has bleached from red to pink, the they still hold

493 posts
5 Sep 2019 10:15PM
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exiled said..
I'm still surfing on my leashloks I got in X-mas 2016. I know this is tempting fate because UV exposure will kill every leash eventually, but at this point I kinda want to see how long they can go. The dye on the fabric has bleached from red to pink, the they still hold

This has been a good discussion and because of it may have prevented a long swim yesterday. My Crow Hailey waist leash was about 4 years old, the Velcro was worn, I had done multiple small repairs and I noticed the leash was stretching a lot during hold downs. I swapped it out for a new leashlok 9mm before going out in some of the biggest waves of the summer. The surf prediction was 5-7 feet........the set waves were easily double that. Only four or five of us made it outside and after an hour I didn't see one ride. After a couple of long hold downs and drags I am sure my old leash would have broken. Talking to a young surfer on the beach he said he saw a couple of the waves that took me for a beating and expressed genuine concern. I headed to a more protected break to reassure myself that I could still ride a wave.


408 posts
7 Sep 2019 12:57PM
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Using the Hawaiian Leashlok which can be picked from Blue Planet here in Waikiki.

Much prefer the waist belts. Really like the quick release tab.

I have no commercial interest in the product.

Cheers Ozzie


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Leg rope recommendations" started by shi thouse