Ill be stripping down this board back to carbon and putting back light and on whats needed deck grip. Sorry about the up side down. It a phone seabreeze thing
So mate, we've officially heard the last Perthite say "17 footers don't work in the WA swell - it's too short." DCs have less rocker than the Bullets don't they?
Dont live in perth
Stimo and co dont seem to worried about
However I thinking of a more rockered 16 fter for north wind runs around here
First pic is my 17'4" V1 Maui built, hollow moulded bullet. Basically identical to the production shape available in Australia.
2nd pic is one of the Brazilian girls on a Maui built F16.
3rd pic is Suzie Cooney on the aforementioned F16.
There are several versions of the Maui built F16. That's where it can get confusing.....
Note the huge difference in nose rocker between V1 Bullet & F16.
Jeez Kieran, saw your first shot of you on your green board and thought you may have been thinking I was referring to you!!
Thankfully you followed up with some sexier shots!