Hey Dave, nah haven't really made a flatwater model but it's easy enough to do. The Penetrators paddle that well in most conditions though I figure an all rounder is more the go anyway however if someone has no intention of ever heading for the deep blue I would make some modifications.
I'll post some photos of the 12'6" early next week, the Noosa festival is fast approaching and Woogie needs his race board, it will be the first of the new generation boards with the latest mods which will also be incorporated into Jonathans new 14'.
I've been fairly busy working on a 18'8" for a French ex-pro soccer player named Benjamin whose doing a crossing from I think maybe Corsica to Malta? Anyway it's 160 miles and I'm hoping to have his board ready for packing on Monday or Tuesday next week.
I think the two most interesting pics in this series are:
image No1, this shows the paddle lengths. Mat's in the middle and his paddle is showing the current trend for shorter paddles, even for use on thicker boards.
A better image of comparative lengths is No 50 or five up from the last image of the Pene on the wagon. This clearly shows the difference in paddle length.
The shorter paddle length is to stop or reduce Rotator Cuff damage. The current thoughts are that you have to have your arm extended horizontally when at the top of your stroke.
The new measure is a closed fist on top of your head as the height of your paddle.
Thanks First point, I think image 55 confirms this.