Blowing a lazy 25-40kts on Melville waters at the moment.
Well done to those who had the balls to get up early and get out there into it.
No doubt we will hear all about it.
Cam, Brett and myself did Pt Walter to Applecross (The Strand near Point Heathcote)
With discussions about where to finish, board shuffles, traffic and a coffee stop on the way home etc it was nearly 4 hours return from Ocean Reef for half an hour on the water.
Was it worth it.....hell yeah!!!, it was a fun 1/2 hour, I think the gusts to 40knots hit just near the end.
I may be up for another one Marcus, especially if the wind goes a little more South so we can get a longer run to Narrows in, but I think it would have to come around a fair bit, Narrrows is a fair way North.
Was definitley a fun run this morning but over all too quick. Having a couple issues uploading my Garmin data but when I looked at it at the finish did 5.1km in exactly 27 mins at an average of 11.3km/hr. Will try and upload later, just wish I was wearing my HRM as I don't think it would have got above 100 BPM as there wasn't much paddling involved, just surfing.