Thousands and thousands of years of evolution has seen women promote their beauty to attract the best possible mate for procreation.
And now women are offended that we are attracted to them and want to look at them...
What a funny world we live in...
So women are prepared to pose for images, paid or unpaid, in a manner that is designed to attract a males attention and that will ultimately end up for public viewing and then get upset that men look at them.
Maybe Coco & Co. should direct their dislike to the women who pose in the photos rather than the people that look at them.
What really gets up my nose is as a male I am vilified, and it's automatically assumed by society that I am sexist, a perpetrator of domestic violence, a dirty perve, a sexual predator and of lower intelligence compared to females. Males are regularly represented this way in the media.
But the truth is that most of us are good people. If a female wants to complain about non-naked pictures of females on a public forum, then she needs to lead by example and encourage woman not to sell themselves and help promote males in a more positive manner.
And ... Just because males don't regularly voice an opinion on how we are relentlessly vilified, doesn't mean we don't notice...
for those of you complaining about this thread can you set up your own - you're making me scroll too much to get to the tits and arse.
For me it's pretty simple. Click on the things you want to read and don't judge others that think different to you. The thread title is really specific and if it might offend, just scroll on to one that appeals. BTW there would be very few defending women's rights that wouldn't look at a sexy girl, SUP or no SUP. It's in our DNA and sexy, just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
The same logic could be used for almost anything - in an extreme example, the thread could be titled 'kiddie porn' and those who don't like it don't have to click on it. Before everyone jumps down my throat, I know it's not the same thing, but simply arguing that you 'don't have to click on it' doesn't make it not offensive, and therefore doesn't automatically give it the right to exist on this forum or any other.
At the very least, as a decent, inclusive, contributing member of this group, do you never think to yourself that even if one or two people feel uncomfortable or upset in some way by a topic, wouldn't it be nice to remove the thing that makes them feel this way? Wouldn't it be nice to encourage women to take part? Every time I have a look at the recent posts, I'm always dismayed to see yet another picture added to this thread. Even more disappointing have been the first class mansplaining going on to justify what is really just an immature, thoughtless example of objectification.
And just for good measure, here's a few pics of my beautiful fit and healthy wife, who agrees with me, enjoying her stand up. And yes, she asked me to post them here!!
Here are a few more pics of the Lovely Shelby in action, she won't mind me posting these, she is a bit of a clown herself :) Enjoy Boys. XX angie