Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Should i be concerned about sharks?

Created by Ruckus > 9 months ago, 26 Apr 2012
QLD, 622 posts
27 Apr 2012 12:15AM
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Don't know about nsw but shark finning is a legal industry in Queensland. Only fins are kept, which are taken with the shark still alive, hence large numbers are killed to reach volume quota. Not only that, sharks in bicatch is huge.

Because unsustainable fishing industries destroy fish populations in the ocean, sharks ( which are just scavenging dogs with sharp teeth) are forced to look else where for food. Because pollution/food in river systems is abundant bull sharks may appear to be increasing in numbers as they are one of a few species that can handle fresh water.

863 posts
26 Apr 2012 11:57PM
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maxeaus said...

Just avoid holidays at Stockton beach IMO and you'll be right.

Sygna wreak is not a bad spearfish if you want a few big bream and a couple of school jew. It is also one of the few spots on the beach where you get awesome surf.

Now that a lot of the great whites are tagged you can call them by name. Apparently if you approuch them right you can give them a pat. Just NEVER EVER EVER piss them off!

VIC, 5000 posts
27 Apr 2012 10:11AM
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BulldogPup said...

Fark he's game that looks like a thresher - gonads of steel (if there isn't a fishing boat nearby we don't get to see!!!!)

Vid of the action below. Not for me, on a sup anyway. Threshers are crazy feckers when caught.

NSW, 982 posts
27 Apr 2012 10:28AM
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Kaihoe said...

More of a Union fan really but I think the Rebels are going to take a few seasons to rack up 8 wins.
Storm could just be the first ever Club to stay under the Salary cap and win the whole thing

Truth be told, and i was surprised i wasn't picked up on by a couple on here, i am all union have only watch one half of league this year its such a one dimensional game, which suits the mungos that watch it............

And you think your waiting for a rebels win............imagine being a tahs supporter waiting for a Super Trophy!

QLD, 663 posts
27 Apr 2012 10:35AM
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I can see a future Darwin Award candidate!

10979 posts
27 Apr 2012 2:46PM
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Na don't be concerned

Starts of slow but gets interesting half way through..

WA, 6913 posts
27 Apr 2012 4:30PM
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SP said...

Na don't be concerned

Starts of slow but gets interesting half way through..

Not bad if you turn down the sound..

NSW, 378 posts
27 Apr 2012 11:04PM
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fark off.

4102 posts
29 Apr 2012 8:44PM
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DUDE said...

Get one of these....

It may make you feel safer....

Not very much safer when the guys that discovered the magnets affect on sharks says they only work to a distance of 10 inches
Is this enough "safe travelling distance" for a shark to be able to put its brakes on when approaching at speed?

VIC, 1579 posts
29 Apr 2012 11:19PM
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They say they're practicing for scuba divers, but I'm pretty sure they're onto Supper's as well

VIC, 17456 posts
29 Apr 2012 11:22PM
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Sharks? ... You mean these fun critters..


SA, 380 posts
30 Apr 2012 10:28AM
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MickMc said...

dralyagmas said...

I dont want to start a debate but the science states that there has not been an increase in shark numbers.

Its extremely unlikely that a shark will take any interest in you at all. They have much better things to do and we apparently taste like and dont have enough fat to make the meal worth the effort. Most attacks are liekly out of curiosity.

That said dont go looking for it.

End of the day you are far far far more likely to be kille din a car accident ont he way to the beach. If you still dont like those odds dont go out.

Are you saying I'm talking a whole lot of bullsh....ark? I was just talking to Science yesterday and he said there has been a dramatic increase in the male bullshark population in the harbour and surrounding waterways

Look up the documentary that was referneced earlier which tracked bull sharks through Sydney Harbour and surrounding waterways. Was on ABC or SBS a month or so ago. I saw it and the final cocnlusion if I remember correctly was that there was no evidence of an increase. What was highlighted was the facct that there are heaps or bull sharks in the waterway anyway and lots that are watching you anyway and dont do anything. Look at the doco's trakcing over australia day its p[retty interesting.

VIC, 5000 posts
30 Apr 2012 12:00PM
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Sup'ing our town reef late yesterday arvo - just before dusk...some baitfish started bubbling close by - not worried...shortly after, saw what looked like a small thresher tail splash about 20m from me - still not 'overly' concerned...about 5mins later noticed a large fin & dark shape swimming a bit further out..., it may have been a dolphin, but...

we suddenly decided that we'd had enough fun & started the paddle in, not because we were scared of a shark...just because we wanted to - OK!?!

VIC, 17456 posts
30 Apr 2012 6:42PM
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Maybe it's true that you shouldn't pee in your wetsuit because the urine attracts sharks..


WA, 6913 posts
30 Apr 2012 4:51PM
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DavidJohn said...

Maybe it's true that you shouldn't pee in your wetsuit because the urine attracts sharks..


Haha if that shot is real it would be funny to be standing whatching that as it was happening

Its funny i wory more about big fish on the SUp than the surfboardmaybe its becuse i can see all the small fish swimming around like food


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Should i be concerned about sharks?" started by Ruckus