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Saturday Social Paddling on the Swan

Created by ScarbsSUP > 9 months ago, 8 Oct 2011
WA, 354 posts
Site Sponsor
8 Oct 2011 12:53PM
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Hi Peeps,

For the last few weeks we've been getting out every other morning down on the river and paddling from 5.30 to 8am ish. This has been mostly to introduce newbies to the sport but also about a decent paddle training sessions. (I'm training for "the Doctor" )

Inspired by a fun session this morning with surf4fun and others, I had an idea to share the stoke and want to train/paddle with a bigger group. Every Saturday morning at 5.30am, we will do a 10km paddle from Tranby House up river to the island off Garvey Park, round the little island and back to Tranby House Coffee shop for a scone and tea/coffee.

This is a social training event and has no cost to it, it's about improving technique and endurance. I will keep a track of times and speeds in order to improve each week. All levels welcome as it's not a race, just fun and a jolly good workout. Pace will be moderate.

I have a few raceboards for people to try if they like or you can paddle any board you like. If you wish to join us, be at Tranby house at 5.30am next Saturday.


WA, 1313 posts
8 Oct 2011 1:08PM
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Was definitely a nice morning and good to out the hammer down against someone else. 10km is a good distance and should over time see improvements for all. I'm looking forward to not only Saturday mornings but regular paddles during the week.

WA, 1085 posts
8 Oct 2011 6:16PM
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I'm keen but have to be home by 8am. How long would you expect the paddle to take?

WA, 793 posts
8 Oct 2011 6:58PM
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Keen to do some distance work in preperation for the Doctor, but will keep a eye on the graphs for swell. Waves win over flat water.

WA, 147 posts
8 Oct 2011 8:06PM
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Yeah I'm in for sure. As long as its not a race, because I have no idea how long 10k would take me , I'm new to distance paddling. How long did the 10k's take you guys this morning?

WA, 1313 posts
8 Oct 2011 8:39PM
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6km/hr would be a good starting point, so about an hour and a half. As Darren and I were talking about this morning this would be a good chance to work on technique and to have others watch you and give feedback. Once the technique is there the speed will naturally increase.

WA, 354 posts
Site Sponsor
8 Oct 2011 10:47PM
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Hi Peeps,

The paddling on the river will not be a race in terms of racing the group, the idea is to paddle with the group and to try and keep up. The group itself will create the tempo and the race will be against your own previous time.

With any sort of luck, we will gradually do faster and faster times. If you can't keep up, the idea is just to finish and improve for the following week. The idea is to have fun and get a racing community happening. This will be a prelude to the BOP racing and all of it will be part of the training for the Doctor.

There are a number of people flat water paddling for fitness and training already but mostly by themselves, the idea is to get everyone together and learn from each other so the group itself improves.

I hear there are some big names coming over for the doctor, it'd be nice if we're not too far behind at the end


WA, 483 posts
9 Oct 2011 12:55AM
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Just to add to the times perspective. I have done quiet a few paddles from Freshy to the marker off East Fremantle yaucht club in the last month or two. It is about 8.5 km. This is usually into a moderate seabreeze and incoming tide and times have been 1 hr to 1hr 20 depending on conditions. I am just an average paddler.
If you want to do the doctor you have to do some ocean downwinders. It is easy to pump a rythm on flat water. Me and Hilly did a moderate winder last week after the winter layoff and even after all the flat stuff I could not believe the difference getting back on the ocean and really felt it. It is hard to get into a rythm and basically if you surf on a Sup it is like taking off on a wave a hundred times. At my age that is a lot of puffing.
Once the breeze starts blowing we do a City to Trigg most nights, and this is the best training you will get for the Doctor and also really good fun. I understand the constraints of work, famlily etc. I also realise a lot of newbies have a conflict of interest with their kiting problem (Long time Poley).

WA, 354 posts
Site Sponsor
9 Oct 2011 9:16AM
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Hi Twimby,

You make some great points and we will be addressing them too. The paddle group on Saturdays is to promote a fun social paddle with emphasis on technique and cardio fitness training. It's a bit like the cycling peleton I was riding with through the winter. A 2hr fun social cycle to improve sprinting, technique and cardio.

Once seabreezes kick in properly, we'll start doing downwinders on the ocean too. I'm dead keen to do a Garden Island to Scarborough downwinder once we get some good strong wind.

You're absolutely right, flat water paddling has little similarity to Ocean racing conditions, but I reckon being paddle fit to begin with can't hurt. I for one need to condition my body for the work required ahead.


WA, 441 posts
9 Oct 2011 9:58AM
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Great idea Darren anything that gets me into the water and getting fitter not fatter has got to be good and sorting out a better technique has to help as well

Should be a great spot to do it as well with minimal boat traffic that early and easy to hug a bank to get away from the easterlies and its also an up and back so the beauty is at the start when building skills/fitness you dont have to paddle the full 5 km there and then back you can turn around after 1,2 or 3kms..

Hey twimby/hilly/perth DWers

Where do you suggest is a good place to start Dwers in the ocean to build the skills, is the more protected Hillarys to mulla run worth doing a few times before hitting the cities to trigg run. I struggled a bit on the downwinder in the river and know I need to build balance and fitness before attempting 28kms of roto to sorrento coastal DW bliss...


WA, 147 posts
9 Oct 2011 10:34AM
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surf4fun said...

6km/hr would be a good starting point, so about an hour and a half. As Darren and I were talking about this morning this would be a good chance to work on technique and to have others watch you and give feedback. Once the technique is there the speed will naturally increase.

Sweet, feedback on form would be a good thing, I normally paddle by myself so I have no idea on what areas need work on. It'll be good to watch some more experienced paddlers in the water

WA, 7317 posts
9 Oct 2011 4:10PM
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shunter said...

Hey twimby/hilly/perth DWers

Where do you suggest is a good place to start Dwers in the ocean to build the skills, is the more protected Hillarys to mulla run worth doing a few times before hitting the cities to trigg run. I struggled a bit on the downwinder in the river and know I need to build balance and fitness before attempting 28kms of roto to sorrento coastal DW bliss...


Easiest is Port to Swanbourne paddle out as far as you can at sandtrax. Hillaries to mullas is ok bit short and getting around pinnas can be a pain.

WA, 846 posts
9 Oct 2011 7:04PM
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HI guys

For all those people that live around Freo area training for the Doctor, I'm out every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 0545 meeting at Zephrs cafe in East Freo - paddle around to point walter and return. Takes about an hour, it would be great to have a few guys to paddle against.

Saturday mornings sounds cool, I'll endeavour get there.

Definitely keen for a Sand Tracks Swanbourne run, let us know when it is on.



WA, 354 posts
Site Sponsor
11 Oct 2011 10:00PM
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Hi Peeps,

The wheels are in motion. This Saturday coming will be the first of the weekly paddle sessions where we hope to paddle at a reasonable pace for a distance of about 10km up the Swan.

Meet at Bath Street Reserve, off Peninsula Road in Maylands at 5.30am just adjacent to the Tranby House Tea Rooms. There is what looks like ample riverside parking and easy board launching. All paddlers should easily complete the distance in under two hours which will mean we are finished by 7.30am. Hopefully the Tea House will be open for a morning coffee or tea and scones.

This is a social paddle with a view to improving paddling fitness and speed. As the course is up the river and then back, if you are struggling with the pace or distance, you can turn back at any point and meet the group back at the finish.

I will record times and speed each week as well as shoot GoPro footage of you if you want some close up video footage to analyse. I will edit your clip and send you the file and hopefully we can better our average each week over time. This is not limited to race boards, you can paddle whatever you like. I will usually have a spare board or two if anyone needs one.

There is no cost, just for fun. I really hope to see you there.


WA, 793 posts
12 Oct 2011 1:15AM
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Did a recce out there on Sunday. Heaps of parking and grassed area.
Unfortunately the Tea house opens at 10.

WA, 354 posts
Site Sponsor
12 Oct 2011 8:18AM
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jenkz said...

Did a recce out there on Sunday. Heaps of parking and grassed area.
Unfortunately the Tea house opens at 10.

Hi Jenkze,

Great info thanks mate. Bummer about the Tea House. In time if we can get a regular, decent sized crew going, we may be able to convince them to open a bit earlier. The Cafe we start from for cycling opens early to accommodate the cyclists.

Oh well, the paddling should still be great.

WA, 1085 posts
12 Oct 2011 10:44AM
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Hey Darren,
Great to meet up yesterday morning with you and Cam for a paddle. I think I need to put some work in if I want to keep up with you 2.
I can't make the next couple of saturday's as I normally get out on the oc6 saturday mornings. Once the kids summer sport starts i can't make the outrigger training and am then up for the early sat paddle.

VIC, 222 posts
13 Oct 2011 7:38PM
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great to see things finally maybe happening in the west.......i will be there with bells on Saturday as i have the doctor in mind and paddling with others gives you a better idea of speed and stroke......... . . . .


WA, 441 posts
14 Oct 2011 7:43PM
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Cant make tomorrow mornings paddle, kids sport tomorrow with a 7am start but should be right for next weekends and hopefully I have my 14' by then as well. Looks like a great morning even a bit of surf around that I'll miss...

WA, 354 posts
Site Sponsor
14 Oct 2011 11:21PM
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No worries shunter,

See you's at 5.30am

Weather looks perfect


WA, 3477 posts
14 Oct 2011 11:26PM
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Spewin that I'm working, have a good one anyway.

WA, 1313 posts
15 Oct 2011 12:28PM
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What a morning and good prelude of what's to come. Good turn out of 7 this morning for sheet glass, little confusion where we were going to start so met up with Darren and Tod up river. Times from this morning are as follows (not overly precise but close):
Me - 1:11:28 Lahui Kai 14 orca
Luke (jenkz) - 1:18:38 Naish 17 glide
Stuart (4xl) - 1:22:45 dc 17
Justin - 1:25:33 naish 14

Not sure of Darren and Tod's times as we didn't start at same time/place but Darren had his gps beeping away. The times above are over exactly 10km.

Won't be able to make next weekend as I'll be in Sydney for the Hawkesbury Classic but looking forward to things to come.

WA, 1085 posts
15 Oct 2011 12:35PM
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Glad you guys had a great paddle.
I was on the oc6 this morning and we paddled down to crazy waves for some really fun waves. Catching waves in a 6 man canoe is a blast

WA, 147 posts
15 Oct 2011 12:43PM
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I tried to get out there this morning with you crew but had no idea where I went. I wasnt 100 percent sure on where to go and by the time I got to what I think is ther right area i was about 6, had you guys left by then? I couldnt see anyone anyway.

Went back to where I normally paddle on the river and did 11.5 k's by myself
Didnt time myself but it would have been way outside those times above. Like you said Cam river was sensation this morning, all the best for next weekend anyway mate.

WA, 3477 posts
15 Oct 2011 1:07PM
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I believe Darren had suggested meeting at Bath Street Reserve so I have posted a link to there, I hope this is correct.
I will see if I can get along sometime when my shifts and sleeping patterns allow.,Joondalup+WA&hl=en&view=map&cid=1082254475368997760&t=m&z=17&vpsrc=0&iwloc=A

WA, 1313 posts
15 Oct 2011 1:35PM
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Darren originally suggested at the end of bath street but, most of us got it wrong and we actually found a better place to launch right outside the tea house.

We ended up leaving about 6:10, waiting so we didn't miss anyone, next time it'll be 5:30 on the water.

WA, 7317 posts
15 Oct 2011 2:07PM
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Did you realize there was a 4m swell running. I know where I would be and it ain't on the river
Tomorrow should be awesome

WA, 240 posts
15 Oct 2011 2:22PM
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surf4fun said...

What a morning and good prelude of what's to come. Good turn out of 7 this morning for sheet glass, little confusion where we were going to start so met up with Darren and Tod up river. Times from this morning are as follows (not overly precise but close):
Me - 1:11:28 Lahui Kai 14 orca
Luke (jenkz) - 1:18:38 Naish 17 glide
Stuart (4xl) - 1:22:45 dc 17
Justin - 1:25:33 naish 14

Not sure of Darren and Tod's times as we didn't start at same time/place but Darren had his gps beeping away. The times above are over exactly 10km.

Won't be able to make next weekend as I'll be in Sydney for the Hawkesbury Classic but looking forward to things to come.

Pity we got a bit confused with the meet up, I ended up driving back to Hill Street and saw Darrens 'supmobile' about 6:15..

Then headed off for a some nice little waves at Isolators... a few decent sets coming through but by 9am was getting a bit crowded with even surf boats catching some waves in with us...

Darren - will have to arrange for a demo on the Red Rocket another time soon.


WA, 147 posts
15 Oct 2011 2:32PM
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Whos up for a paddle tomorrow morning!

WA, 1313 posts
15 Oct 2011 7:20PM
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Chopz said...

Whos up for a paddle tomorrow morning!

You might be hard pressed finding anyone who is going to give up surfing tomorrow, given the forecast. On the upside you would probably have the entire river to yourself.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Saturday Social Paddling on the Swan" started by ScarbsSUP