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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Moffits Down Hill Race

Created by kiakaha > 9 months ago, 2 Sep 2008
QLD, 472 posts
2 Sep 2008 7:33AM
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SEQ OC1 OC2 Series Race #2 Moffits to Mooloolaba race 16km

20th September 2008

Race Cost $18.00

SUP Race Rego 10:45 am

SUP Race Start 11:00 am

Race Start time OC1 / OC2 Approx 11:30 am

Must follow SEQ OC1 OC2 race rules
Boards to be used are Open Ocean Race boards ONLY 14' Stock up to 18' Unlimited - boards will be check on the day.

SUP Paddlers to sign an indemnity form on race day

Moffits to Mooloolaba Weather Permitting or Triangle in Mooloolaba Bay

For More Information check SEQ website:

QLD, 3358 posts
2 Sep 2008 8:28AM
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Sounds good, now can some one give me a 14 foot plus board?


VIC, 17517 posts
2 Sep 2008 9:13AM
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kiakaha said...

Kia Kaha Canoes & Paddles Australia have been working with the SEQ OC1 OC2 Series race Director and he has added in a SUP division into the race series.

Most ideal race will be the Mooloolaba race on the 20 September 2008 (Moffits Run - 16k)

Must follow SEQ OC1 OC2 race rules
Boards to be used are Open Ocean Race boards ONLY 14' Stock up to 18' Unlimited - boards will be check on the day.

SUP Paddlers to sign an indemnity form on race day

For More Information Contact:

Kia Kaha Canoes & Paddles Australia
Tel: 07 5448 3141

That's great..But a real bummer for the 99.9% of keen SUP'ers that don't have a board that long.


NSW, 250 posts
2 Sep 2008 6:04PM
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Sounds good Woogie (or is it Jodie)?

If you have the entry forms available send them thru to me and I'll put them on my website and I'll let the guys on the Goldy know.

Deleted comment sorry guys.

There are lots of paddlers on the coast champin for a race. The first shipment of pre-sold Vortice XP's are arriving this week so it should be interesting to see the XP vs DC16 vs Penetrator battle pans out.


17 posts
2 Sep 2008 5:12PM
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U are just to cool for the rest of us.

NewcastleSUP said...

Sounds good Woogie (or is it Jodie)?

If you have the entry forms available send them thru to me and I'll put them on my website and I'll let the guys on the Goldy know.

Don't worry about the 99.9% as that is the people who use this forum.

There are lots of paddlers on the coast champin for a race. The first shipment of pre-sold Vortice XP's are arriving this week so it should be interesting to see the XP vs DC16 vs Penetrator battle pans out.


NSW, 250 posts
2 Sep 2008 7:26PM
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Yes man I am cool but it is now spring and soon I'll be warm

I think the forum you are after is the one on tracks......

QLD, 3358 posts
2 Sep 2008 7:27PM
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Hey Woogie, Jodie
Do you know why they have made it 14 foot and over and not 12 foot, not that i have a race board at all at the moment but just interested as why?

I have to agree with man it sounds like you are better than the rest of us? maybe i misunderstood your post but that's how it reads


QLD, 3358 posts
2 Sep 2008 7:29PM
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So has anyone got a big board for me? i Promise to win

NSW, 250 posts
2 Sep 2008 7:40PM
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Well if DavidJohn knows everyone in Oz that paddles to come up with that statistic than he would be right but from reading the posts on this forum I would say that 99.9% of paddlers on here do not have a board that is 14ft+. I am in no way big noting myself but that is the impression I get. Unfortunately that is the way the sport is going for long distance races.
My assumption is that they would like everyone in the race to finish close together and no doubt Woogie has done his maths to work out that 14ft is the cutoff.
My apologies if I offended anyone

Ben dover
QLD, 504 posts
2 Sep 2008 7:46PM
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Does anyone know anyone who makes a 18 footer?

Is Dale's DC16 and the penerator the biggest?

Or can you get a 18 footer penerator?

NSW, 250 posts
2 Sep 2008 7:51PM
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Hi Jake,

The last time I spoke to Woogie an 18ft'r was in the pipeline....not too sure if it has progressed

Ben dover
QLD, 504 posts
2 Sep 2008 7:59PM
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Is that by Laguna Bay?

I reckon that will be the biggest the boards go or else there would some transport issues going on.

NSW, 250 posts
2 Sep 2008 8:06PM
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From my experience (i'm no expert) 16ft is the max. any bigger and you will start ploughing into the back of the swell ahead unless you build them like the sit down race skis with the nose plough......anything is has got an 18ft prone board

VIC, 17517 posts
2 Sep 2008 8:07PM
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I certainly don't take any offense or take it all too seriously.. ..and I meant nothing by my 99.9% comment..It was just what came to mind at the moment.

I don't claim to know everyone or everything about SUP.

I think us in Melbourne are way behind you Northern Oz guys with this sport..I've never even seen a race board other than in pictures.

To me it does seem a bit odd to hold a SUP event that does not include the average Joe...Unless of coarse you sell these big boards.

Just kidding.. ...maybe it's a safety thing and they don't want wallies entering.


Ben dover
QLD, 504 posts
2 Sep 2008 8:15PM
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Yer but wat if there was a rich wally? he could afford one, therefore he could enter the event

QLD, 472 posts
2 Sep 2008 8:30PM
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I don't have entry forms yet but I will try and get some - it will be sign in on the day.

The reason for the big boards - International Hawaiian rules set by C4 and the Hawaiian Paddling association set stock boards at up to 14ft

I understand that Naish is bring out a 12ft LD board - this is a stock SUP board but was produced while stock division was up to 12ft which is now changed to 14ft.

You can race on a 12ft stock LD board but NOT a big 12ft surf board

We are trying to set a standard for a new sport and if you want to LD SUP racing and are serious about racing turn up with the right equipment for your paddling.

We are also being invited by the OC1 OC2 SEQ association and don't want to take up to much of there time in waiting for paddlers on 12ft surf boards to finish the 16k event. This is the main reason for not having all boards racing as it is time constrant. Hopefully as the population of the sport increase we can get to a stage where we have our own association and our own LD races where we can cater for the people who want to surf and race the same board.

Votice Vs DC16 Vs Penetrator I though I sorted that issue out at the start of this year at the Noosa Festival - or isn't 2k enough of a win. hahahahahhahahahhahahaha[}:)][}:)]

Yes the 18ft board with rudder system is on its way - should have the first one out in the next week or so.

3952 posts
2 Sep 2008 10:12PM
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Yer but wat if there was a rich wally? he could afford one, therefore he could enter the event

I wonder which rich wally is going to win 2K at the Kia Kaha Canoes & Paddles Australia SEQ OC1 OC2 Series championships governed by International Hawaiian rules set by C4 and the Hawaiian Paddling association somewhere around Mooloolaba on the 20 September 2008? And will he she be riding a Votice, DC16 or a Penetrator?

I can understand the SEQ OC1 OC2 officials time constraints, and can sympathize with them not wanting to hang around too long waiting for a result - I wouldn't want to either hahahahahhahahahhahahaha[}:)][}:)]

QLD, 472 posts
3 Sep 2008 8:07AM
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Just to let you know that the Race on the 20th Sept is a 16k Race not a 2k race.

We thought it would be good to get some races as everyone was wanting them. We didn't have to ask the Outrigging Association to jump in on there series.

If you want to race turn up -

NSW, 161 posts
3 Sep 2008 9:52AM
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Woogie, Do you see open ocean SUP racing as primarily a down wind event? I cannot imagine trying to paddle 16k into a substantial head wind or side wind.

A bit off subject, but are you planning on coming down to the Mambo?


443 posts
3 Sep 2008 1:54PM
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oliver said...

I wonder which rich wally is going to win 2K at the Kia Kaha Canoes & Paddles Australia SEQ OC1 OC2 Series championships governed by International Hawaiian rules set by C4 and the Hawaiian Paddling association somewhere around Mooloolaba on the 20 September 2008? And will he she be riding a Votice, DC16 or a Penetrator?

I can understand the SEQ OC1 OC2 officials time constraints, and can sympathize with them not wanting to hang around too long waiting for a result - I wouldn't want to either hahahahahhahahahhahahaha[}:)][}:)]

With you on that one Oliver

3952 posts
3 Sep 2008 6:33PM
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We are also being invited by the OC1 OC2 SEQ association and don't want to take up to much of there time in waiting for paddlers on 12ft surf boards to finish the 16k event....

Just to let you know that the Race on the 20th Sept is a 16k Race not a 2k race.

Bummer... Is it too late to change it to a 2km open race with a 16K prize? This would open the event up to far more wallys. If you changed the event I'm sure the association would thank you for not taking up too much of their precious time. Sounds like a Win Win to me.

17 posts
3 Sep 2008 6:39PM
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U drunk or what Oliver?

3952 posts
3 Sep 2008 6:55PM
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U drunk or what Oliver?

Just stiring the pot "Man" - this is a forum. I guess I'm a little offended at the way some of these 2-bit sup vendors talk down to us and I just want to throw some of it right back at them. Is that OK?

QLD, 290 posts
3 Sep 2008 9:05PM
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Hi all

New to the forum have been paddle surfing now for nearly a year have made my own boards and am very interested in making a down winder thinking 16 ft. Has any one got any ideas on rocker.

17 posts
3 Sep 2008 7:17PM
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oliver said...

U drunk or what Oliver?

Just stiring the pot "Man" - this is a forum. I guess I'm a little offended at the way some of these 2-bit sup vendors talk down to us and I just want to throw some of it right back at them. Is that OK?

Yes fine by me.

VIC, 17517 posts
3 Sep 2008 9:18PM
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Clarky said...

Hi all

New to the forum have been paddle surfing now for nearly a year have made my own boards and am very interested in making a down winder thinking 16 ft. Has any one got any ideas on rocker.

Welcome to 'The Breeze' Clarky...Good question..but I'm not sure anyone knows the answer..or will give away their trade secrets.

I think it's far too complicated to just say a few dimensions..It's not just nose rocker and tail rocker..It's where they feed in and also about the 'v' and rails.

If you make your own boards I'm sure you know more than me and also know what I'm trying to say.

What width are you thinking and are you thinking about adding a rudder system?


VIC, 17517 posts
3 Sep 2008 9:19PM
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Oliver..are you stiring again..


QLD, 290 posts
3 Sep 2008 9:27PM
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I'm thinking 26" at this stage, have been exploring surfskis and oc1 and trying to fuse together a solution. I'm also torn between designing for conditions of 30km winds or smooth. I'll let you know how I go

Ben dover
QLD, 504 posts
3 Sep 2008 9:35PM
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Hi Clarky

Do u live somewhere where u can go out into the open ocean and pick up runners or is it more flatwater?

QLD, 290 posts
3 Sep 2008 9:40PM
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Live at the beach on tweed coast, and I'm just thinking of different workouts.

VIC, 17517 posts
3 Sep 2008 9:44PM
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Clarky this pic may help some..It's the 16'er that Dave Kalama won on..

It looks like a deep single concave through the nose to me..and notice the chime on the rail.

What do you think?



Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Moffits Down Hill Race" started by kiakaha